{{Navigate|Prev=year2 unit1 Objectives of the unit|Curr=year2 unit1 Topics of Study in the Unit |Next=year2 unit1 Summary of the Unit}}
{{Navigate|Prev=year2 unit1 Objectives of the unit|Curr=year2 unit1 Topics of Study in the Unit |Next=year2 unit1 Summary of the Unit}}
The topics of study in Unit 1 are
In the first year you have been introduced to many applications for creating resources in multiple formats. The unique feature of digital tools is in the possibility of resource creation in different formats and combinations of resources in multiple formats. These characteristics of ICT that allow us to create different outputs have also resulted in the creation of many applications for supporting teaching learning in different subjects. The Free and Open Source Software community has developed hundreds of educational applications, which teachers can use to teach their subjects. These tools complement and supplement the traditional teaching methods that teachers use, such as lecture, chalk and talk, group discussions, projects etc. In this chapter, we will explore some specific applications for resource creation in different subjects.
=== Creating resources using educational tools - Geogebra and Turtle Art (for Mathematics) ===
=== Creating resources using educational tools - Geogebra and Turtle Art (for Mathematics) ===