Assam stf mathematics workshop june 2016
Click here for the STF first phase Maths workshop in January-February 2016
Click here for the STF second phase Technology workshop in June-July 2016
Objectives of the STF programme
The STF programme will aim to:
- Build the computer literacy skills for teachers
- Learning to use Geogebra for creating simulations in Algebra and Geometry
- How to use the internet as a learning resource - to create a resource library for my use and for the classroom and build digital resource libraries
- Use emails, MathsScience Subject Mailing Forum to communicate
- Develop digital literacy skills - email, internet search and downloading, geogebra, freemind
How is the programme done
Participant information
Fill this Participant information form
The details of Maths resource persons trained is available here
Participant Profile
View the Participant information
Maths RP Photos
Technology support group information is available here
Technology RP Photos
MRP Training - Workshop June 27 -July 06, 2016 - Proceedings
Please click here to see the agenda for the workshop.
Workshop handout
- Importance of Free and Open Source Environment
- Ubuntu
- Internet – a new method of learning
- Note_on_Internet_access
- How to access the internet
- How to create a Personal Digital Library
- Using a text editor
- Assamese typing help
- Emailing
- Text editing
- Combining images and text
- to use Freemind Freemind
- Handout for Freemind
- Text editing
- Screencast Recording
- Ubuntu Installation
- How to add members to the email group
- Use full website for Ubuntu users
- Differences between_Windows_vs_ubuntu
- Reason for the Free software
- Ubuntu installation in different method
- Public Software posters in Bengali
- Learning geogebra
- Useful websites
- How to create a Personal Digital Library
- Download videos in Assamese on popular public software applications for self learning
- Download videos in English on popular public software applications for self learning
At the workshop
Please click here for photographs from the workshop.
Resources created in the workshop
download Mind map on Uses of computers
Quadrilateral resource
KOER Quadrilateral resource
Teacher Champions
Workshop Reports
Day wise reporting has been taken up by five districts
Day 1 report
The first day of the training programme was started at 10am. First of all the programme co-ordinator Miss Titikhya Raj Kashyap mem explained in brief the aims and objective of the training programme and Mr Surajit Sir also shared his experience in the first phase of the training programme with us.
After then all the teachers are registered their information by online in the computer lab. After registration the chief resource person Mr Guru Sir explained the agenda of the 10 days training programme in briefly.
After lunch break, Mr Yogesh Sir explained about TuxTyping .Here we have learnt to typing by using our ten fingers. We also practiced it in the lab. After that Yogesh Sir explained about the various parts of the computer i.e. Hardware & Software and Mr. Ramkrishna Sir also explained the history of computer. After than by showing a funny video by Surojit Sir the first day programme was over.
Submitted By
All trainee of Dibrugarh District
Day 2 report
Daily report(second day)
date: 29 -6-2016
The second day programe of assam mathematices teachers training programe organised by R M S A, assam was succed.On that day all theory and practical classes was conducted by resource person hon yogesh ji, asok ji and sir guru krishnamurti ji. The main subject of that day was tux paint, libre office writer and use of computer.Before lunch Guru sir presented about uses of computer, internet and software .After lunch ashok ji presented about libre office writter. R k baishya sir also explained on this matter . They also discussed with us how to type maths formulae. At last of that day we learned how to create folder . At 6pm ,we closed our programes of second day.
Day 3 report
Details of the Day 3 of the STF training, conducted by ICT & UNICEF in collaboration with RMSA
Venue: NITS, Mirza, Kamrup(Assam)
Date: 29/06/2016
Day: Wednesday
It was a sunny day. Day was started with the breakfast:
- Breakfast at 7.30 am: Bread and butter, Red tea.
- Training started at 9.00 am: Participants practiced Tux typing and Tux paint.
- At 9.30 am: Internet : How to use Internet, Use of Internet, Importance of Internet were taught by Guru Sir. Also told about how can we make a digital library by collecting resources from Internet.
- At 11.30 am: Tea break: Red tea and biscuits.
