ICT student textbook/Make an audio book

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ICT student textbook
Audio visual communication level 3 Make an audio book Make a read aloud audio visual book

Making an audio book
In this activity you will learn to make an audio narration of a given text material.


  1. Combining text and sounds (both verbal and non verbal) to create an audio book
  2. Ability to create an audio communication in the form of an audio book

What prior skills are assumed

  1. Handling ICT equipment
  2. Managing files and folders
  3. Creating digital text stories
  4. Using multiple recording devices to record
  5. Combining text and audio resources

What resources do you need

  1. Working computer lab with projector
  2. Computers installed with Ubuntu Operating System
  3. Speakers
  4. Recording devices and players
  5. Textual material to read

What digital skills will you learn

  1. Using multiple recording devices to record
  2. Organizing recordings on folders

Description of activity with detailed steps

Teacher led activity

Listen to the story being played below.

Discuss with your teacher how this recording could have been made and if you see any difference between the previous audio story telling activities and this. Your teacher will draw your attention to the audio file format for this recording. She will also draw your attention to how we pause, take a breath, when we record and also how to minimise external sounds when recording.

Student activities

  1. Your teacher will help you identify stories or articles to be read.
  2. These can even be from your own creations earlier in this course.
  3. You will read out the story or article and record it and copy to your folder on the computer


Your audio recording of your story or article.