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నా పేరు నాగార్జున.
నా పేరు నాగార్జున.
'''Title of project'''
నేను HBCSE (TIFR) లో ప్రొఫెసర్ గా పని చేస్తున్నాను. HBCSEలో lab అనే studio లో science, technology, engineering, arts and mathematics education (STEAM education) పై పరిసోధన చేస్తున్నాను.
=What prior skills are assumed=
For more details visit [[]].
=Resources needed =
'''Hardware, software'''
=Project output= 
==Digital portfolio==
===Level 1===
===Level 2===
=Implementation notes=
==Notes for the teacher==
==When during the school year will it be done==
#Level 1-
#Level 2
#Level 3
==Duration and modality of the project==
#Data collection - through homework based questionnaire
#Data entry - 1 week
#Data analysis - 1 week
==Subject anchor==


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