- At 11.45 am: Collecting resources on the basis of our own interest from Internet under the supervision of all resource faculties.
- Lunch at 1.00 pm: Rice, Dal, mixed vegetable curry, Long bean- potato fried, pickle, lemon.
- At 1.45 pm: Collecting resources on the basis of our own interest from Internet under the supervision of all resource faculties. Making folders and putting the resources in the systematic way.
- At 4.00 pm: Honourable R.C. Jain Sir, The Mission Director, RMSA paid a visit. There was a meeting in the Conference Hall with R.C. Jain Sir, all the resource facalities and all the trainees. Respected Principal of NITS, Mirza was also present who delivered a lecture on “How to achieve goals by hard working”. R.C. Jain Sir advised us to improve teaching Maths in secondary level by implementing our STF training. Also he asked the feedback of the training from both computer and Maths teachers.
- At 5.20 pm: Tea: Red tea and biscuits.
- Training for the day was ended with above mentioned activities at 5.30 pm.
- Evening Snacks at 6.00 pm: Cake and milk tea.
- Dinner at 9.00 pm: Rice, Dal, Paneer- potato curry, potato dry fried, lemon
- Lights off: at 10.20 pm.
Report Compiled by: Maths Teachers Group,
Kamrup rural District.
Day 4 report
Details of the Day 4 of the STF training, conducted by ICT & UNICEF in collaboration with RMSA
Venue: NITS, Mirza, Kamrup(Assam)
Date: 30/06/2016
Day: Thursday
- It was a sunny day. Day was started with the breakfast:
- Breakfast at 7.30 am: Bread and butter, Red tea.
- Training started at 9.20 am: Topic: Sending mail in different addresses, Attaching file, Forwarding message, Reply via mail, Reply to group etc under the supervision of Ashok Sir.
- Tea break at 11.30 am: Red tea and biscuits.
- At 11.40 am: Message sending to under the supervision of all the resource persons.
- Lunch at 1.00 pm: Rice, Dal, mixed vegetable curry, Long bean- potato fried, pickle, lemon.
- At 1.45 pm: i) Sending e-mail using smart phone. ii)Messaging through telegraph software using smart phone under the supervision of Yogesh Sir.
- At 3.00pm: Topic: Taking snapshots and saving in specific folder taught by Sri Vidya Maam.
- At 3.45 pm: Tea break: Red tea and biscuits.
- At 4.00 pm: Practicing of taking snapshot and saving it in folder under the supervision of all the resource faculties.
- Training for the day was ended with above mentioned activities at 5.30 pm.
- Evening Snacks at 6.00 pm: Potato soup, tomato sauce, milk tea.
- Dinner at 9.00 pm: Rice, Dal, Paneer- potato curry, potato dry fried, lemon
- Lights off: at 10.20 pm.
- Report Compiled by: Maths Teachers Group, Kamrup rural District.
