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# The school should try to augment its hardware through donations and contributions from local community, parents association, clubs, philanthropies etc. Regularly adding computers is important to help replace computers that need to be put away due to failure.
# The school should try to augment its hardware through donations and contributions from local community, parents association, clubs, philanthropies etc. Regularly adding computers is important to help replace computers that need to be put away due to failure.
# Projector – a minimum of one LCD project is essential in each school, as the program matures, more than one LCD projector could be provided so that teachers could use it along with a laptop in their classrooms to provide ICT Integration teaching, apart from sessions in the lab.
# Projector – a minimum of one LCD project is essential in each school, as the program matures, more than one LCD projector could be provided so that teachers could use it along with a laptop in their classrooms to provide ICT Integration teaching, apart from sessions in the lab.
# Digital camera, speakers, head phones are other items that must be part of the school lab hardware
# Printer (cum scanner cum copier), digital camera, speakers, head phones are other items that must be part of the school lab hardware
#The school and the department must organize regular 'health' check-ups of the infrastructure for preventitive maitenance.
==== Software ====
==== Software ====
# Each computer will have the school system, which will have two components
# Each computer will have the school system, which will have two components
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#Off-line: The entire textbook is available off-line in your school, on your school server. You can access the chapters, resources, activities and practise on your computer, like in the on-line method, with one limitation. Only open content will be available for you to access off-line in your school. The textbook will show the internet links for the proprietary content, which cannot be accessed off-line. These can be accessed whenever there is internet connectivity. This method requires the computers to be working and electrical power to be available. In cases where the computers are down or electrical power is not available, then certain activities of the text book can still be transacted, as discussed below.
#Off-line: The entire textbook is available off-line in your school, on your school server. You can access the chapters, resources, activities and practise on your computer, like in the on-line method, with one limitation. Only open content will be available for you to access off-line in your school. The textbook will show the internet links for the proprietary content, which cannot be accessed off-line. These can be accessed whenever there is internet connectivity. This method requires the computers to be working and electrical power to be available. In cases where the computers are down or electrical power is not available, then certain activities of the text book can still be transacted, as discussed below.
#Non-digital: In case the lab is not operational due to different reasons, such as non-working computers, or no electricity, then the the print edition of the text book can be used. This can be support classroom discussions on a unit or project activities such as collecting data for surveys.All resources used in the textbook are listed in the print version under the references section. Even during this time, the on-line version could be accessed on a phone or tablet if there is data connectivity.  
#Non-digital: In case the lab is not operational due to different reasons, such as non-working computers, or no electricity, then the the print edition of the text book can be used. This can be support classroom discussions on a unit or project activities such as collecting data for surveys.All resources used in the textbook are listed in the print version under the references section. Even during this time, the on-line version could be accessed on a phone or tablet if there is data connectivity.  
=== School level program management ===
=== School level program management ===
# Each school must designate an Teacher IT co-ordinator (TITC), based on norms suggested by DSE. One option is for the School Head Master to designate a suitable teacher (who is reasonably comfortable using ICT and is inclined to take on the responsibility) as the SITC, a second option is for the DSE to designate teacher of a particular subject as the SITC. The SITC role could be periodically (once in 2-3 years) rotated amongst the staff.
# Each school must designate an Teacher IT co-ordinator (TITC), based on norms suggested by DSE. Since all teachers in the school, will be, in a phased manner, trained in ICT integration, the role of SITC could be played by any teacher who has received the training. The key responsibilities of the SITC include
# Similarly, 1-5 students from each class could be designated as Student IT co-ordinators (SITC), who will help the TITC in managing the lab, facilitating repair of the equipment as required.
## custody of the Lab and Lab infrastructure and making available to teachers and students as required
##preventive and breakdown maintenance of the ICT assets
##keeping a simple log of the lab usage
##Supporting teachers to transact ICT lessons in the lab and scheduling ICT classes along with the use of teachers for their subject teaching in the lab.
