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112,650 bytes added ,  18:51, 21 November 2016
Created page with "// <source lang="javascript"> /* Upload form rewrite Author: User:Lupo, March 2008 License: Quadruple licensed GFDL, GPL, LGPL and Creative Commons Attribution 3.0..."
// <source lang="javascript">

Upload form rewrite

Author: [[User:Lupo]], March 2008
License: Quadruple licensed GFDL, GPL, LGPL and Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 (CC-BY-3.0)

Choose whichever license of these you like best :-)

importScript( 'MediaWiki:Gadget-HotCat.js' );
importScript( 'MediaWiki:TextCleaner.js' );
importScript( 'MediaWiki:LanguageHandler.js' );
importScript( 'MediaWiki:FormRestorer.js' );
importScript( 'MediaWiki:UIElements.js' );
importScript( 'MediaWiki:Tooltips.js' );

// Guard against multiple inclusions!
if (typeof (UploadForm) == 'undefined') {

// Configuration. These can be set by a user in their monobook.js/modern.js. The typeof checks
// are not really needed when this script is globally enabled, but until then, we have to be
// careful not to overwrite a user's settings if he defines these first and then includes this
// script in his monobook.js.
if (typeof (UploadForm_forcebasic) == 'undefined')
// If non-null, use the basic form
var UploadForm_forcebasic =
(typeof (JSconfig) == 'undefined' || JSconfig.keys['UploadForm_newlayout']) ? null : true;
if (typeof (UploadForm_ownwork_author) == 'undefined')
var UploadForm_ownwork_author = "\[\[User:" + mw.config.get('wgUserName') + "|" + mw.config.get('wgUserName') + "\]\]";
// Change to use something else
if (typeof (UploadForm_ownwork_date) == 'undefined')
var UploadForm_ownwork_date = null;
// Set to define a pre-fill value for the date field
if (typeof (UploadForm_own_language_first) == 'undefined')
var UploadForm_own_language_first = false;
// Set to true to have own language description on top
if (typeof (UploadForm_additional_info_height) == 'undefined')
var UploadForm_additional_info_height = 2;
if (typeof (UploadForm_description_height) == 'undefined')
var UploadForm_description_height = 2;
if (typeof (UploadForm_source_field_size) == 'undefined')
var UploadForm_source_field_size = 1;
if (typeof (UploadForm_author_field_size) == 'undefined')
var UploadForm_author_field_size = 1;
if (typeof (UploadForm_page_preview_in_tooltip) == 'undefined')
var UploadForm_page_preview_in_tooltip = false;
if (typeof (UploadForm_description_languages) == 'undefined')
var UploadForm_description_languages = null;
if (typeof (UploadForm_autofill) == 'undefined')
var UploadForm_autofill = true;
// If false, don't pre-fill description field in basic mode. May be useful
// for people who have their own scripts pre-filling this field.

// Don't set the focus initially, it makes the page scroll, and people won't see the
// introductory texts
var EditTools_set_focus_initially = false;

var UFUtils =
makeLink : function (name, url)
var link = document.createElement ('a');
link.setAttribute ('href', url);
link.appendChild (document.createTextNode (name));
return link;

convert_td_div : function (td)
// Replace the contents with a div, fixate the width, and give the div the id of the td
var div = document.createElement ('div');
var w = UFUtils.getWidth (td);
if (w) {
td.setAttribute ('width', "" + w); = "" + w + 'px';
div.setAttribute ('width', (w ? "" + w : '100%'));
if (w) = "" + w + 'px';
// Clear the warning_cell and add the div instead
while (td.firstChild) td.removeChild (td.firstChild);
td.appendChild (div);
var id =; = ""; = id;
return div;

getHeight : function (rows, minimum, maximum)
if (rows == null) return minimum;
try {
var x = rows / 2;
} catch (ex) {
// It's not a number
return minimum;
if (rows < minimum) return minimum;
else if (rows > maximum) return maximum;
return rows;

getWidth : function (element)
try {
if (element.clientWidth) // From IE, but Gecko has this, too.
return element.clientWidth;
else if (window.getComputedStyle) // Gecko, Opera
return document.defaultView
.getComputedStyle (element, null)
.getPropertyValue ('width');
} catch (ex) {
return null;

isChildOf : function (child, ancestor)
if (!ancestor) return false;
while (child && child != ancestor) child = child.parentNode;
return (child == ancestor);

}; // end UFUtils

var UFUI =
// Encapsulate all UI stuff, with checks such that it works in degraded mode
// (built-in defaults only) if UIElements doesn't exist.