চতুৰ্থ দিনৰ প্ৰতিবেদন
প্ৰস্তুত :- মৰিগাঁও জিলা
অজান তিমিৰ অন্ধেশ্ব //বাপ্তম যেন চলাকায়
চক্ষু ৰুনমিলিত যেন//তচময় শ্ৰী গুৰুৱে নমঃ
গুৰু ব্ৰহ্মা গুৰু বিষ্ণু //গুৰু দেৱ মহেশ্বৰা
গুৰুৰ সাক্ষা পৰম ব্ৰহ্ম//তচময় শ্ৰী গুৰুৱে নমঃ
শ্ৰদ্ধাৰ প্ৰশিক্ষক বৃন্দ আৰু অতিকে শ্ৰদ্ধাৰ অসমৰ ভিন্ন প্ৰান্তৰ পৰা অহা শিক্ষাগুৰু সকল । জয় জয়তে আপোনাসবলৈ পবিত্ৰ ৰমজান মাহ আৰু ঈদ উল ফিটৰৰ আগতীয়া ওলগ জনালো । আধুনিক প্ৰযুক্তিৰে অসমৰ শিক্ষক সমাজক যি শিক্ষা প্ৰশিক্ষণেৰে শিক্ষকৰ সব্বাঙ্গীন বিকাশৰ সত প্ৰচেষ্টা হাতত লৈছে তাৰ বাবে আমি RMSA ASSAM ক আন্তৰিক কৃত আৰু ধন`বাদ জনালো । আধুনিক প্ৰযুক্তিৰে শিক্ষা প্ৰদানৰ এক অন` যাত্ৰাৰ বাবে নিজকে প্ৰস্তত কৰা প্ৰক্ৰিয়াত আমি আহি আহি আজি চতুথ দিনত ভৰি দিলোহি । সময়ৰ এক পবিত্ৰ অন্তৰালত আমি আজিৰ দিনটো তলত দিয়া ধৰণে অতিবাহিত কৰো ।
পুৱা শুৱাপাটী ত্যাগ কৰি পুৱাৰ আহাৰ লৈ ৯.০০ বজাত প্ৰশিক্ষণৰ বাবে ৰাউনা হও // ৯-৩০ বজাত প্ৰশিক্ষণ কক্ষত উপস্থিত হৈ প্ৰথমে আগৰ কেইদিনত শিকা কাৰ্য্যসূচী সমূহ যেনে Tux Typing, tux painting, folder making etc. ৰ অনুশীলন্ কৰো // , ৯.৪০ বজাত প্ৰশিক্ষণ আৰম্ভ হয় আৰু আমি Email সম্পকে সবিেশষ জানি লওঁ । তাৰভিতৰত বক্তিগত আৰু group Email group প্ৰস্তত, E-ডাক প্ৰেৰণ কৰা কৌশল , E-ডাকৰ প্ৰত্যুত্তৰ দিয়া, E-ডাক বাছনি কৰা, E-ডাক ৰ group বনোৱা, E-ডাকত বিভিন্ন নথি-পত্ৰ সংলগ্ন কৰা কৰাৰ কৌশল আয়ত্ব কৰো ।
ইয়াৰ পাছত ১১.৩০ বজাত চাহ বিৰতি হয় । চাহ বিৰতিৰ পাছত আমি শিক্ষাৰ বিভিন্ন ধৰনৰ Digital কৌশল সমূহ অভাস কৰো আৰু ১২.৩০ বজাত দূপৰিয়াৰ্ আহাৰৰ বাবে ভোজন কক্ষত্ সমবেত হও //ক্ষন্তেক জিৰনিৰ পাচত ১-৩০ বজাত পুণৰ প্ৰশিক্ষণৰ বাবে computer আৰু গণিত বিষয়ৰ শিক্ষক সকল যোথভাবে স্ভাক্ক্ষত সমবেত হও// এই সত্ৰত smart phone ৰ জৰিয়তে E-ডাক প্ৰেৰন, telegram ৰ দ্বাৰা বাৰ্তা প্ৰেৰনৰ application ৰ গিয়ান আহৰন কৰো // তাৰোপৰি smart phone ত ব্যৱহাৰ কৰিব পৰা বিভিন্ন application ৰ বিষয়ে শিকো // লগতে screenshot application ৰ গিয়ান আহৰন কৰো //
৩ বজত চাহ বিৰতি লৈ পিথক সত্ৰত গণিত শিক্ষক সকলে পাঠক্রমৰ ভিতিত্ বিভিন্ন বিষয়ত তথ্য Internet ৰ যৰিযতে সংৰক্ষণ্ কৰি ফলদাৰ বনাই তাত সগ্ৰহ কৰি থোৱাৰ কৌশল আযত্ৰ কৰো আৰু Computer শিক্ষক সকলে Google groupৰ্ ত নতুন্ গ্ৰুপ তৈযাৰ কৰি ভাবৰ্ আদান্ প্ৰদান কৌশল আযাত্ব কৰো //আজি আমি প্ৰশিক্ষণত ভাগলোৱা সকলো শিক্ষক এটা digital মন্সত মিলিত হবৰ বাবে telegram আৰু এ-ডাক ৰGoogle group অত এটা নতুন মন্সত মিলিত হও //
উপৰোক্ত সূমুহ কাৰ্যসূচীত গুৰুমূৰ্তীমহোদয় আৰু তেখেতৰ নেত্ৰিত্বত তেখেতৰ সহযোগী ahok pujari, yogesh, sridivya bharadwaj , ramkrishna, alokesh, surajit diganta, আৰু nits মিৰ্জাৰ কৰ্মকৰ্তাত্ৰয়ে সাফল্যমন্দিত কৰি তোলে / এই সুযুগতে য্তেখেত সকললৈ আমি আন্তৰিক কিতকগতা গিয়াপন্ কৰি শলাগ লৈছো //
At the very ending of 4th day’s training we, on behalf of all the trainee ,very grateful to all the resource persons, RMSA Assam, UNICEF, the NGO IT for Change and NITS Mirza for providing all these facilities in this regard.
