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* StockPhoto - shows download and attribution buttons
* Original code 2010-09/10 by [[User:Magnus Manske]]
* @rev 2017-10-05
* @author [[User:Magnus Manske]], 2010 - 2011
* @author [[User:Krinkle]], 2011 - 2014
* @source
* @license Multi-licensed under CC-BY 3.0, GFDL, MIT
/*jshint quotmark:single, laxbreak:true, browser:true */
/*global jQuery:false, mediaWiki:false */
( function ( $, mw ) {
'use strict';
var stockPhoto,
clientProfile = $.client.profile();
// Disabled for Internet Explorer, Opera 9.27 and below
if (
window.stockPhoto === undefined
&& ( mw.config.get( 'skin' ) === 'vector' || mw.config.get( 'skin' ) === 'monobook' )
&& mw.config.get( 'wgNamespaceNumber' ) === 6
&& $.inArray( mw.config.get( 'wgAction' ), ['view', 'purge'] ) !== -1
&& (('msie' !== || (('msie' === && clientProfile.versionNumber > 7))
&& (('opera' !== || (('opera' === && parseFloat(clientProfile.version) > 9.27))
) {
stockPhoto = {
// Misc
ui_icon_download: '//',
ui_icon_web: '//',
ui_icon_wiki: '//',
ui_icon_email: '//',
ui_icon_help: '//',
ui_icon_remove: '//',
information_template_hints: ['fileinfotpl_desc', 'fileinfotpl_src'],
icons_only: ['midi', 'ogg', 'flac'],
horizontal_ui: ['midi', 'ogg', 'flac', 'djvu'],
//license_patterns: "^Artistic-2$", "^BSD images$", "^OS OpenData$", "^Mozilla Public License$"],
ogg_icon: mw.config.get( 'stylepath' ) + '/common/images/icons/fileicon-ogg.png',
stockphoto_code1: undefined,
stockphoto_author: undefined,
stockphoto_license: undefined,
nicetitle: undefined,
file_icon: undefined,
file_url: undefined,
backlink_url: undefined,
attribution: '',
fade_target: '',
gfdl_note: false,
sbm_counter: 1,
fromCommons: false,
attrRequired: true,
init: function () {
var $enable, has_information, img_width, img_height, xoff, yoff, horizontal, html;
if ( window.stockphoto_prevent !== undefined ) {
$('#filetoc').find('a[href="#file"], a[href="#filehistory"], a[href="#filelinks"], a[href="#metadata"], a[href="#globalusage"]')
if ($.cookie('StockPhotoDisabled')) {
$enable = $('<li class="mw-filetoc-links"><a id="SpEnable" href="#enableStockphoto">' + stockPhoto.i18n.reuse + '</a></li>');
$ (e){
$.cookie('StockPhotoDisabled', null, {
path: '/'
if ( $('#file').length === 0 ) {
stockPhoto.small_horizontal_layout = false;
if ( !mw.user.isAnon() ) {
stockPhoto.small_horizontal_layout = true;
has_information = false;
$.each( stockPhoto.information_template_hints, function (k, v) {
if ( $('#' + v).length ) {
has_information = true;
// No {{Information}}
if (!has_information) {
// Has one or more problemtags
// Changed to also include renames and normal deletes
if ($('.nuke').length) {
img_width = $('.multipageimage, #file img').eq(0).width();
img_height = $('#file img').height();
xoff = img_width + 40;
yoff = $('#file').position().top + 5;
if (!horizontal && img_height < 300) {
stockPhoto.small_horizontal_layout = true;
horizontal = stockPhoto.small_horizontal_layout;
$.each(stockPhoto.horizontal_ui, function (k, v) {
v = new RegExp('\\.' + v + '$', 'i');
if ( mw.config.get( 'wgTitle' ).match(v)) {
horizontal = true;
if ($(window).width() < 1030) {
horizontal = true;
// Initialize values
html = '<div id="stockphoto_base" ';
if (horizontal) {
html += ' class="horizontal">';