##Keeping the school and HM informed of any requirements, problems faced and work for their solution
# One option is for the School Head Master to designate a suitable teacher (who is reasonably comfortable using ICT and is inclined to take on the responsibility) as the SITC, a second option is for the DSE to designate teacher of a particular subject as the SITC. The SITC role could be periodically (once in 2-3 years) rotated amongst the staff.
#Similarly, 1-5 students from each class could be designated as Student IT co-ordinators (SITC), who will help the TITC in managing the lab, facilitating repair of the equipment as required.
=== Regular maintenance ===
=== Regular maintenance ===
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# Contact information of individuals or institutions who are appointed for the maintenance and repair of the hardware must be clearly put up on a chart in the lab itself.
# Contact information of individuals or institutions who are appointed for the maintenance and repair of the hardware must be clearly put up on a chart in the lab itself.
# Software needs to be periodically upgraded. New versions could be upgraded every 1-2 years, while security related upgrades must be done more frequently, say once a month. this would require internet connectivity
# Software needs to be periodically upgraded. New versions could be upgraded every 1-2 years, while security related upgrades must be done more frequently, say once a month. this would require internet connectivity
# The school will need to have annual component of its budget for maintenance of the ICT Lab and for consumables
=== ICT Lab academic processes ===
=== ICT Lab academic processes ===
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# During practice sessions, some students (who may be more proficient in ICT) may also be roped in to support their peers during the hands-on sessions.
# During practice sessions, some students (who may be more proficient in ICT) may also be roped in to support their peers during the hands-on sessions.
# For each designated activity, each student is required to maintain their digital records / portfolio, in relevant folders. Ideally the resources created / accessed / connected to each activity should be in a separate folder.
# For each designated activity, each student is required to maintain their digital records / portfolio, in relevant folders. Ideally the resources created / accessed / connected to each activity should be in a separate folder.
# Each student must have her/his login into the school system. (The Ubuntu GNU/Linux system allows multiple user logins to be set-up on a computer). Each student will be able to create folders and store their work on the system, which will be secured through their login. The teacher should be able to access these portfolios for assessment. In each term, one of the Formative Assessments will also be transacted through the activities (or variants of the same) identified in the ICT text book
# Each student must also have a note book to record her/his activities, assignments etc.
# Each student must also have a note book to record her/his activities, assignments etc.
# Each student must have her/his login into the school system. (The Ubuntu GNU/Linux system allows multiple user logins to be set-up on a computer). Each student will be able to create folders and store their work on the system, which will be secured through their login. These folders will grow and be enriched over the three years of the transaction of book 1, and over the five years of the ICT learning of the student.
# The teacher should be able to access the student portfolios for assessment. In each term, one of the Formative Assessments will also be transacted through the activities (or variants of the same) identified in the ICT text book
#Since all teachers will undergo training, they will be able to transact the ICT classes. The HM should be able to allocate the ICT classes to any of these teachers, based on various parameters including work load of different teachers. There should no rigid fixing of any unit to any specific subject teacher. In fact the ICT book offers an opportunity for any subject to go beyond subject boundaries and explore other subjects as well in the project activities. The HM will need to prepare the time table of the school, in consultation with the staff, so that the ICT classes (3 every week) are transacted by teachers over the year.
#In addition the 'structured program' of 3 periods per week, teachers may take their students to the ICT Lab to transact activities from their own syllabus/text book. A system of booking the lab in advance may be requried to be set-up.
=== Support and peer learning===
Every teacher will undergo training on ICT integration in education through the Telangana Subject Teacher Forum program. During the training, the teacher will be made a member of the Subject Teacher Forum mailing groups. These groups are meant for teachers to share ideas, experiences and resources and also for seeking help and peer support. If the teacher faces a challenge or difficulty in implementing the program, she can discuss with her colleagues in her school. In addition, she can also send an email to the mailing lists, discussing the issue. This mail could be responded to by other members of the forum, or by the core group.
The mind map below displays the implementation parameters graphically.
The mind map below displays the implementation parameters graphically.
[[File:School Level Implementation|center|flash]]
[[File:School Level Implementation|center|flash]]

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