defaultLanguage : 'en', // Default.
userLanguage : 'en', // Sanitized wgUserLanguage.
internalLanguage : 'en', // Same, but with dashes replaced by underscores.
isOwnWork : false, // True if uselang="*ownwork"
isFromFlickr : false, // True if uselang="*fromflickr"
isExperienced : false, // True if uselang="experienced"

sanitizeUserLanguage : function ()
// Try to make sense of wgUserLanguage even if it has been hacked to have special
// pages for particular upload sources. Also sets isOwnWork and isFromFlickr.
var globalUserLanguage = mw.config.get('wgUserLanguage');
if (!globalUserLanguage) return;
UFUI.userLanguage = globalUserLanguage;
if (globalUserLanguage.length > 3) {
// Special "hacked" uselang parameters...
var hacks = ['ownwork', 'fromflickr', 'experienced', 'fromwikimedia', 'fromgov'];
var found = false;
for (var i = 0; i < hacks.length; i++) {
var idx = globalUserLanguage.indexOf (hacks[i]);
if (idx >= 0) {
found = true;
if (idx > 0)
UFUI.userLanguage = globalUserLanguage.substring (0, idx);
UFUI.userLanguage = UFUI.defaultLanguage;
if (i == 0)
UFUI.isOwnWork = true;
else if (i == 1)
UFUI.isFromFlickr = true;
else if (i == 2)
UFUI.isExperienced = true;
if (!found
&& typeof (LanguageHandler) != 'undefined'
&& typeof (LanguageHandler.getPrefix) == 'function')
// None of the "standard" hacks. Try an alternate approach.
var lang_code_length = LanguageHandler.getPrefix (globalUserLanguage);
if (lang_code_length > 0 && lang_code_length < globalUserLanguage.length) {
UFUI.userLanguage = globalUserLanguage.substr (0, lang_code_length);
} // end if
if (UFUI.userLanguage == 'en-gb') UFUI.userLanguage = 'en';
UFUI.internalLanguage = UFUI.userLanguage.replace (/-/g, '_');

defaultLabels : {
wpSourceUploadLbl: 'Original source:',
wpAuthorUploadLbl: 'Author:',
wpDateUploadLbl: 'Date:',
wpDescUploadLbl: 'Description:',
wpPermissionUploadLbl: 'Permission:',
wpCategoriesUploadLbl: 'Categories:',
wpOtherVersionsUploadLbl: 'Other versions:',
wpAdditionalInfoUploadLbl: 'Additional information:',
wpPreviewLicenseUploadLbl: 'Preview the chosen license',
wpOwnWorkUploadLbl: 'Own work',
wpUnknownLanguageUploadLbl:'Unknown language',
wpPreviewUploadLbl: 'Preview',
wpOkUploadLbl: 'OK',
wpCancelUploadLbl: 'Cancel'

defaultErrorMsgs : {
'You must provide the original source of the image, the author of the work, and a license.',
'The target filename must not be empty.',
'The target file name appears to be a URL.',
'The target file name must not contain "/".',
'Please use a more descriptive target file name.',
'The target file name must have a file type extension (like for example ".jpg").',
'Files of this type cannot be uploaded.',
'Please correct the double file type in the target file name.',
'The source must be a URL pointing to the image at Flickr.',
'Please give a description of the contents of the file you want to upload.',
'Help text not found.',
'You will upload over an already existing file. Please choose a different filename,'
+'unless you are uploading a technically improved version of the same file.'
+'Don\'t overwrite a file with a different image of the same topic.'
+'If you overwrite, the information in this form will not appear on the description page.',

'Please describe the file changes in the text box.'

defaultHints: {
'Name of the file after the upload.',
'Where does this file come from?',
'Who created this file? If it shows some artwork, who created that?',
'Date of creation and/or first publication of the work.',
'Not your own file? Or already published elsewhere? Use \{\{OTRS pending\}\} and send permission by e-mail. '
+'Also for specialized license tags.',
'Use for geolocation tags and other specialized information.',
'Click (+) to add categories.'

// Do *not* use "-" here (as in "be-tarask")!! Use "_" instead: "be_tarask".
translate: {
en: 'translate'

labels : null, // Repository for form labels
help : null, // Repository for help texts (and the help button)
error_msgs : null, // Repository for error messages
uiElements : null, // Repository for graphical UI elements
hints : null, // Repository for brief hints

setupRepositories : function ()
if (!UFUI.labels) {
if (typeof (UIElements) != 'undefined') {
UFUI.labels = UIElements.emptyRepository (); = UIElements.emptyRepository ();
UFUI.error_msgs = UIElements.emptyRepository ();
UFUI.uiElements = UIElements.emptyRepository ();
UFUI.hints = UIElements.emptyRepository ();

for (var id in UFUI.defaultLabels) {
if (id == 'wpDescUploadLbl') {
( id
, UFUI.labels
, UFUtils.makeLink ( UFUI.defaultLabels[id]
, '/wiki/Commons:First_steps/Quality_and_description')
} else {
(id, UFUI.labels, document.createTextNode (UFUI.defaultLabels[id]));
for (var id in UFUI.defaultErrorMsgs) {
UIElements.setEntry (id, UFUI.error_msgs,
document.createTextNode (UFUI.defaultErrorMsgs[id]));
for (var id in UFUI.defaultHints) {
UIElements.setEntry (id, UFUI.hints,
document.createTextNode (UFUI.defaultHints[id]));

