− | If so many things are impacted by ICT, it is important to understand how these work, and how they should be used [[ICT_student_textbook/What_students_need_to_know_about_ethics_of_technology|ethically and safely]]. Technology should be treated like a common resource of society, where everyone can access it, interact with it, benefit from it and contribute to it. More and more people should be able to use ICT in a manner appropriate for their needs, for this, access to ICT should be treated like a public good, like public education or public health. | + | If so many things are impacted by ICT, it is important to understand how these work, and how they should be used [[ICT_student_textbook/What_students_need_to_know_about_ethics_of_technology|ethically and safely]]. Technology should be treated like a common resource where everyone can access it, interact with it, benefit from it and contribute to it. It should be used such that more and more people can get access in society should be treated like a public information good. |