TE year2sourcebook/year2 unit1 Summary of the Unit

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TE year2sourcebook
year2 unit1 Additional resources year2 unit1 Summary of the Unit year2 unit1 Self assessment

FOSS ICT applications that can enable the creation of teaching-learning materials in different subjects are available, these have been developed by software developers working with teachers. The special requirements of communicating some of the concepts in different subjects have been worked into the functionalities of these applications. Geogebra enables a Mathematics teacher to create materials on different topics in Arithmetic, Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, statistics etc. These resources can demonstrate theorems, allow simulations, connect algebra and geometry. In science, virtual experiments can be simulated to explore the influence of variables on the outcomes. Digital atlases and history time lines allow the social science teacher to create lessons in geography and history.

While this unit discusses some select tools, there are several more FOSS educational applications available on the GNU/Linux platform which can be downloaded and explored. Such exploration in itself can be a process of self-learning.