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m (Anusha sharma moved page Number Operations to Number Sense and Basic Operations - 1: reorganising)
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Revision as of 14:00, 28 September 2021

Number - Quantity Association

Numbers and Numerals

Preparing to write

Counting and Grouping

Place Value and Decade Structure

Understanding Large Numbers

Comparing and Arranging numbers

5 digit numbers

6 digit numbers and greater

Place value of large numbers - Indian System

Place value of large numbers - International System


Operations on large numbers

Negative Numbers

Activity: Concept of negative numbers and operations on them

Worksheet: Integer Operations

Activity: Number line

Number bonds and combinations

Worksheet: Number combinations 1 to 6

Worksheet: Number bonds


Worksheet: Adding 0 and 1

Worksheet: One digit addition

Worksheet: One digit addition of 3 numbers

Worksheet: One digit addition horizontally and vertically

Worksheet: Addition as counting forward

Worksheet: Two digit addition

Worksheet: Two digit addition and subtraction with verification

Worksheet: Two digit addition - Arrange vertically and add

Worksheet: Two digit addition find missing numbers

Worksheet: Three digit addition - Arrange vertically and add

Worksheet: Three digit addition horizontally and vertically


Worksheet: Subtraction as counting backward

Worksheet: Subtracting the number itself and previous number

Worksheet: Subtraction of tens

Worksheet: Subtraction with borrowing

Worksheet: Horizontal subtraction 1

Worksheet: Horizontal subtraction 2

Worksheet: Horizontal subtraction 3


Multiplication patterns


Division patterns

Simplifying division

Approximating Quotients

Dividing by 2 digit number

Mixed Operations

Mixed Operations

Finding Unit costs

Activity: Counting and Operations

Worksheet: Number Stories