// Now try to read the localized stuff from the uploadfooter.
UIElements.load ('wpUploadFormLabels', null, 'span', UFUI.labels);
UIElements.load ('wpUploadFormErrorMessages', null, 'span', UFUI.error_msgs);
UIElements.load ('wpUploadFormHints', null, 'span', UFUI.hints);
UIElements.load ('wpUploadFormUIElements', null, 'div', UFUI.uiElements);
UIElements.load ('wpUploadFormHelp', null, 'div',;
UFUI.basic = false;
} else {
UFUI.labels = UFUI.defaultLabels;
UFUI.error_msgs = UFUI.defaultErrorMsgs;
UFUI.hints = UFUI.defaultHints;
UFUI.basic = true;

getUI : function (id, repository, basic)
if (!UFUI.labels) {
UFUI.sanitizeUserLanguage ();
UFUI.setupRepositories ();
if (!UFUI[repository]) return null;
var result = null;
var add_plea = false;
if (UFUI.basic) {
result = document.createTextNode (UFUI[repository][id]);
add_plea = (UFUI.internalLanguage != UFUI.defaultLanguage);
} else {
result = UIElements.getEntry (id, UFUI[repository], UFUI.internalLanguage, null);
add_plea = !result;
if (!result) result = UIElements.getEntry (id, UFUI[repository]);
if (!result) return null; // Hmmm... what happened here? We normally have defaults...
result = result.cloneNode (true);
if (add_plea && !basic) {
// Wrap it all into a span -- we can return only one element
var span = document.createElement ('span');
span.appendChild (result);
span.appendChild (UFUI.plea (repository, id));
result = span;
return result;

plea : function (what, msg_id)
var span = document.createElement ('sub');
span.appendChild (document.createTextNode (' ('));
span.appendChild (
UFUtils.makeLink (
UFUI.translate[UFUI.internalLanguage] || UFUI.translate.en
, ''
+encodeURIComponent (UFUI.userLanguage)
+'&uploadformurl=' + encodeURIComponent (document.URL)
+(what ? '&uploadformitems=' + encodeURIComponent (what) : "")
+(msg_id ? '&uploadformmsg=' + encodeURIComponent (msg_id) : "")));
span.appendChild (document.createTextNode (')'));
return span;

getLabel : function (id, basic)
return UFUI.getUI (id, 'labels', basic);

getErrorMsg : function (id, basic)
return UFUI.getUI (id, 'error_msgs', basic);

getHint : function (id, basic)
return UFUI.getUI (id, 'hints', basic);

getEntry : function (id, repository, lang, sel)
if (!UFUI.labels) {
UFUI.sanitizeUserLanguage ();
UFUI.setupRepositories ();
if (!UFUI.basic)
return UIElements.getEntry (id, UFUI[repository], lang, sel);
if (!UFUI[repository] || lang != UFUI.defaultLanguage || !!sel && sel != 'default')
return null;
return UFUI[repository][id];

}; // end UFUI

var UFHelp = // Collects all help-related stuff
help_close_imgs : null,

precreate_tooltip_closer : function ()
if (typeof (Tooltip) != 'undefined' && typeof (Buttons) != 'undefined') {
var close_imgs =
UFUI.getEntry ('wpUploadFormHelpCloseButton', 'uiElements', UFUI.internalLanguage);
if (!close_imgs)
close_imgs = UFUI.getEntry ('wpUploadFormHelpCloseButton', 'uiElements');
if (close_imgs) close_imgs = close_imgs.getElementsByTagName ('img');
if (!close_imgs || close_imgs.length == 0)
close_imgs = null;
close_imgs = Buttons.createClass (close_imgs, 'wpUploadFormHelpCloseClass');
UFHelp.help_close_imgs = close_imgs;

tooltip_styles : // The style for all our tooltips
{ border : '1px solid #8888aa'
, backgroundColor : '#f7f8ff'
, padding : '0.3em'
, fontSize : ((mw.config.get('skin') == 'monobook' || mw.config.get('skin') == 'modern') ? '127%' : '100%')
// Scale up to default text size

getHelp : function (help_id, with_ext)
// This is a Tooltip callback! Sets the help texts dynamically, depending of the file
// type the user has chosen in wpDestFile.
var fn = null;
if (with_ext) {
fn = document.getElementById ('wpDestFile');
if (fn != null) fn = fn.value;
if (fn != null) {
fn = fn.split ('.');
if (fn.length >= 2) fn = fn[fn.length-1]; else fn = null;

var add_plea = false;
var extensions = [fn, 'default'];
var help_main = null;
for (var i = 0; i < extensions.length && !help_main; i++) {
if (extensions[i] && extensions[i].length > 0) {
help_main = UFUI.getEntry (help_id, 'help', UFUI.internalLanguage, extensions[i]);
if (!help_main) {
help_main = UFUI.getEntry (help_id, 'help', null, extensions[i]);
add_plea = (help_main != null);
var help_base = UFUI.getEntry (help_id, 'help', UFUI.internalLanguage);
if (!help_base) {
help_base = UFUI.getEntry (help_id, 'help');
add_plea = add_plea || (help_base != null);
var help = document.createElement ('div');
if (help_base) help.appendChild (help_base);
if (help_main) help.appendChild (help_main);
if (!help_main && !help_base) {
help.appendChild (UFUI.getErrorMsg ('wpNoHelpTextError'));
} else if (add_plea) {
help.appendChild (UFUI.plea ('help', help_id));
return help;

