Audio Resource Creation for Language Teaching - RIESI
Course background
Regional Institute of English, South India (RIESI) and IT for Change (ITfC) are collaborating to design and conduct an online course on “Audio resources creation for language teaching ” for English language teachers, who are participating in the CELT program of RIESI. The course is based on the National ICT curriculum theme “Creating with ICT”. This note discusses the objectives, approach, requirements of the participants and expected outcomes from the course.
Objectives of the course
- To understand the connection between the word and the thought (can we communicate abstract ideas without words, i.e., sounds) and to recognize that the combinations of sounds and what they describe is arbitrary
- To explore new digital methods for language learning. Exploring Audacity FOSS (Free and Open Source Software) tool to create rich language resources for use in a language lesson
- To learn to record and editing audio using Audacity. Making your audio resource richer by using multiple audio files (background music)
- To introduce the philosophy of creating and adapting existing audio resources (Open Educational Resources created with FOSS)
- To publish created audio resource on a public repository for the benefit of all teachers
Click here to register for this Audio creation course
The course will be held over 4 webinar sessions and each webinar duration will be for a duration of 90 mins.
- Session1: Overview of the course. Exploring the role of audio in language learning. Introduction to audio resources/ICT, and identification of audio resource to be created by each participant.
- Offline activity — Install Audacity on computer. Record an audio clip using Audacity or mobile-based apps.
- Sessions 2, 3 and 4: These sessions will be hands-on sessions. Here the participants will create the audio resource on the selected topic and will some sound effects to the recorded audio clips. The participants will present their audio files and will upload on an online repository.
Requirements from the participants
- All the participants should have a computer (desktop or laptop) along with a good mic + speaker (headphones).
- Audacity application must be installed on the computer. For installation instructions, refer
Join the webinar sessions
Click here to join the webinar session
Agenda of the course
Webinars | Particulars | Activities | Resources |
Webinar session 1 | Role of Audio in Language Teaching Learning |
Moodle course page
Learn Audacity handout |
Webinar session 2 |
Learn Audacity |
Webinar session 3 |
Learn Audacity and |
Webinar session 4 |
Learn Audacity and |
Course Resources
Audio resources created by last batch participants
- September Primary school teachers album
- September Secondary school teachers album
- November Primary school teachers album
- November Secondary school teachers album
- December CELT Audio resources album
- January CELT Audio resources album
- March CELT Audio resources album
Technology resources
- Audacity handout
- Download different background music's to your computer
- Checklist for recording good audio clip
- Fill this form, with your topic for audio resource creation in the course
- What is copyright and what is OER - See short video
- Watch this video to know upload your audio on SoundCloud online audio repository.
Online OER audio repositories
- WikimediaCommons -
- BenSound -
- Soundible -
- FreeSound -
- SoundCloud -
Reading materials on ELT
- Krashen's hypotheses for SLA (Second Language Acquisition)
- Multilingualism, education and harmony - Prof Rama Kant Agnihotri (Multilingualism, as a resource for ELT
- Multi-linguality_and_the_teaching_of_English_in_India - Prof Rama Kant Agnihotri
- National Curriculum 2005 Framework (NCF2005) Position Paper on Teaching English
- National Curriculum 2005 Framework (NCF2005) Position Paper on Teaching of Indian Languages
- Digital Storytelling, an ICT-based method of co-constructing and transacting curriculum
Additional resources
- Rich recitations
- Karadi tales - Very rich and brilliant audio stories based on Indian stories and using Indian tunes.
- Crickematics with Rahul Dravid
- Monkey on a Fast with Sanjay Dutt
- Karadi tales - Very rich and brilliant audio stories based on Indian stories and using Indian tunes.
- Poetry online
- Poems online (10,000 poems) available for download
- Access poems and upload your poems All Poetry
- Poetry foundation
- Great speeches:
Expected outcomes from the participants
It is expected that at the end of the course, each participant would have created an audio resource, on their selected topic (poem or prose or any other resource) and these audio resources need to be submit as assignment. Participants who successfully complete the course and upload their resources on the repository will get a certificate of completion from RIESI and IT for Change.
Course assignment and feedback
To submit your audio file click here
To fill the course feedback form click here