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# Each student must have her/his login into the school system. (The Ubuntu GNU/Linux system allows multiple user logins to be setup on a computer). Each student will be able to create folders and store their work on the system, which will be secured through their login. The teacher should be able to access these portfolios for assessment. In each term, one of the Formative Assessments will also be transacted through the activities (or variants of the same) identified in the ICT text book
# Each student must have her/his login into the school system. (The Ubuntu GNU/Linux system allows multiple user logins to be setup on a computer). Each student will be able to create folders and store their work on the system, which will be secured through their login. The teacher should be able to access these portfolios for assessment. In each term, one of the Formative Assessments will also be transacted through the activities (or variants of the same) identified in the ICT text book
# Each student must have a copy of the student text book. A notebook should also be provided where students can make their records. Each teacher must have a copy of the student text book and teacher hand book. Both will also be part of the school content provided through the TSROER.
# Each student must have a copy of the student text book. A notebook should also be provided where students can make their records. Each teacher must have a copy of the student text book and teacher hand book. Both will also be part of the school content provided through the TSROER.
# Each student must also have a note book to record her/his activities, assignments etc.
=== Contingencies ===
=== Contingencies ===

Revision as of 20:41, 19 November 2016

ICT teacher handbook
Explore an application School level implementation guidelines What is the nature of ICT

This section discusses the aspects relating to the implementation of the ICT text book in the Telangana schools. The mind map below gives some parameters.

School ICT Infrastructure

The program requires each school to have an ICT lab, with following assets:


  1. This can be desktop computers or laptop computers. The number of computers could be decided based on the student strength in the school. Schools could also be provided with a limited number of alternate cheaper devices like tablets, raspberry pi to supplement the computers. However, the kind of active learning envisaged in the ICT text book requires that school ICT lab have sufficient computers, at least one-third the number of students in the largest section in the school.
  2. One of the computers will be designated as the ‘server’. This will host the content shared by the department (which should be taken from the TSROER and refreshed at periodic/annual intervals).
  3. The computers must be networked, preferably through a wireless LAN. Internet connectivity must be made available through broadband.
  4. The school should try to augment its hardware through donations and contributions from local community, parents association, clubs, philanthropies etc. Regularly adding computers is important to help replace computers that need to be put away due to failure.
  5. Projector – a minimum of one LCD project is essential in each school, as the program matures, more than one LCD projector could be provided so that teachers could use it along with a laptop in their classrooms to provide ICT Integration teaching, apart from sessions in the lab.
  6. Digital camera, speakers, head phones are other items that must be part of the school lab hardware


  1. Each computer will have the school system, which will have two components
  2. Software can be the Ubuntu custom distribution used in the teacher training earlier. The NCERT School server software can be another option. A school MIS software like Fedena can also be installed in the school server.
  3. Software should be periodically upgraded as per norms suggested by SIET
  4. Since GNU/Linux operating system is being used, anti-virus is not required to be procured by the department
  5. Teachers also may be interested to download additional applications from the internet. This should be allowed with clear guidelines, that software that has educational uses can be downloaded based on need


  1. The entire TSROER content should be made available to the school through an external hard disk. The TSROER content should be periodically refreshed with the school. This could be done incrementally, to reduce the effort.

School level program management

  1. Each school must designate an Teacher IT co-ordinator (TITC), based on norms suggested by DSE. One option is for the School Head Master to designate a suitable teacher (who is reasonably comfortable using ICT and is inclined to take on the responsibility) as the SITC, a second option is for the DSE to designate teacher of a particular subject as the SITC. The SITC role could be periodically (once in 2-3 years) rotated amongst the staff.
  2. Similarly, 1-5 students from each class could be designated as Student IT co-ordinators (SITC), who will help the TITC in managing the lab, facilitating repair of the equipment as required.

Regular maintenance

  1. ICT lab requires much higher maintenance than most school assets. Computers and other equipment are likely to fail or develop problems which need to be attended to.
  2. The TITC must pro-actively address issues to ensure high uptime of computers
  3. Contact information of individuals or institutions who are appointed for the maintenance and repair of the hardware must be clearly put up on a chart in the lab itself.
  4. Software needs to be periodically upgraded. New versions could be upgraded every 1-2 years, while security related upgrades must be done more frequently, say once a month. this would require internet connectivity

ICT Lab academic processes

Based on the student strength in different sections, the school must prepare its time table and student lab assignment, considering following possibilities

  1. 3 periods per week per section for students to work and learn in the lab
  2. Upto 3 students could work together on a computer. The selection of these 3 student learning groups must be carefully done by the teacher to support peer learning possibilities, and not be random
  3. If the number of students is more than three times the number of computers, the section could be split into two (or more as required), such that one group works in the lab and the other group(s) are assigned other classes, including discussing topics/exercises from the ICT text book
  4. All students must participate in the ICT classes. The allocation of the transaction of the text book could be decided by the Head master in consultation with the team. It is ideal if the transaction is shared amongst few teachers, instead of assigning it to a single teacher. Since this will be a new experience in many cases, schools can explore ‘team teaching’ where 2 teachers could take the class together in the Lab. This will also help in providing support to teachers during practice sessions. Involving many teachers will also help the activities/ projects in the ICT text book to be meaningfully integrated with the core subjects.
  5. During practice sessions, some students (who may be more proficient in ICT) may also be roped in to support their peers during the hands-on sessions.
  6. For each designated activity, each student is required to maintain their digital records / portfolio, in relevant folders. Ideally the resources created / accessed / connected to each activity should be in a separate folder.
  7. Each student must have her/his login into the school system. (The Ubuntu GNU/Linux system allows multiple user logins to be setup on a computer). Each student will be able to create folders and store their work on the system, which will be secured through their login. The teacher should be able to access these portfolios for assessment. In each term, one of the Formative Assessments will also be transacted through the activities (or variants of the same) identified in the ICT text book
  8. Each student must have a copy of the student text book. A notebook should also be provided where students can make their records. Each teacher must have a copy of the student text book and teacher hand book. Both will also be part of the school content provided through the TSROER.
  9. Each student must also have a note book to record her/his activities, assignments etc.


  1. In case there is no supply of electricity, or the computers are not working, some of the activities in the text book which can be done without the Lab (such as collecting data through surveys) will need to be planned.

File:School Level Implementation Guidelines.mm