showHelp : function (evt, id) // Onclick handler for setup without tooltips
var e = evt || window.event;
var node = || e.srcElement;
if (!node) {
var error = UFUI.getErrorMsg ('wpNoHelpTextError', true);
// We need the text contents... and IE doesn't know Node.TEXT_NODE
while (error && error.nodeType != 3) error = error.firstChild;
if (error) alert (;
// Otherwise what??
} else if (!document.getElementById (id + '_Div')) {
var help = UFHelp.getHelp (id, false); = 'small'; = '#666666';
// Now add a new table row after the current one
var tr = node.parentNode;
while (tr && tr.nodeName.toLowerCase () != 'tr') tr = tr.parentNode;
if (!tr) {
var error = UFUI.getErrorMsg ('wpNoHelpTextError', true);
while (error && error.nodeType != 3) error = error.firstChild;
if (error) alert (;
} else {
var new_tr = document.createElement ('tr');
var cell = document.createElement ('td');
new_tr.appendChild (cell);
cell = document.createElement ('td'); = id + '_Div';
new_tr.appendChild (cell);
tr.parentNode.insertBefore (new_tr, tr.nextSibling);
cell = UFUtils.convert_td_div (cell);
cell.appendChild (help);
if (!!e.stopPropagation) {
e.stopPropagation ();
e.preventDefault ();
} else if (typeof (e.cancelBubble) != 'undefined') {
e.cancelBubble = true;
return false;

setupHelp : function (is_reupload)
if (! return; // Help not loaded

function setHelp (id, imgs, lk, maximum_width, is_reupload)
// Figure out where to place the help "button"
var field = document.getElementById (id);
var insert_in = null, before = null;
var help_id = id + 'Help';
if (![help_id]) return; // Don't add if we have no help at all.
var offset = -5; // Pixels.
switch (id) {
case 'wpWatchthis':
case 'wpIgnoreWarning':
// Right of the element
if (!field) return;
insert_in = field.parentNode;
// Find the label.
var lbls = insert_in.getElementsByTagName ('label');
if (!lbls) {
before = field.nextSibling;
} else {
for (var i = 0; i < lbls.length; i++) {
if (lbls[i].htmlFor && lbls[i].htmlFor == id) {
before = lbls[i].nextSibling; break;
offset = Math.abs (offset);
case 'wpCategories':
field = document.getElementById ('hotcatLabelTranslated');
if (!field) return;
insert_in = field;
before = null;
if (field.firstChild) {
field = field.firstChild;
offset = Math.abs (offset);
case 'wpAuthor':
case 'wpSource':
if (!field) return;
field = field.parentNode; // Because the field itself may vanish.
insert_in = field.parentNode.cells[0];
before = null;
case 'wpDestFile':
if (!field) return;
insert_in = field.parentNode.parentNode.cells[0];
before = null;
if (is_reupload) {
help_id = 'wpReuploadDestHelp';
field = null; // Field is hidden: attach the help text to the button instead
case 'wpDesc':
if (!field) {
field = document.getElementById ('wpUploadDescription');
if (field) { // Basic form
help_id = (is_reupload ? 'wpReuploadSummaryHelp' : 'wpUploadDescriptionHelp');
} else {
insert_in = document.getElementById ('wpDescLabel');
if (!insert_in) return;
field = insert_in;
offset = Math.abs (offset);
before = insert_in.nextSibling;
insert_in = insert_in.parentNode;
// Fall through
if (!field) return;
// In the table cell to the left
insert_in = field.parentNode.parentNode.cells[0];
before = null;
// Create and insert the help "button"
var button_construct = null, button = null;
if (imgs && typeof (Buttons) != 'undefined') {
button = Buttons.makeButton (imgs, id + '_HelpButton', '#'); = 'relative'; = '-0.4em';
button_construct = button;
} else {
button_construct = lk.cloneNode (true);
button = button_construct.getElementsByTagName ('a')[0];
insert_in.insertBefore (button_construct, before);
if (typeof (Tooltip) != 'undefined') {
// Create the tooltip
var tooltip =
new Tooltip
( button
, function () { var hlp = help_id; return UFHelp.getHelp (hlp, true); }
, { activate : Tooltip.CLICK
,deactivate : (UFHelp.help_close_imgs
? Tooltip.CLICK_ELEM
: Tooltip.CLICK_TIP|Tooltip.CLICK_ELEM|Tooltip.LOSE_FOCUS)
,close_button : UFHelp.help_close_imgs
,mode : Tooltip.FIXED
,fixed_offset : {x:10, y: offset}
,max_pixels : maximum_width
,target : field
,open_delay : 0
,hide_delay : 0
, UFHelp.tooltip_styles
} else {
// Alternative setup without Tooltips: insert help text statically in a table field below the
// button.
button.onclick =
function (evt) { var hlp = help_id; return UFHelp.showHelp (evt, hlp); };