} else if ( !$('body.rtl').length ) {
html += 'class="vertical" style="left: ' + xoff + 'px; top:' + yoff + 'px;">';
} else {
html += 'class="vertical" style="right: ' + xoff + 'px; top:' + yoff + 'px;">';
html += stockPhoto.add_button_row( stockPhoto.ui_icon_download, 'call_download',, stockPhoto.i18n.all_sizes, horizontal);
html += stockPhoto.add_button_row( stockPhoto.ui_icon_web, 'call_web', stockPhoto.i18n.use_this_file_web_short, stockPhoto.i18n.on_a_website, horizontal);
html += stockPhoto.add_button_row( stockPhoto.ui_icon_wiki, 'call_wiki', stockPhoto.i18n.use_this_file_wiki_short, stockPhoto.i18n.on_a_wiki, horizontal);
html += stockPhoto.add_button_row( stockPhoto.ui_icon_email, 'send_email', stockPhoto.i18n.email_link_short, stockPhoto.i18n.to_this_file, horizontal);
html += stockPhoto.add_button_row( stockPhoto.ui_icon_help, 'call_help', stockPhoto.i18n.information, stockPhoto.i18n.about_reusing, horizontal);
html += '<a title="' + stockPhoto.i18n.remove_icons + '" id="stockphoto_remove"><img src="' + stockPhoto.ui_icon_remove + '" /></a>';
html += '</div>';
if ( stockPhoto.small_horizontal_layout && $('#file').length ) {
} else {
$('#stockphoto_remove').click(function () {
$.cookie('StockPhotoDisabled', true, {
expires: 60,
path: '/'
$('#stockphoto_base img').parent().fadeTo(0, 0.7);
$('#stockphoto_base>span').on('mouseenter', function () {
$(this).find('span:first a').fadeTo('fast', 1);
}).on('mouseleave', function () {
$(this).find('span:first a').fadeTo('fast', 0.7);
$('#stockphoto_remove').on('mouseenter', function () {
$(this).fadeTo('fast', 1);
}).on('mouseleave', function () {
$(this).fadeTo('fast', 0.7);
* @todo Parameter "horizontal" is unused
add_button_row: function (icon_url, fkt, txt, html, horizontal) {
var imgid, a, ret;
if ( stockPhoto.small_horizontal_layout) {
icon_url = icon_url.replace('/50px-', '/20px-');
imgid = 'stockphoto_icon_' + fkt;
a = '<a href="#" title="' + txt + ' ' + html + '" onclick="stockPhoto.' + fkt + '(); return false;">';
ret = '<span id="stockphoto_' + fkt + '">';
ret += '<span class="stockphoto_buttonrow_icon">' + a + '<img id="' + imgid + '" src="' + icon_url + '" /></a></span>';
ret += '<span class="stockphoto_buttonrow_text">' + a;
if ( stockPhoto.small_horizontal_layout) {
ret += txt + '</a>';
} else {
ret += '<b>' + txt + '</b></a><br/>' + html;
ret += '</span></span>';
return ret;
stockphoto_get_thumbnail_url: function (width) {
var thumb_url, alt_title, last;
if ( stockPhoto.file_icon !== undefined ) {
return stockPhoto.file_icon;
alt_title = mw.config.get( 'wgCanonicalNamespace' ) + ':' + mw.config.get( 'wgTitle' );
$('#file img').each(function (i, v) {
v = $(v);
i = v.attr('alt');
if ( i && i !== alt_title )
thumb_url = v.attr('src').split('/');
// Special case of mwEmbed rewrite
if( !thumb_url && $('#mwe_ogg_player_1').length ){
return $('#mwe_ogg_player_1').find('img').attr('src');
if( !thumb_url || thumb_url.length < 1 )
last = thumb_url.pop().replace(/^\d+px-/, width + 'px-');
thumb_url = thumb_url.join('/');
return thumb_url;
is_audio_video_asset: function(url){
var ext = url.substr(-3);
if( ext === 'ogv' || ext === 'ogg' || ext === 'oga' || ext === 'ebm'){
return true;
return false;
* @param e {jQuery.Event} [optional]
