NROER Metadata

From Open Educational Resources
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Name of field Comments TROER implementation
Language Language of resource
alignment NCERT Text books to have alignment=NCF, rest=all Alignment with curriculum framework
Educational Subject School subject
Educational level Tertiary School level
Audience Who intended for
Educational use Type of resources (video, GGB file)
Interactivity type lecture/ demo/ etc
Source Obtained from
Teachers What topic
Tags (key words) Telugu
Tags (key words) English Keywords - list of ideas, words
Based on url Attribution to any other source – weblink
requires Pre-requisites for resource
member_of Which collections (lesson) is it a part of
assesses Skills/ concepts
Time required Classroom time
Text complexity Grading of text
Reading level Grading of text
age_range Age for use
created by Author
License Only NCERT textbooks to have NCERT License Copyright, will be “CC BY-SA-NC”
translation of
Field name pulldowns explanation of fields
Thumbnail URL of the thumbnail Small photo, to provide link to the resource
file name Resource File Name
resourse url of the resource Link on repository
name Title of the resource in language font Chapter / Concept name
alt name Always blank except in collection row D=E
name_eng english transliteration of coloumn-D Name in english of the resource
collection collection row to be blank This is to explain how different resource units can be combined to form a teaching resource, which can be used in one or more activities
XCR/CR Extra curricular/ curricular
featured If this has been used as a highlighted resource
Description in the resource language (Ex:Telugu)