ICT teacher handbook/Software applications

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ICT teacher handbook
Audio visual communication Software applications Building vocabulary with Kanagram

We have seen earlier that the power of using ICT in teaching learning lies in understanding the in the interplay between content, pedagogy and the available technologies. Pedagogy includes all strategies and technologies. While technologies include both digital and non-digital technologies, the possibilities of creation with ICT have made available new possibilities for content and pedagogy. We saw earlier the ways in which we can look at ICT in teaching learning as well as the the framework for integrating technology, content and pedagogy. To realise the possibilities of constructivist approaches integrating technology, it is important for technology to allow possibilities for creating and collaborating and not merely represent content in static ways.

The Free and Open Source Software world has thousands of software applications which can be freely explored by teachers. Many of these tools can be used for learning different school subjects. One advantage of many of these tools is that they do not present 'ready made content' but provide a canvas of menu options, which teachers can use, to create materials for learning and configure to address learning needs.

A tool like Geogebra can help demonstrate many mathematical principles and support learning of concepts. Marble is a digital atlas that can be manipulated in ways that a print version cannot be. Stellarium converts your computer into a planetarium. Other tools like Marble do not support creation of resource files, but lessons can be created using Screen shots of the application and combining it with text. Videos can also be created. You can also download many more software applications and you can search for these with keywords which could be your subject names. Engaging with multiple tools can broaden the understanding of how software applications can be used for subject teaching.

In the textbook we have introduced several tools for subject teaching, with an attempt to map to he syllabus levels suggested in the different subjects. This section of the handbook will suggest some methods of transacting the lessons with these tools as well as create resources using these tools.

Chapter objectives

  1. Develop the dimension of technology knowledge to allow the teacher to proactively investigate appropriate tools for integration in teaching learning
  2. Understanding the power of free and open source educational software applications for allowing collaboration and co-creation
  3. Strengthening the technological and pedagogical content knowledge of the teachers
  4. Helping student to create resources using these educational software applications
  5. Understanding the possibilities of using technology in designing assessments to support the implementation of Continuous Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE)

In the textbook for classes 6-8, we have introduced the following tools for integration in subject teaching:

  1. Kanagram
  2. Geogebra
    Free Educational software applications
  4. Marble
  5. PhET simulations

Integration with the subjects

The following pages give some suggested lesson plans for teachers to look at while integrating these tools in their regular subject teaching:

  1. Building vocabulary with Kanagram
  2. Learning maths with Geogebra
  3. Your desktop atlas with KGeography
  4. The globe on your table with Marble
  5. Learning science with simulations