make_html_textarea: function (e) {
var width, type, height, thumb_url, t;
if(e) {
width = $('#stockphoto_html_select').val();
type = $('input[name="stockphoto_code_type"]:checked').val();
// Iframe share for mwEmbed player
if( stockPhoto.is_audio_video_asset( stockPhoto.backlink_url ) && type === 'html' ){
// Get the ratio ( from html or from mwEmbed player )
height = $('#mwe_ogg_player_1').width()
? width * $('#mwe_ogg_player_1').height() / $('#mwe_ogg_player_1').width()
: width * $('#file img,#file video').height() / $('#file img,#file video').width();
// For audio that has zero height:
if ( height === 0 ) {
height = 20;
$('#stockphoto_html').text( '<iframe src="' + stockPhoto.backlink_url +
'?embedplayer=yes" width="' + width + '" height="'+ height + '" frameborder="0" ></iframe>' );
thumb_url = stockPhoto.stockphoto_get_thumbnail_url(width);
if (type === 'html') {
t = '<a title="' + stockPhoto.escapeAttribute( stockPhoto.complete_attribution_text) +
'" href="' + stockPhoto.backlink_url + '"><img width="' + width + '" alt="' +
stockPhoto.escapeAttribute( stockPhoto.nicetitle) + '" src="' + thumb_url + '"/></a>';
} else if (type === 'bbcode') {
t = '[url=' + stockPhoto.backlink_url + '][img]' +
thumb_url + '[/img][/url]\n[url=' + stockPhoto.backlink_url + ']' +
stockPhoto.nicetitle + '[/url]' + stockPhoto.stockphoto_license + ', ' + + ' ' + stockPhoto.stockphoto_author + ', ' +
get_author_attribution: function (use_html) {
var author_element, source_element, author, source;
author_element = $('#fileinfotpl_aut + td');
source_element = $('#fileinfotpl_src + td');
author = $.trim(author_element.text());
source = $.trim(source_element.text());
// Remove boiler template
if (author_element.find('.boilerplate').length) {
author = '';
if (author.match(/^[Uu]nknown$/)) {
author = '';
author = author.replace(/\s*\(talk\)$/i, '');
if (author.indexOf('Original uploader was') !== -1) {
author = author.replace(/\s*Original uploader was\s*/g, '');
stockPhoto.fromCommons = true;
// Remove boiler template
if (source_element.find('.boilerplate').length) {
source = '';
// Remove "own work" notice
if (author !== '' && $('#own-work').length) {
source = '';
stockPhoto.fromCommons = true;
if (author !== '' && source.length > 50) {
source = ''; // Remove long source info
if (author.substr(0, 3) === '[▼]') {
author = author.substr(3);
author = $.trim(author.split('Description').shift());
stockPhoto.attribution = '';
if (author !== '') {
stockPhoto.attribution = author;
if (source !== '') {
if ( stockPhoto.attribution !== '') {
stockPhoto.attribution += ' (' + source + ')';
} else {
stockPhoto.attribution = source;
stockPhoto.stockphoto_author = stockPhoto.attribution;
if (author !== '') {
stockPhoto.attribution = stockPhoto.i18n.by_u + ' ' + stockPhoto.attribution;
} else {
stockPhoto.attribution = stockPhoto.i18n.see_page_for_author;
if ($('#creator').length) {
stockPhoto.attribution = $('#creator').text();
if ($('.licensetpl_aut').length) {
if (use_html) {
stockPhoto.attribution = $('.licensetpl_aut').eq(0).html();
else {
stockPhoto.attribution = $('.licensetpl_aut').eq(0).text();
if ($('.licensetpl_attr').length) {
if (use_html) {
stockPhoto.attribution = $('.licensetpl_attr').eq(0).html();
} else {
stockPhoto.attribution = $('.licensetpl_attr').eq(0).text();
