ICT student textbook/The globe on your table with Marble

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ICT student textbook
Explore maths with Geogebra level 3 The globe on your table with Marble Playing with the globe

Using Marble to learn physical geography
Marble is a digital atlas. It provides the physical geography of the Earth, while KGeography provides the political geography (with political borders dividing the continents into countries etc) of the Earth.


  1. Understanding how the interactive environment of Marble, as a digital atlas
  2. Playing with the features to explore and learn

Digital skills

  1. Navigating an educational software application
  2. Exploring a digital atlas (globe), drilling down and up locations on the map, identifying locations on the map

Your learning outputs

  1. Geogebra files demonstrating your creations
  2. Screenshots of sketches you have created using Geogebra


  1. Playing with the globe
  2. Precipitation (rainfall), weather and climate
  3. Local weather and climate patterns