var button_imgs = null, button_lk = null;
if (typeof (Buttons) != 'undefined') {
var button_imgs = UFUI.getEntry ('wpUploadFormHelpOpenButton', 'uiElements', UFUI.internalLanguage);
if (!button_imgs) button_imgs = UFUI.getEntry ('wpUploadFormHelpOpenButton', 'uiElements');
var button_lk = null;
if (button_imgs) button_imgs = button_imgs.getElementsByTagName ('img');
if (!button_imgs || button_imgs.length == 0) {
// Alternative text-based "button"
button_lk = document.createElement ('sup');
button_lk.appendChild (document.createElement ('b'));
button_lk.firstChild.appendChild (document.createTextNode (' ['));
button_lk.firstChild.appendChild (UFUtils.makeLink ('?', '#'));
button_lk.firstChild.appendChild (document.createTextNode (']'));
button_imgs = null;
} else {
button_imgs = Buttons.createClass (button_imgs, 'wpUploadFormHelpOpenClass');

var widest_field = document.getElementById ('wpAdditionalInfo');
var max_width = 0;
if (!widest_field) widest_field = document.getElementById ('wpUploadDescription');
if (widest_field) {
var w = UFUtils.getWidth (widest_field);
try {
max_width = Math.round (w * 0.9);
} catch (ex) {
max_width = 0;
setHelp ('wpUploadFile', button_imgs, button_lk, max_width, is_reupload);
setHelp ('wpDestFile', button_imgs, button_lk, max_width, is_reupload);
setHelp ('wpSource', button_imgs, button_lk, max_width, is_reupload);
setHelp ('wpAuthor', button_imgs, button_lk, max_width, is_reupload);
setHelp ('wpDate', button_imgs, button_lk, max_width, is_reupload);
setHelp ('wpDesc', button_imgs, button_lk, max_width, is_reupload);
setHelp ('wpPermission', button_imgs, button_lk, max_width, is_reupload);
setHelp ('wpOtherVersions', button_imgs, button_lk, max_width, is_reupload);
setHelp ('wpAdditionalInfo', button_imgs, button_lk, max_width, is_reupload);
setHelp ('wpLicense', button_imgs, button_lk, max_width, is_reupload);
setHelp ('wpCategories', button_imgs, button_lk, max_width, is_reupload);
setHelp ('wpWatchthis', button_imgs, button_lk, max_width, is_reupload);
setHelp ('wpIgnoreWarning', button_imgs, button_lk, max_width, is_reupload);

}; // end UFHelp

var UploadFormBasic =
on_error_form : false, // True iff we're on a re-sent form (error case).

setup : function (auto_fill)
// Special setup: don't use separate input fields; just verify the filename and that the
// description isn't empty.
var desc = document.getElementById ('wpUploadDescription');
var previous_form = null;
UploadForm.previous_hotcat_state = null;
if (!UploadForm.isReupload) {
if (typeof (FormRestorer) != 'undefined') {
var current_dest_file = document.getElementById ('wpDestFile');
var original_dest_file = null;
if (current_dest_file != null) {
current_dest_file = current_dest_file.value;
original_dest_file = current_dest_file.defaultValue;
if (original_dest_file && original_dest_file.length > 0) {
// If original_dest_file was set to something, we're not on the original upload form but
// on the re-sent form in error cases.
UploadFormBasic.on_error_form = true;
} else if (current_dest_file && current_dest_file.length > 0) {
previous_form = FormRestorer.readForm ('UploadFormBasic');
if (!previous_form && desc && desc.value && desc.value.length > 0) {
// Hmmm... IE sometimes cannot read the cookie (because it wasn't stored, due to some
// strange security settings on some computers that I've been unable to track down).
// If we're here, we have a target file name *and* a description: assume the description
// comes from the browser's field value cache and make sure we don't overwrite it.
auto_fill = false;
if (previous_form) {
var additional_data = previous_form[0].val;
if (additional_data) {
additional_data = additional_data.split ('\t');
var previous_file = additional_data[0];
if (previous_file == current_dest_file) {
if (additional_data.length >= 2) UploadForm.previous_hotcat_state = additional_data[1];
} else {
previous_form = null;
UploadForm.formModified = true;
if (document.getElementById ('wpLicense') != null)
UploadForm.setup_license_preview ();
UploadForm.oldOnSubmit = UploadForm.the_form.onsubmit;
UploadForm.the_form.onsubmit = UploadFormBasic.submit;
if (!UploadForm.isReupload) {
UploadForm.addPreviewButton (UploadFormBasic.preview);
if (previous_form) {
// Restore form values.
if (desc) {
var prev = UploadForm.getPrevValue (previous_form,;
if (prev) desc.value = prev;
if (UploadForm.previous_hotcat_state != null && typeof (hotcat_set_state) == 'function') {
var input = document.getElementById ('hotcat_text');
if (input != null) hotcat_cancel ();
UploadForm.previous_hotcat_state = hotcat_set_state (UploadForm.previous_hotcat_state);
} else {
if (!!UploadForm_autofill && auto_fill && !UploadForm.isReupload) {
if (desc) desc.value = UploadForm.empty_template ('Information');
if (desc && desc.value && desc.value.indexOf ('\{\{Information') >= 0) {
// Only hide the box in the Uploadtext if there is really an inormation-template in the
// summary!
var infobox = document.getElementById ('Uploadtext-template-box');
if (infobox) = 'none';

submit : function (evt)
var overwrite = false;
if (!UploadForm.isReupload) overwrite = UploadForm.isOverwrite ();
if (!UploadFormBasic.verify (overwrite)) return false;

