ICT student textbook/When did it all begin

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ICT student textbook
What is the nature of ICT level 2 When did it all begin The human story behind the computer

When did it all begin
In this activity, you will learn about how different devices for calculation and computation were developed, leading upto the modern computer

Check your readiness

  1. You must be familiar with different ICT terms
  2. You must be able to work with different applications - text editor, text processor, mind mapping tool, independently
  3. You must be able to access, open, create and save files

What resources do you need

  1. Computer lab with projection equipment
  2. Pictures of timeline

What digital skills will you learn

  1. Understanding the difference between analog and digital technology
  2. Understanding the development of technology
  3. Understand the impact of technology on society

Description of activity with detailed steps

Teacher led activity

  1. Your teacher will read with you the following section of the textbook and discuss how different technologies for measurement led to the idea of computing
  2. She will also discuss how programming a device became important
    1. Introduction to science and technology
    2. Introduction to ICT
    3. Analog and digital technologies
    4. How did the cell phone develop
    5. Your teacher will show the below pictures and discuss with you the different points of evolution of ICT. She will discuss how society shapes and can be shaped by technology. You will also learn about the technology developments that led to the computers and cell phones

Student activities

  1. Discuss with your friends and in small groups identify any one technology that you are aware of (ICT related technology)
  2. With illustrations and text, develop a timeline of the technology.


  1. Your picture story of the development of technology (drawn and digitized)