if ($('#fileinfotpl_credit + td').length) {
if (use_html) {
stockPhoto.attribution = $('#fileinfotpl_credit + td').html();
} else {
stockPhoto.attribution = $('#fileinfotpl_credit + td').text();
get_license: function (generate_html) {
var licenses, $readable, l2, l1;
licenses = [];
$readable = $('.licensetpl');
if (!$readable.length) {
stockPhoto.stockphoto_license = '[' + stockPhoto.i18n.see_page_for_license + ']';
$readable.each(function () {
var cL = {
link: $(this).find('.licensetpl_link').html(),
short: $(this).find('.licensetpl_short').html(),
long: $(this).find('.licensetpl_long').html(),
attr: $(this).find('.licensetpl_attr').html(),
aut: $(this).find('.licensetpl_aut').html(),
link_req: $(this).find('.licensetpl_link_req').html(),
attr_req: $(this).find('.licensetpl_attr_req').html()
if (cL.short) {
if (licenses.length) {
$.each(licenses, function (k, v) {
if (v.attr_req === 'false') {
stockPhoto.attrRequired = false;
if (v.short.indexOf('GFDL') !== -1) {
stockPhoto.gfdl_note = true;
if (generate_html && {
licenses[k] = '<a href="' + + '">' + v.short + '</a>';
} else {
if (v.link_req === 'true') {
licenses[k] = v.short + ' (' + + ')';
} else {
licenses[k] = v.short;
if (licenses.length > 1) {
l2 = licenses.pop();
l1 = licenses.pop();
licenses.push(l1 + ' ' + stockPhoto.i18n.or + ' ' + l2);
stockPhoto.stockphoto_license = ' [' + licenses.join(', ') + ']';
} else {
stockPhoto.stockphoto_license = ' [' + stockPhoto.i18n.see_page_for_license + ']';
get_attribution_text: function () {
var from, html, text;
from = stockPhoto.fromCommons ? stockPhoto.i18n.from_wikimedia_commons : stockPhoto.i18n.via_wikimedia_commons;
html = !!$('#stockphoto_attribution_html:checked').length;
if ($('#fileinfotpl_credit + td').length) {
text = stockPhoto.attribution;
} else {
text = stockPhoto.attribution + stockPhoto.stockphoto_license;
if (html) {
text += ', <a href="' + stockPhoto.escapeAttribute( stockPhoto.backlink_url ) + '">' + from + '</a>';
} else {
text += ', ' + from;
return text;
refresh_attribution: function () {
$('#stockphoto_attribution').val( stockPhoto.get_attribution_text() );
createDialogRow: function (label, prefill, id) {
var idtext = id ? ('id="' + id + '"') : '';
return '<div class="stockphoto_dialog_row"><b>' + label + ':</b><br><input type="text" readonly ' + idtext + ' onClick="select()" value="' + prefill + '"/></div>';
share_this: function (ui_mode) {
var widths, html, dtitle, dl_links, best_fit,
pixelStr, widthSearchMatch, imageWidth, power, i;
stockPhoto.complete_attribution_text = stockPhoto.get_attribution_text();
stockPhoto.file_url = $('#file > a').attr('href');
if ( !stockPhoto.file_url ) {
stockPhoto.file_url = $('#file > div > div > a').attr('href');
if ( !stockPhoto.file_url ) {
stockPhoto.file_url = $('div.fullMedia a').attr('href');
stockPhoto.nicetitle = mw.config.get( 'wgTitle' ).split('.');
stockPhoto.nicetitle = stockPhoto.nicetitle.join('.');
$.each( stockPhoto.icons_only, function (i, v) {
var re = new RegExp('\\.' + v + '$', 'i');
if (!mw.config.get( 'wgPageName' ).match(re)) {
stockPhoto.file_icon = stockPhoto.ogg_icon;
stockPhoto.backlink_url = location.protocol + '//' + encodeURIComponent(mw.config.get( 'wgPageName' ));