if (!UploadForm.isReupload) {
var target_name = document.getElementById ('wpDestFile');
if (target_name != null && target_name.value != null) // Strip whitespace
target_name.value = target_name.value.replace(/^\s\s*/, '').replace(/\s\s*$/, '');
if (!UploadFormBasic.on_error_form
&& typeof (FormRestorer) != 'undefined'
&& target_name != null && target_name.value != null) {
var hotcat_state = null;
if (typeof (hotcat_get_state) == 'function') {
var input = document.getElementById ('hotcat_text');
if (input != null) hotcat_closeform ();
hotcat_state = hotcat_get_state ();
// We already know that target_name.value is set!
( 'UploadFormBasic'
, target_name.value
+ (hotcat_state != null ? '\t' + hotcat_state : '')
, ';path=' + document.location.pathname
+ ';max-age=1800');
// Expire after half an hour.
} // end if (UploadForm.isReupload)

var desc = document.getElementById ('wpUploadDescription');
var old_desc_value = desc.value;
var do_submit = UploadForm.call_onsubmit (evt || window.event);
if (!do_submit)
desc.value = old_desc_value;
else {
desc.value = UploadForm.fixCategoryTransclusion (UploadForm.clean (desc.value));
UploadForm.hidePreview ();
document.getElementById ('wpDestFile').disabled = false;
return do_submit;

preview : function (evt)
var overwrite = UploadForm.isOverwrite ();
if (!UploadFormBasic.verify (overwrite)) return false;

var desc = document.getElementById ('wpUploadDescription');
UploadForm.makePreview (UploadForm.clean (desc.value), overwrite);
return true;

verify : function (overwrite)
var desc = document.getElementById ('wpUploadDescription');
var ok = true;

if (UploadForm.isReupload) {
// Only check that the description isn't empty
if (UploadForm.errorMsgs != null) delete UploadForm.errorMsgs;
UploadForm.errorMsgs = new Array ();
UploadForm.warning_pushed = false;
if (!desc.value || (/\S/) < 0) { = UploadForm.errorColor;
desc.onkeyup = UploadForm.resetBg;
UploadForm.errorMsgs.push ('wpReuploadNoSummaryError');
ok = false;
} else {
if (!overwrite) {
if (UploadForm.errorMsgs != null) delete UploadForm.errorMsgs;
UploadForm.errorMsgs = new Array ();
UploadForm.warning_pushed = false;

if (!UploadForm.verifyMandatoryField (desc)) {
desc.onkeyup = UploadForm.resetBg;
ok = false;
} else {
// We do have a non-empty description. Try to split it up and check that the fields for
// author, source, and description are filled in.
var fields = UploadForm.split_description (desc.value);
if (fields != null && fields.length == 4) {
if ( fields[1] == null || fields[1].search (/\S/) < 0 // Author
|| fields[2] == null || fields[2].search (/\S/) < 0) // Source
{ = UploadForm.errorColor;
desc.onkeyup = UploadForm.resetBg;
if (!UploadForm.warning_pushed) {
if (UploadForm.errorMsgs != null)
UploadForm.errorMsgs.push ('wpUploadWarningError');
UploadForm.warning_pushed = true;
ok = false;
if ( UploadForm.templates[fields[0]].desc_mandatory
&& (fields[3] == null || fields[3].search (/\S/) < 0)) // Description
{ = UploadForm.errorColor;
desc.onkeyup = UploadForm.resetBg;
UploadForm.errorMsgs.push ('wpNoDescriptionError');
ok = false;
// Try a license check
var license = document.getElementById ('wpLicense');
if (license == null || license.selectedIndex == 0) {
// There must be a license somewhere in the description.
if (!UploadForm.has_license ([desc])) {
var d = desc.value.replace (/\{\{\s*([Ii]nformation|[Pp]ainting|[Ff]lickr)\s*\n/g,"");
if (d.indexOf ('\{\{') < 0) {
// No transcludion that could provide a license either = UploadForm.errorColor;
desc.onkeyup = UploadForm.resetBg;
if (!UploadForm.warning_pushed) {
if (UploadForm.errorMsgs != null)
UploadForm.errorMsgs.push ('wpUploadWarningError');
UploadForm.warning_pushed = true;
ok = false;
} else {
// Assume it's ok.
} // end license check
var target_name = document.getElementById ('wpDestFile');
if (target_name != null) {
// Trim leading and trailing whitespace
target_name.value = target_name.value.replace(/^\s\s*/, '').replace(/\s\s*$/, '');
if (!UploadForm.verifyFileName (target_name.value)) { = UploadForm.errorColor;
target_name.onkeyup =
function (evt)
UploadForm.resetBg (evt);
if (window.wgUploadWarningObj && typeof (wgUploadWarningObj.keypress) == 'function' && !UploadForm.isReupload)
ok = false;
} // end if (reupload or not)
if (!ok) {
UploadForm.hidePreview ();
UploadForm.display_errors ();
} else {
// It's ok: hide our warning box
var my_warning = document.getElementById ('wpUploadVerifyWarning');
if (my_warning != null) = 'none';
return ok;
} // end verify

}; // end UploadFormBasic

var UploadFormFull =
form_type : 0, // 0 - single desc field; 1 - one desc field per language
field_state : null, // Will be initialized in setup below.

