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'''Draft Concept Note for the Workshop on Design, Planning and Development of e-content<br>
'''ICT Integration in Education -  Perspective plan for Telangana'''
Integration of ICT in school education, Telangana
''Presentation to Commissioner on Aug 6,2016''
=Components of ICT integration=
#Availability of adequate infrastructure and a Free and  
The objective of the state education department is to integrate technology into teaching and learning in sustained and meaningful ways.  The department is focused on upgrading the school labs in 3000 schools by building a digital lab and through equipping the classrooms with digital resources. 
#Open Technology Environment
In this context, it is proposed:
#Curriculum to support teacher training and student learning
#to evolve a meaningful curriculum for students,
#Capacity building
#to develop appropriate school level teaching learning resources (including textbooks, handbooks and other materials for students and teachers) and
##Teacher Education through collaborative communities
#to implement teacher training and develop teacher materials for supporting the implementation of this curriculum. 
##Creation and availability of Open Educational Resources
The state has already created a core group of about 50 resource persons who will be training teachers at the district level in the development of resources using various educational tools for use in the digital classrooms.  This district training will be conducted in the subjects of mathematics and science during the months of February – May. These teachers will be learning to access resources from the internet, create resources using various educational tools and share resources using online forums.<br><br>
##Institutional capacity building at Mandal and District Structures and SCERT
To build digital literacy and ICT integrated learning capabilities in the school system in a sustained way, the department is now also planning to develop a student curriculum for implementation in the schools.  It is proposed to base this curriculum on the National ICT curriculum and develop project modules providing various opportunities for students to interact and create with ICT, thus providing meaningful learning possibilities.<br><br>
=In line with National Policy and Curriculum=
An initial planning meeting was conducted on January 29, 2016 from which the following action points have emerged:
==NCFTE, 2009==
#Formation of a core group that will create project based modules in line with the National ICT curriculum for student learning; accompanied by teacher training modules as well as resources for use in the digital classrooms. 
#In­service TE must deepen knowledge and encourage reflective practice
#Formation of a core group that will look at the content developed in the state and curate it to be made available in a repository accessible to all teachers.
#Continuous development ­educational, social and intellectual
It was also decided to have a design and planning workshop to develop the syllabus for the ICT implementation.  This is a concept note for this design workshop.
#Community spaces for sharing and participatory, need based design
=Objectives of the workshop=
#Creation of resources as a method of TPDIn line with National Policy and Curriculum
#To identify the core skills and competencies to be built for digital literacy which will also support the achievement of Telangana academic standards
==National ICT Policy==
#To develop a syllabus for the students' learning, based on the National ICT curriculum, with a project based approach and identification of modules, to be developed as a textbook for students
#ICT opportunities for equitable access FOSS, OER
#To identify the areas for development of teacher materials which will support (i) the implementation of the syllabus and (ii) integration of ICT applications for teaching learning in classrooms, to be developed in the textbook and teacher handbook
#ICT for creation, content, connection
#To develop processes and benchmarks for review of teacher created materials and resources created during the teacher training workshops; this will provide a continuous, sustained model for development and publishing of resources
#Teacher education to drive ICT implementation through collaborative networks
#To develop a guideline for actual transaction and implementation of the syllabus in the schools
#ICT for educational management, administration
=Proposed Agenda for the workshop=
==National ICT Curriculum==
#ICT Literacy competencies
#ICT enabled teaching learning processes
|Day 1
=In line with educational theory=
#Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK)
|Session Details
#Technology mediates content
#Technology provides new methodologies
|11.00 11.30
=ICT infrastructure=
#School infrastructure
#State and DIET level labs for training and district resource centres
#Introduction to the workshop
#Resource repositories and off­line distribution
#Scope of the workshop and agenda
#Devices in schools must allow for computing and creation
#Hybrid solution needed for diverse school situations
|11.30 – 1.30
#Schools and DIETs need provision for maintenance
=Syllabus for teachers and students=
#To evolve a meaningful curriculum for students for building digital literacy skills as well as technology skills for subject
#Presentation of ICT curriculum and proposed competencies and skills (CIET)
learning. Telangana has already initiated this [[Telangana_ICT_textbook_initial_consultative_workshop|process]].
