ICT teacher handbook/ICT for generic resource creation

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ICT teacher handbook
Building a personal digital library ICT for generic resource creation Digital story telling

The power of ICT is in possibility of creating resources in multiple formats, revising them and recombining them to create newer resources. In the earlier era of non-digital ICTs, creation was limited mostly to textual resource creation; the digital has made us reimagine the idea of information to include non-textual methods including audio, images and videos. The possibilities of using and combining generic resource creation applications to produce multiple resources is simply mind boggling. The ability of digital technologies to represent all data as binary bits has made it possible to imagine a wide variety of formats of resources.

Some examples of generic resource creation are:

  1. Using a text document and combining with images to create a communication
  2. Using a concept map to organize ideas and present
  3. Using a spreadsheet to create data analysis and representations
  4. Using presentation software to make slideshows
  5. Using pictures and combining with text to communicate
  6. Audio communications (recordings) using different devices
    1. Audio visual communication
    2. Simple videos with pictures stitched with text added using screen cast methods
    3. Creating videos with pictures, text inserts, video clips and audio
  7. Digital Story Telling