User contributions
12 June 2017
ICT teacher handbook/The globe on your table with Marble
Level 3 -> 3 weeks
ICT teacher handbook/Your desktop atlas with KGeography
Chapter Objectives
ICT teacher handbook/Learning maths with Geogebra
Digital learning resources
ICT teacher handbook/Data representation and processing
Data tell stories
ICT teacher handbook/What is the nature of ICT
Chapter Objectives
ICT teacher handbook/School level implementation guidelines
ICT teacher handbook/Explore an application
no edit summary
ICT teacher handbook/Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge TPACK
ICT teacher handbook/Digital story telling
2. Editing Images and Adding text
ICT teacher handbook/Building a personal digital library
Contributing to the Global Digital Library
ICT teacher handbook/Professional learning communities
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ICT teacher handbook/What is internet and web
no edit summary
ICT teacher handbook/Basic digital literacy
The ICT environment
ICT teacher handbook/ICT in Education
ICT in education as Public Resources
ICT teacher handbook/ICT and society
ICT student textbook/What students need to know about ethics of technology
Internet Safety
ICT student textbook/Science Technology and Society
Science and technology
ICT student textbook/Concluding remarks
no edit summary
ICT student textbook/Educational applications for learning your subjects level 3 learning check list
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ICT student textbook/Learning science with different technology tools
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ICT student textbook/Using a slider to build animation
Teacher led activity
ICT student textbook/Getting introduced to quadrilateral properties
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ICT student textbook/Educational applications for learning your subjects level 2
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ICT student textbook/Educational applications for learning your subjects level 1
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ICT student textbook/Explore maths with Geogebra level 3
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ICT student textbook/Local weather and climate patterns
Student activities
ICT student textbook/Precipitation, weather and climate
What resources do you need
ICT student textbook/Playing with the globe
What resources do you need
ICT student textbook/Audio visual communication level 3
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ICT student textbook/Audio visual communication level 2
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ICT student textbook/The globe on your table with Marble
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ICT student textbook/Educational applications for learning your subjects level 3
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ICT student textbook/Audio visual communication level 3 learning check list
Check your learning
ICT student textbook/Make a read aloud audio visual book
What resources do you need
11 June 2017
ICT student textbook/Make an audio book
What resources do you need
ICT student textbook/Communication with graphics level 3 learning check list
no edit summary
ICT student textbook/Making posters
ICT student textbook/Making comic strips
Teacher led activity
ICT student textbook/Communication with graphics level 3
ICT student textbook/Multi page text document
Resources needed
ICT student textbook/Spreadsheet for data analysis
Student activities
ICT student textbook/What is the nature of ICT level 3 learning check list
no edit summary
ICT student textbook/I have a new address
ICT student textbook/The global digital library
Check your readiness
ICT student textbook/Getting to know the internet
no edit summary
10 June 2017
ICT student textbook/What is the nature of ICT level 3
ICT student textbook/Educational applications for learning your subjects level 2 learning check list
ICT student textbook/Exploring symmetry with Geogebra
Student activities
ICT student textbook/Getting introduced to triangle properties
ICT student textbook/Your desktop atlas with KGeography
Student Activities