year-wise building up of competencies
#To develop appropriate school level teaching learning resources (including textbooks, handbooks and other materials for students
show linkages with the core curricular subject areas
and teachers) and
#Demonstration of project ideas for inclusion in syllabus (ITfC)
#To implement teacher training and develop teacher materials and teacher educator materials
#Demonstration of a resource structure (developed in the workshop) with parameters for evaluation of resources (SCERT)
'''''The National ICT curriculum provides a multi­stage approach to capacity building for in­ service and pre­service teacher training in ICT as well as for student learning'''''
=Capacity Building and OER (e-content) creation=
|2.30 – 5.30
#Teacher training to create a state­wide forum of teachers trained in technology integration
|Facilitated by ITfC
#Capacity building for DIET faculty and SCERT academic faculty in technology integration
#Capacity building for technology in educational administration
#Participants in groups develop outline of project modules (Group I)
#Development of Open Educational Resources – platforms and processes
#Participants in groups to develop outline of teacher modules to support the student ICT syllabus (Group II)
'''A  large network of teachers across the state
#Participants in group review resources developed in the teacher workshops (Group III) and compile for sharing with schools
can provide both the context and source for  
creation of contextual, diverse OER'''''Italic text''
|Day 2
=Implementation plan=
#Formation of a state resource group
|Session Details
#Development of curriculum for students, teachers and teacher educator for ICT learning and ICT integrated learning
#Teacher training across the state to build professional learning communities of teachers
|10.30 – 1.30
#Phased manner in line with the NCERT ICT curriculum
|Facilitated by SCERT
#Phased manner to cover all subjects, all teachers 
|Groups to present their work ideas for review
#Collaborative creation of OER
''''''A state­wide Subject Forum will provide the context
|2.30 – 4.30
and source for a sustainable OER creation model''''''
|Sharing by ITfC
#Implementation and timeplan
#Presentation of the wiki page for the textbook preparation with resources added and embedded
#Presentation of the wiki format for publishing the materials created by the Telangana teachers for continuous review and curation
|4.30 – 5.30
#Time plan and methodology for completion of modules for text book
#Closing and next steps
=Proposed syllabus=
==Syllabus and implementation structure==
#One school-wide ICT co-ordintor who will hold this course and co-ordinate
#Subject teacher will integrate into their teaching; where applications are subject specific, the ICT co-ordinator and subject teacher must team teach
#The integrated projects proposed being part of the FA - so 7 out of 28 FA can come from here
#The FA are assessed by the subject teachers, marks will be in the ICT course
#3 periods a week
==Proposed syllabus structure==
#The syllabus for Year 1 is described [[Telangana_ICT_syllabus_year_1| here]].
#The syllabus for Year 2 is described [[Telangana_ICT_syllabus_year_2| here]].
#The syllabus for Year 3 is described [[Telangana_ICT_syllabus_year_3| here]].
==Project structure==
#What prior skills are assumed
#Resources needed -including hardware, software
#When during the school year will it be done?
#Duration and modality of the project
#Project output - what activities, what digital portfolio
#Which subject will anchor?
[[Project_example|Please see here for an example]]
See [[Project_ideas|here]] for project ideas.
See [[ICTResources|here]] for ICT resources to help design projects.
|Collect the data of School History, School Infrastructure details, Classwise-genderwise strength, Teachers Bio-data
|Enter the collected data in the form of spread sheet
|Text Editing
|Editing the details
|Concept Mapping
|Make the concept map of OUR SCHOOL based on the data collected
|Image Capturing
|Collect the images of School, Infrastructure, Teachers
|Image Editing
|Edit the Captured Photographs and link with the Previous Project
|Audio Capturing
|Take the Self Introduction of Teachers with their own voice
|Video Capturing
|Take the Videos of various school activities and Prepare the video with using previous images, audio and data
=Formation of core groups for implementation=
For this purpose, it is suggested that three core groups be formed:
|Group I - To develop  project modules for the student syllabus
#5-8 members
#Resource persons trained in the teacher training workshops, representing all subject areas, a well as focusing on digital literacy
#Members of Swecha/ other organizations
#Facilitated by IT for Change, CIET
|Group II – To develop  teacher modules
#3-5 members
#Resource persons trained in the teacher training workshops, representing all subject areas
#Facilitated by IT for Change, CIET
|Group III – To review resources developed in the teacher workshops
#5-8 members
#Members from SCERT (subject experts)
#Members from SIET/ CIET/ HBCSE (NROER)
#Resources persons from the teacher training workshops
#Member from IT for Change
#Facilitated by SCERT
=Outcomes and outputs from the workshop=
#Formation of core groups tasked with content development for student textbook and teacher handbook
#Development of the student ICT syllabus and definition of core competencies and skills
#Development of a time plan for completion of student syllabus modules
#Allocation of student project modules and teacher handbook topics to the sub-groups
#Development of a guideline document for review and curation of resources on an ongoing basis
==List of projects generated in the workshop==
#[[Project_school_achievements_an_inspiration|Please see here for project for School achievements-An inspiration]]
#[[Project_water resources|"గ్రామ నీటి వనరులు" ప్రాజెక్ట్ కొరకు ఇక్కడ క్లిక్ చేయండి]]
#[[Project_plants_and_uses|Please see here for project for plants and their uses]]
#[[Project_Quadrilaterals_areas|Please see here for Quadrilateral Areas]]
#[[Project_variations_in_humanbeings|Please see here for variations_in_humanbeings]]
#[[Project_open_dugwells|Please see here for open_dugwells]]
#[[Project_Triangles|Please see here for Triangles]]
#[[Project_medicinal plants_and_uses|Please see here for Project medicinal plants and uses]]
#[[Project on street vedors|Please see here for Project on street vendors]]

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