multi_inputs : null,
// If we're using several description fields, this is an array of objects

pushMultiInput : function (sel, text)
if (UploadFormFull.multi_inputs == null) {
UploadFormFull.multi_inputs = [{selector : sel, textfield : text}];
} else {
UploadFormFull.multi_inputs[UploadFormFull.multi_inputs.length] =
{selector : sel, textfield : text};
var idx = UploadFormFull.multi_inputs.length; = 'wpLangSel' + idx; =; = 'wpDescText' + idx; =;

addDescField : function (content, lang, idx, stored_form)
var selector = LanguageHandler.getSelect
(null, lang, UFUI.getLabel ('wpUnknownLanguageUploadLbl', true));
// These style definitions are needed for IE, which otherwise creates excessively wide
// selectors, pushing the main form to the right. = '12em'; = '12em'; = 'hidden';
var textfield = document.createElement ('textarea');
textfield.setAttribute ('rows', UFUtils.getHeight (UploadForm_description_height, 2, 6)); = '100%';
UploadFormFull.pushMultiInput (selector, textfield);

var new_row = content.insertRow (idx == null ? content.rows.length : idx);
var first_cell = document.createElement ('td');
first_cell.setAttribute ('vAlign', 'top');
first_cell.appendChild (selector);
var second_cell = document.createElement ('td');
second_cell.setAttribute ('vAlign', 'top');
second_cell.appendChild (textfield);
new_row.appendChild (first_cell);
new_row.appendChild (second_cell);

if (stored_form != null) {
var prev_idx = UploadForm.getPrevValue (stored_form,;
var prev_val = UploadForm.getPrevValue (stored_form,;
if (prev_val != null) textfield.value = prev_val;
if (prev_idx != null) {
selector.options[selector.selectedIndex].selected = false;
selector.options[prev_idx].selected = true;
UploadFormFull.enable_edittools (textfield);

addOneDescField : function (evt) // onclick handler for the button
var button = document.getElementById ('wpUploadAddDescription');
var table_row = button.parentNode.parentNode;
var idx = table_row.rowIndex;
UploadFormFull.addDescField (table_row.parentNode, null, idx, null);

addMultiDesc : function (table, idx, stored_form)
// Add en and user language, if different
var userLang = LanguageHandler.closestLanguage (UFUI.userLanguage);

if (userLang == 'pt-br') userLang = 'pt'; // Per request from Portuguese and Brazilians
var first_cell = document.createElement ('td');
var second_cell = document.createElement ('td');
var new_label = document.createElement ('label'); = 'wpDescLabel';
new_label.appendChild (UFUI.getLabel ('wpDescUploadLbl'));
first_cell.appendChild (new_label);

var new_row = table.insertRow (idx);
new_row.appendChild (first_cell);
new_row.appendChild (second_cell);

var added = false;
if (stored_form != null) {
// Maybe we had more... find 'wpLangSel1'
var curr = 0;
for (var i = 1; i < stored_form.length; i++) {
if (stored_form[i].id == 'wpLangSel1') {
curr = i; break;
if (curr > 0) {
while ( curr < stored_form.length
&& stored_form[curr].id.indexOf ('wpLangSel') == 0) {
UploadFormFull.addDescField (table, null, idx++, stored_form);
added = true; curr++;
if (curr < stored_form.length && stored_form[curr].id.indexOf ('wpDescText') == 0)
} // end if
if (!added) {
if ( UploadForm_description_languages
&& UploadForm_description_languages.constructor == Array
&& UploadForm_description_languages.length > 0) {
for (var i = 0; i < UploadForm_description_languages.length; i++) {
var lang = LanguageHandler.closestLanguage (UploadForm_description_languages[i]);
UploadFormFull.addDescField (table, lang, idx++, stored_form);
} else {
if (UploadForm_own_language_first) {
if (userLang != null && userLang != UFUI.defaultLanguage)
UploadFormFull.addDescField (table, userLang, idx++, stored_form);
UploadFormFull.addDescField (table, UFUI.defaultLanguage, idx++, stored_form);
} else {
UploadFormFull.addDescField (table, UFUI.defaultLanguage, idx++, stored_form);
if (userLang != null && userLang != UFUI.defaultLanguage)
UploadFormFull.addDescField (table, userLang, idx++, stored_form);
// Now add a "+" button
var additional =
( 'wpUploadFormAddDescButton' // Customization ID
, 'wpUploadAddDescription' // ID of button
, '+' // Default text
, UploadFormFull.addOneDescField // Event handler

new_row = table.insertRow (idx++);
first_cell = document.createElement ('td');
second_cell = document.createElement ('td');
second_cell.appendChild (additional);
new_row.appendChild (first_cell);
new_row.appendChild (second_cell);

return idx;

changeField : function (field_id) // Callback for changeable field button
function get_selection (field)
// Based on code from Jonas Raoni Soares Silva at
// License: {{tl|attribution}}
// Warning: simplified because we apply it only to an INPUT field. For TEXTAREAs, see the
// URL given.
if (typeof (field.selectionStart) != 'undefined')
return {start: field.selectionStart, end: field.selectionEnd};
else if (!!field.createTextRange) {
field.focus ();
var s = document.selection.createRange();
if (s.parentElement() != field) return {start: 0, end: 0};
var r = field.createTextRange(); r.setEndPoint ("EndToStart", s);
return {start: r.text.length, end: r.text.length + s.text.length};
return {start: 0, end: 0};

var field = document.getElementById (field_id);
if (field.disabled) return; // Don't do anything if the field isn't enabled.

