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After teacher professional development, the area in which ICT can make a significant difference is in the creation, revision and sharing of digital curricular content. The marginal costs of sharing digital content is negligible. A large number of digital tools are available to create digital resources, in text, image, animation, audio and video formats. Moving beyond the ‘text book’ to include additional formats of resources can create a rich learning environment, in which teachers have a wealth of materials to chose from, based on their needs and priorities. Teachers also need a common space where they can access resources for their classroom teaching, and also for TPD. Test edit.
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<timeline> ImageSize = width:160 height:550 PlotArea = width:50 height:530 left:50 bottom:10 DateFormat = yyyy Period = from:1919 till:1991 TimeAxis = orientation:vertical ScaleMajor = unit:year increment:5 start:1920
Define $dx = 25 # shift text to right side of bar PlotData= bar:Leaders color:red width:25 mark:(line,white) align:left fontsize:S from:start till:1922 shift:($dx,15) text:Vladimir~Ilyich~Lenin from:1922 till:1953 shift:($dx,5) text:Josef Stalin from:1953 till:1964 shift:($dx,5) text:Nikita~Khrushchev from:1964 till:1982 shift:($dx,5) text:Leonid~Brezhnev from:1982 till:1984 shift:($dx,-12) text:Yuri~Andropov from:1984 till:1985 shift:($dx,4) text:Konstantin~Chernenko fontsize:XS from:1985 till:end shift:($dx,10) text:Mikhail~Gorbachev </timeline> |
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