ICT teacher handbook/What is the nature of ICT

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ICT teacher handbook
School level implementation guidelines What is the nature of ICT Data representation and processing

Chapter Objectives

  1. Understanding of computing - ICTs are computers and beyond
  2. Understanding that data is of different kinds and can be edited, processed, combined in multiple formats which is what makes it possible to do many things with ICT - Creating with ICT
  3. Understanding that there are different devices for reading, representing, communicating data - Connecting with ICT
  4. Understanding of the computer as an ICT device
    1. What makes the computer special as an ICT device
    2. Computer communicates with data
    3. Data can be organized in files and folders
    4. Computers can connect with one another

Additional Resources

  1. History of Charles Babbage, who is considered the Father of Computing
  2. What is an operating system
  3. Internet of things
  4. How has the desk changed

Transaction notes for activities

Each activity has the following components.

  1. Time estimate
  2. Prior preparation
  3. Methodology
  4. Discussion questions
  5. Subject integration
  6. Assessment

How is a computer different from a fridge

  1. This activity requires 40 minutes -1 period
  2. It will be useful to go through the additional links given for this discussion; the classroom must have a projection enabled for this session. The labs should have sufficient computers for students to practise switching on and off.
  3. In small groups ask students to come up why a computer is different from a fridge and this can be compiled digitally.
  4. Introduce to the children that computer understands data and applications communicate data; distinguish between an operating system and application software
  5. In small groups let the students talk about any application they are familiar with and list out the steps involved (this can be a flow chart). This can be used to introduce the idea of computing - the ability to describe a process to get to an outcome.
  6. Student created mind maps can be digitized and added to their cumulative portfolio.
  7. In small groups encourage students to switch on the computer, get familiar with the various applications.
  8. Show them some common applications

What all can a computer do

  1. This activity requires 80 minutes - 2 periods
  2. It may be an interesting idea to start the class with this video : How has the desk changed. The video shows as a timeline how different applications came into the computer. Ask students to watch and make their comments. Encourage them to talk about any applications that they see on the video that are familiar to them. Following this show them the various files on their computer.
  3. The suggested files for showing in the class are listed in the textbook and will be available in the offline textbook also. In addition you can open the following educational applications:
    1. PhET Simulation
    2. Marble
    3. Games
  4. In addition to this, show the following web pages, drawing the attention of the students to the fact that you are not accessing information not on the computer, but stored on some other computer, somewhere else. Suggested pages are given below:
    1. [https://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s--DEftf4yJ--/c_fit,fl_progressive,q_80,w_636/17y4egd0bot56png.png Evolution to working on the computer] [https://te.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E0%B0%AE%E0%B1%8A%E0%B0%A6%E0%B0%9F%E0%B0%BF_%E0%B0%AA%E0%B1%87%E0%B0%9C%E0%B1%80 Telugu wikipedia]
    2. A timeline of the computer:

  1. Demonstrate the folder structure and show how you have organized the resources for the class.
  2. When opening each file ask students to focus on the following:
    1. What is the file name and file extension
    2. How the application was opened (from a menu or right click)
    3. What all did they see on the application
    4. What input had to be given (for example, opening a browser and typing an URL)
    5. What controls are available (increase in size, volume, etc)
  3. On student computers, create a folder with an image, video, text document, animation, text document, concept map, geogebra file (from the offline textbook)
  4. Students must open the folder on the computers and each of the files. Show the students the Applications Menu on the computer and ask them to explore multiple applications. From this class onwards, they will be creating their own resources on the computer.
  5. When you have accessed pages from the internet, through a discussion, introduce the idea that the internet is a connection of many computers. This connectivity is an important aspect of ICT - which allows us to access information, communicate etc. Based on the level of student awareness, the teacher can introduce emails, mobile communication, chats, etc.
  6. Students must practice Tux Typing, Tux Paint. They should also know how to open their creations in Tux Paint (See page Learn Tux Paint). In a text editor, students must make a list of 8-10 things they know about ICT.

Historical perspective of ICT

  1. The teacher must introduce ICT as a process of interaction with society
  2. It is important to understand that technology is not neutral

Internet for learning

  1. Introduce students to the possibilities of self learning
  2. Build skills of collaboration