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=== Aim ===
=== Aim ===
To understand the context, challenges, beliefs and practices of participants prior to the workshop.
To understand the context, challenges, beliefs and practices of participants prior to the workshop.
=== Materials Required ===
=== Time ===
=== Time ===
=== Materials Required ===
=== Process ===
==== Online Focus Group Discussion ====
A discussion on participants' context, challenges and beliefs followed by a short survey questionnaire to be filled by them during the session.
Survey questions:
=== Process ===
I talk to other teachers very often to discuss the progress of our students
I interact with parents...
lack of sufficient computers (1:1 or 1:2) means we cannot teach
* online? before workshop
Syllabus completion is foremost
* Context
* Challenges
* beliefs, etc
* Survey during the session (refer to TIIE)
ELL is not from textbook so it is an additional burden
* student engagement and participation
==== In-person discussion and Worksheet ====
** inclusivity
** how often/who
** How long
** Multidirectional or not
* parental engagement
* Teachers interaction with other teachers
* design a worksheet
* How much of TPACK is there in their practices?
** Project work?
** Laptop/projector?
** Audio?
** Define parameters and evaluate against a rubric
*** Situation based on listening and speaking or reading and writing
** Audio Recording by teachers based on situation/question prompts
# What are you most passionate about?
# Do you enjoy teaching? Why?
# How do you think your students learn best?
# How do your students like to be taught?
# Who are the 3 ''<u>most interactive</u>'' students in your class? Describe them. Include gender, background, medium of instruction, etc
# Who are the 3 ''<u>least interactive</u>'' students in your class? Describe them. Include gender, background, medium of instruction, etc
* lack of sufficient infrastructure means we cannot teach
==== In-person audio recording by teachers based on situation/question prompts ====
* Syllabus completion is foremost
Situation based on listening and speaking or reading and writing. How will you teach using technology? Participants record their response as audio
* teachers' own English competencies
* ELL not based on textbook


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