Thank you
জয়তু আৰ এম এচ আ
জয়তু ইউনিচেফ
জয়তু মৰিগাঁও জিলা
জয় আই অসম ///
Day 5 report
ICT Integrated “ Subject Teacher Forum” Workshop for Master Trainer
Organized by
RMSA with support from UNICEF, Assam
Dated : From 27th June to 6th July 2016
The Day Report of 01 July/2016:
At the very beginning of the day all the trainees started practice in Tux Painting, Tux typing, E-mailing, Libreoffice writer, resource creation from 9 am to 11 am. During this practice period the resource persons Guru Sir, Ashok Sir, Diganta Sir, Surojit Sir, R.K. Baishya Sir, Alakesh Sir helped us. In the meantime Sribidya madam and Jogesh Sir installed some useful apps in our smart phones.
After that Chaya Madam from UNICEF, Assam arrived at the training lab and had a fruitful interaction with us about the training.
After the tea-break at about 11.30 am, at the conference hall, resource person Mr. Surojit Acharjee delivered his speech on Geogebra and helped us in practicing . After that at about 12.45 pm Surojit Acharjee sir delivered his farewell speech to all the trainees and with a song of Dr. Bhupen Hazarika “ Manuhe Manuhar Babe” we bade adieu him with honour.
After lunch-break at 1.50 pm we started practicing Geogebra . After practicing Geogebra all District groups discussed themselves about the topics selected by them for presentation. After discussion all the groups collected data from Internet and stored in the resource folders. After collecting necessary data at about 6 pm the fifth day training was over and we returned to hostel with a great pleasure.
Prepared by
Nagaon District Trainee Group.
Day 6 report
Thought of that day
“ The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today”
by Jackson Brown
Good morning everybody, by practicing tux typing and painting the six day programme was started from 9.00 am. After that Ashok Sir explained briefly about the GeoGebra. In his session, he taught us how to draw straight lines , perpendicular lines , parallel lines, etc by using GeoGebra.
After tea break, we practiced GeoGebra. After practicing again Ashok Sir taught us how to draw a polygon , measure the angles, input text etc. We practiced all these till lunch break.
After launch break, Guru Sir continued the programme. Guru Sir discussed about the various
useful links for resource finding in details. After that we tried to find the resources from different websites in lab. With this the six day programme was concluded.
Submitted by
All Trainee of Dibrugarh District
Day 7 report
Day Seven Report
Date : 3-07-2016
The seven day programme of assam mathematics teachers training programme organised by RMSA was started at 9 am. On that day , first Ashok Sir discussed with us about slider. The main topic of that was slider.We learned how to draw lines, anges triangle, rectangle, polygon etc. using slider. After lunch , we practiced geogebra and sent our geogebra file to assam math forum. At 5pm we closed our training programes of 7th day.
Day 8 report
Day 9 report
Day 10 report
Participant Feedback
Workshop home work
- Practice Geogebra
- Send Emails