// Grab width in pixel from DOM, and trim it down
// This does not yet work for SVGs or videos
widths = [];
try {
pixelStr = $('.fileInfo').contents().get(0).data;
widthSearchMatch = /([0-9 ,.\u00a0]+)\s*×/.exec(pixelStr);
imageWidth = parseInt(widthSearchMatch[1].replace(/[ ,.\u00a0]/g, ''), 10);
if (isNaN(imageWidth)) {
throw new Error( 'Cannot parse' );
// Calculate to which power of two we should go
power = Math.floor(Math.log(imageWidth) / Math.log(2));
// Push 6 width to array
for ( i = 0; i < 5; i += 1 ) {
widths.push(Math.pow(2, power-i));
widths = widths.reverse();
} catch (e) {
widths = [75, 100, 120, 240, 500, 640, 800, 1024];
if (ui_mode === -1) {
html = '';
html += stockPhoto.createDialogRow( stockPhoto.i18n.page_url, stockPhoto.escapeAttribute( stockPhoto.backlink_url ) );
html += stockPhoto.createDialogRow( stockPhoto.i18n.file_url, stockPhoto.escapeAttribute( stockPhoto.file_url ) );
html += stockPhoto.createDialogRow( stockPhoto.i18n.attribution, stockPhoto.escapeAttribute( stockPhoto.complete_attribution_text ), 'stockphoto_attribution');
html += '<input id="stockphoto_attribution_html" onclick="stockPhoto.refresh_attribution();" type="checkbox" /><label for="stockphoto_attribution_html">' + stockPhoto.i18n.html + '</label>';
if ( stockPhoto.gfdl_note ) {
html += '<br/><span class="stockphoto_note">' + stockPhoto.i18n.gfdl_warning + '</span>';
if ( !stockPhoto.attrRequired ) {
html += '<br/><span class="stockphoto_note">' + stockPhoto.i18n.no_attr + '</span>';
switch (ui_mode) {
case 1:
dtitle = stockPhoto.i18n.download_this_file;
if ( stockPhoto.file_url !== undefined ) {
html += '<div><b>' + stockPhoto.i18n.download_image_file + ':</b><br>';
dl_links = [];
$.each(widths, function (i, v) {
if ( stockPhoto.file_icon !== undefined ) {
dl_links.push('<a href="' + stockPhoto.stockphoto_get_thumbnail_url(v) + '" download>' + v + 'px</a>');
if (stockPhoto.file_url) {
dl_links.push('<a href="' + stockPhoto.file_url + '" download>' + stockPhoto.i18n.full_resolution + '</a>');
if (dl_links.length) {
html += dl_links.join(' | ');
} else {
html += '<i>' + stockPhoto.i18n.not_available + '</i>';
html += '</div>';
case 2:
dtitle = stockPhoto.i18n.use_this_file_web;
html += '<div class="stockphoto_dialog_row"><div style="float: right;">';
html += '<input type="radio" name="stockphoto_code_type" value="html" id="stockphoto_code_type_html" onchange="stockPhoto.make_html_textarea();" checked /><label for="stockphoto_code_type_html">' + stockPhoto.i18n.html + '</label> ';
html += '<input type="radio" name="stockphoto_code_type" value="bbcode" id="stockphoto_code_type_bbcode" onchange="stockPhoto.make_html_textarea();" /><label for="stockphoto_code_type_bbcode">' + stockPhoto.i18n.bbcode + '</label> ';
html += '<select id="stockphoto_html_select" onchange="stockPhoto.make_html_textarea();">';
best_fit = 75;
if ( stockPhoto.file_icon !== undefined ) {
best_fit = 120;
html += '<option value="120">120' + stockPhoto.i18n.px_wide_icon + '</option>';
} else {
$.each(widths, function (i, v) {
if (v <= $('#file img').width()) {
best_fit = v;
html += '<option value="' + v + '">' + v + stockPhoto.i18n.px_wide + '</option>';
html += '</select></div>';
html += '<b>' + stockPhoto.i18n.html + '/' + stockPhoto.i18n.bbcode + ':</b><textarea onclick="select()" id="stockphoto_html" readonly="readonly" style="font-size: 9pt;">';
