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{| class="wikitable"
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|style="width: 10%;|Data set 1  
|style="width: 5%;|1  
|style="width: 30%;|<u>Map of forest cover</u> [[File:India vegetation, natural and cultivated, favorable weather boosts Indian agriculture, April 2008.jpg|thumb|India vegetation, natural and cultivated, favorable weather boosts Indian agriculture, April 2008]]
|style="width: 32%;|<u>Map of forest cover</u> [[File:India vegetation, natural and cultivated, favorable weather boosts Indian agriculture, April 2008.jpg|thumb|India vegetation, natural and cultivated, favorable weather boosts Indian agriculture, April 2008]]
|style="width: 30%;|<u>Pie chart of Indian languages</u> [[File:Number_of_Native_Speakers_of_Indian_Languages_world.png|thumb]]
|style="width: 32%;|<u>Pie chart of Indian languages</u> [[File:Number_of_Native_Speakers_of_Indian_Languages_world.png|thumb]]
|style="width: 30%;|<u>Pie chart of Indian languages</u> [[File:Number_of_Native_Speakers_of_Indian_Languages_world.png|300px]]
|style="width: 31%;|<u>Pie chart of Indian languages</u> [[File:Number_of_Native_Speakers_of_Indian_Languages_world.png|300px]]
|style="width: 10%;|Data set 2
|style="width: 10%;|Data set 2

Revision as of 17:43, 15 October 2016

ICT student textbook
Data representation and processing level 1 Data can tell stories How to make data meaningful

Data can tell stories


  1. Understand that data can be in different formats
  2. Reading different kinds of data to make meaning
  3. Analyzing and expressing

What prior skills are assumed

  1. Creating folders and saving files
  2. Opening a given file with the correct application
  3. Familiarity with using a key board

Resources needed

Hardware, software, Files

  1. Data in the form of bar graphs, pictographs, maps (images)
  2. Computer lab with projection
  3. Access to internet
  4. Handout - Learn Ubuntu
  5. Handout - Learn LibreOffice Writer

Description of activity with detailed steps

Teacher led activity


  1. You will look at an example of a data representation in the form of a graph with your teacher.
  2. In small groups, discuss what are the various kinds of analysis you can make from this graph.
  3. Your teacher will summarize this analysis using a text document.

Student activities

  1. Folders with different data sets will be shared on each computer
  2. Each group of students will get one data set to work with - this will comprise maps, satellite images, pictographs and bar graphs. Your teacher will also give you a set of questions for each data set.
  3. Data sets are given below:
1 Map of forest cover
India vegetation, natural and cultivated, favorable weather boosts Indian agriculture, April 2008
Pie chart of Indian languages
Number of Native Speakers of Indian Languages world.png
Pie chart of Indian languages Number of Native Speakers of Indian Languages world.png
Data set 2
  1. 2000px-India_annual_rainfall_map_en.svg.png

  1. 2000px-WebsitesByLanguagePieChart.svg.png

Data set 3
  1. India_78.40398E_20.74980N.jpg

  1. Indian_Forest_Cover.png

Data set 4 More images
  1. Summarize your findings in a text document


  1. Text document with analysis of data