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, 10:30, 11 October 2016
= Textbook =
Please click here for Karnataka and other text books.
#[http://ktbs.kar.nic.in/New/Textbooks/class-x/english/maths/class-x-english-maths-chapter07.pdf Karnataka text book for Class 10, Chapter 07 - Surds]
=Additional Information=
#9th_and_10th_ NCERT, ICSE and CBSE Text books, relavent websites and other books
==Useful websites==
#[http://m.everythingmaths.co.za/grade-11/01-exponents-and-surds/01-exponents-and-surds-02.cnxmlplus Surds] starts with basic concepts,(to view the next page, please click on previous/up/next options in the bottom of the page
#[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nth_root Please refer Wikipedia page for Surds]. This page discusses SuFNcY1z8dr6srds in detail.
#[http://www.mathcentre.ac.uk/resources/uploaded/mc-ty-surds-2009-1.pdf surds and other roots]This page discusses surds and roots in detail.
#Video on Surds from Youtube :simplifying surds,rationalising surds,dividing and multiplying surds
==Reference Questions==
#what is the meaning of surds?
#Difference between like and unlike surds.
#Meaning of Pure and mixed surds.
#Simplification of rationalising the denominator.
= Teaching Outlines =
*Definition, examaples
*Order and radicand of a surd
*Like Surds and Unlike Surds
*Addition and Subtraction of Surds
*Multiplication of Surds.<br>i.Multiplication of Surds having same Order<br>ii. Multiplication of Surds having different Order
*Rationalising Factor of a Surd
*Simplifying a surd by Rationalizing denominator of a surd
==Concept 1: '''Definition of surds'''==
Irrational root of rational number. Example:<math>\sqrt{2}, 7\sqrt{5}, \sqrt{x}</math>
===Learning objectives===
#know the meaning of surds
#recognising radicand and order of surds
===Notes for teachers===
If you can't simplify a number to remove a square root (or cube root etc) then it is a surd.
If it is a root and irrational, it is a surd.
But not all roots are surds.
Activity for Definition[[Surds_definition_of_surds_activity1| click]]
==Concept-2: '''Like and Unlike surds'''==
===Learning objectives===
#Know the meaning of surd
#recognising the meaning of order and radicand
#Examples of like and unlike surds
#To change surd to simplest form
#Addition and Multiplication og surds
===Notes for teachers===
1.Like surds: A group of surds having same order and same radicand in their simplest form.
Example: <math>3\sqrt{5}, 7\sqrt{5}, x\sqrt{5}</math><br>
2.Unlike surds: Groups of surds having different orders or different radicandsor both in their simplest form.
Example: <math>\sqrt{a}, 3\sqrt{2}, x\sqrt{5}</math><br>
3.Addition and sustraction of surds.
Example: <math>2\sqrt{5}+3\sqrt{5}-\sqrt{5}</math><br>
4.Multiplication of surds.
Example: <math>7\sqrt{3} X 2\sqrt{5}</math><br>
Activity for like and unlike surds [[Surds_like_and_unlike_surds_activity_1|click here]]
=Assessment activities for CCE=
Solving problems with same order and same radicand, same order and different radicand, different order and different radicand also different order and same order.
[[Surds_CCE_Activity]] click here
= Hints for difficult problems =
= Project Ideas =
= Hints for difficult problems =
Please click[http://karnatakaeducation.org.in/KOER/en/index.php?title=Class10_surds_problems&action=submit here\]here
= Project Ideas =
= Math Fun =
Teachers contributions for this page
# Tharanath Achar Sir, Graduate Assistant. Govt. P U College, Belthangady
= Math Fun =