ICT student textbook/I have a new address

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ICT student textbook
The global digital library I have a new address What is the nature of ICT level 3 learning check list

I have a new address
In this activity, you will be introduced to sending and receiving emails through the internet.

Check your readiness

  1. You must be able to work with different applications - text editor, Concept mapping tool, independently
  2. You must be able to access, open, create and save files in your folder
  3. You must have an understanding of the internet and be able to browse the web

What resources do you need

  1. Computer lab with projector
  2. Access to the internet
  3. Handout for Firefox
  4. Handout for Gmail

What digital skills will you learn

  1. Login into email (and log out)
  2. Sending an email to one person, sharing an attachment of a text document from your portfolio, with another person using email
  3. Sending an email to the class group
  4. Downloading attachment from an email and opening and studying it
  5. Configuring your 'signature' on your email
  6. Changing your password

Description of activity with detailed steps

Teacher led activity

Demonstration 1

  1. Your teacher will demonstrate for you how to send an email: follow along as she does the following
    1. Open the website where your mail server is (this will mostly be http://gmail.com)
    2. Login by providing your 'user id' and then 'your password'.
    3. Compose an email and send to another student whose id you know. You can send it to your team member
    4. Compose an email attaching a text resource you created in the previous activity (The global digital library), and in your mail briefly explain this resource and ask for your team member to give suggestions and feedback on your resource. Copy your teacher's email id (as the 'cc' id)

Demonstration 2

  1. Your teacher will demonstrate for you how to send an email: follow along as she does the following
    1. Receiving emails in your 'inbox'. You will get emails from your team members. Open and read them. Open the attachments also and read them
    2. 'Reply-to' the sender of the mail and give your comments on the resource shared by others

Demonstration 3

  1. Your teacher will demonstrate for you how to send an email to the 'class group', by putting the 'class group id' in the 'To' bar.
  2. This mail will go to all students. Reply to this mail with your comments and the reply will also go to all students in the class.

Student activities

Each student will work on sending and receiving email. If the number of students is more than the number of computers.

  1. Share the the topic you have researched about by an email sent to the 'class group'.Ask the class students to give you feedback on your topic/resource
  2. You will get feedback from your classmates on your topic. Please read the feedback and make changes to your text document if you feel the feedback is useful. Send a thank-you mail to those students, explaining why you found the feedback useful. Save the feedback documents in the same folder, add the name of the student giving the feedback to the file name itself before saving it, for easy identification later.
  3. You will also need to give feedback to your classmates on their resources. You can access resources on the topic, from the internet, to get ideas for your feedback also. In case you get useful web pages or images on the topic, which is not there in the resource emailed to you, you can share the webpage or web link with the student to include in her resource.
  • You may be using a 'free' (as in free of cost) email such as gmail. You should know that your mails can be 'read' by the email provider Google. Your mails are 'machine read' by Google to show you advertisements based on the content of your mails. Your mails may also be 'tapped' by authorised and unauthorised entities as it passes over the internet. Hence you need to take the maximum care of your digital information and be careful of what you share digitally


  1. You would have many emails in your inbox, you can save an email which has useful comments in your folder
  2. Your text document with the modifications from the feedback given by your classmates
  3. Your resource folder which should contain your concept map, text document with a summary of resources, images downloaded and web pages saved on the computer.