html += '</textarea></div>';
case 3:
dtitle = stockPhoto.i18n.use_this_file_wiki;
html = stockPhoto.createDialogRow(stockPhoto.i18n.thumbnail, stockPhoto.escapeAttribute('[[File:' + mw.config.get( 'wgTitle' ) + '|thumb|' + stockPhoto.nicetitle + ']]'));
html += stockPhoto.createDialogRow(stockPhoto.i18n.image, stockPhoto.escapeAttribute('[[File:' + mw.config.get( 'wgTitle' ) + '|' + stockPhoto.nicetitle + ']]'));
$('<div style="display: none;" id="stockphoto_dialog"></div>').html(html).dialog({
modal: true,
width: 610,
height: 'auto',
title: dtitle,
close: function () {
$('#stockphoto_attribution_html').prev().css('width', '90%');
call_download: function () {
call_web: function () {
call_wiki: function () {
call_help: function () {
window.location.href = mw.util.getUrl( stockPhoto.i18n.reusing_content_url );
send_email: function () {
var url = 'mailto:?subject=' + encodeURIComponent(stockPhoto.nicetitle) + '&body=' +
encodeURIComponent(stockPhoto.backlink_url + '\n\n' + stockPhoto.complete_attribution_text +
' ' + stockPhoto.i18n.from_wikimedia_commons);
window.location.href = url;
escapeAttribute: function (s) {
if ( s === undefined ) {
return '';
return s.replace(/\n/g, ' ').replace(/\r/g, ' ').replace(/"/g, '"').replace(/'/g, ''');
i18n: {
reuse: 'Reuse this file',
download: 'Download',
download_this_file: 'Download this file',
use_this_file_web: 'Use this file on the web',
use_this_file_web_short: 'Use this file',
use_this_file_wiki: 'Use this file on a wiki',
use_this_file_wiki_short: 'Use this file',
email_link_short: 'Email a link',
information: 'Information',
remove_icons: 'Remove these icons',
all_sizes: 'all sizes',
on_a_website: 'on the web',
on_a_wiki: 'on a wiki',
to_this_file: 'to this file',
about_reusing: 'about reusing',
look_what_i_found: 'Look what I found on Wikimedia Commons : ',
from_wikimedia_commons: 'from Wikimedia Commons',
via_wikimedia_commons: 'via Wikimedia Commons',
by: 'by',
by_u: 'By',
see_page_for_author: 'See page for author',
see_page_for_license: 'see page for license',
page_url: 'Page URL',
file_url: 'File URL',
attribution: 'Attribution',
no_attr: 'Attribution not legally required',
or: 'or',
gfdl_warning: 'Using this file might require attaching a full copy of the <a href="//">GFDL</a>',
download_image_file: 'Download image file',
full_resolution: 'Full resolution',
not_available: 'not available',
share_this_file: 'Share this file',
html: 'HTML',
bbcode: 'BBCode',
px_wide_icon: 'px wide (icon)',
px_wide: 'px wide',
wikipedia_instant_commons: 'Wikimedia/InstantCommons',
thumbnail: 'Thumbnail',
image: 'Image',
reusing_content_url: 'Commons:Reusing_content_outside_Wikimedia'
/* Expose globally */
window.stockPhoto = stockPhoto;
if (mw.config.get( 'wgUserLanguage' ) !== 'en') {
url: mw.util.wikiScript(),
dataType: 'script',
data: {
title: 'MediaWiki:Gadget-Stockphoto.js/' + mw.config.get( 'wgUserLanguage' ),
action: 'raw',
ctype: 'text/javascript',
// Allow caching for 28 days
maxage: 2419200,
smaxage: 2419200
cache: true
}).done( stockPhoto.init );
} else {
$( stockPhoto.init );
// i18n on subpages [[MediaWiki:stockPhoto.js/langcode]]:
// stockPhoto.i18n = { ... }
}( jQuery, mediaWiki) );