var button = document.getElementById (field_id + '_Button');
var cell = field.parentNode;
if (!field || !button || !cell) return; // Error message here?
var new_field = document.createElement ('textarea');
var height = UFUtils.getHeight (UploadFormFull.field_state[field_id].height, 2, 4);
new_field.setAttribute ('rows', height); = '100%';
new_field.value = field.value;
var sel = get_selection (field);
var tab_idx = field.getAttribute ('tabindex');
cell.removeChild (button);
cell.replaceChild (new_field, field); = "";
field.onfocus = null; = field_id;
new_field.setAttribute ('tabindex', tab_idx);
UploadFormFull.enable_edittools (new_field);
// Restore the selection
if (!!new_field.setSelectionRange) // e.g. khtml
new_field.setSelectionRange (sel.start, sel.end);
else if (typeof (new_field.selectionStart) != 'undefined') {
new_field.selectionStart = sel.start;
new_field.selectionEnd = sel.end;
} else if (new_field.createTextRange) { // IE
var new_selection = new_field.createTextRange();
new_selection.move ("character", sel.start);
new_selection.moveEnd ("character", sel.end - sel.start);;
new_field.focus ();
UploadFormFull.field_state[field_id].height = height;

enable_edittools : function (textfield)
// To be called on each dynamically added field to ensure the edit toolbar works there
if (typeof (EditTools) != 'undefined' && typeof (EditTools.registerTextField) == 'function') {
// We have EditTools
var buttons = document.getElementById('specialchars');
if (buttons && buttons.firstChild && buttons.firstChild.nodeName.toLowerCase() == 'select') {
// EditTools is already set up: we have to add an onfocus handler ourselves
// Otherwise, EditTools will be set up later, and will catch this field, so we don't have
// to do anything.

switch_intro_text : function ()
// Set up the display of [[MediaWiki:Uploadtext]]
var long_text = document.getElementById ('wpUploadFormLongText');
var short_text = document.getElementById ('wpUploadFormShortText');
if (long_text && short_text) { = 'none';
if (UFUtils.isChildOf (long_text, short_text)) {
// If long_text is a child of short_text, then short_text is already shown, and
// long_text is just a part that isn't needed for the new upload form. Hence
// we're done.
if (UFUtils.isChildOf (short_text, long_text)) {
// If the short_text is within the long_text, we need to take it out; otherwise
// it won't be shown.
short_text.parentNode.removeChild (short_text);
long_text.parentNode.insertBefore (short_text, long_text.nextSibling);
} = "";
} else {
// Remove the redundant infobox in the uploadtext explanation. People should *not*
// insert this template into description.
var infobox = document.getElementById ('Uploadtext-template-box');
if (infobox) = 'none';

set_hints : function ()
UploadForm.addAfterField ('wpDestFile', UFUI.getHint ('wpUploadFormDestFileHint'));
UploadForm.addAfterField ('wpSource', UFUI.getHint ('wpUploadFormSourceHint'));
UploadForm.addAfterField ('wpAuthor', UFUI.getHint ('wpUploadFormAuthorHint'));
UploadForm.addAfterField ('wpDate', UFUI.getHint ('wpUploadFormDateHint'));
UploadForm.addAfterField ('wpPermission', UFUI.getHint ('wpUploadFormPermissionHint'));
UploadForm.addAfterField ('wpAdditionalInfo', UFUI.getHint ('wpUploadFormAdditionalInfoHint'));
UploadForm.addAfterField ('catlinks', UFUI.getHint ('wpUploadFormCategoryHint'));

setup : function ()
function addField (table, idx, id, label, field, stored_form)
if (label == null) label = UFUI.getLabel (id + 'UploadLbl');
var new_row = table.insertRow (idx);
var firstCell = document.createElement ('td');
var new_label = document.createElement ('label');
new_label.htmlFor = id;
new_label.appendChild (label);
firstCell.appendChild (new_label);
var secondCell = document.createElement ('td');
field.setAttribute ('name', id);
field.setAttribute ('id', id);
secondCell.appendChild (field);
new_row.appendChild (firstCell);
new_row.appendChild (secondCell);
var prev_value = UploadForm.getPrevValue (stored_form, id);
if (prev_value != null) field.value = prev_value;
UploadFormFull.enable_edittools (field);

function addInput (table, idx, id, label, width, stored_form)
var new_field = document.createElement ('input');
new_field.setAttribute ('type', 'text');
new_field.setAttribute ('size', '' + width);
addField (table, idx, id, label, new_field, stored_form);
UploadFormFull.enable_edittools (new_field);
return new_field;

function addChangeableField (height, table, idx, id, label, width, stored_form)
var new_field = null;
var field_id = 'wp' + id;
if (height == 0)
height = UFUtils.getHeight (UploadFormFull.field_state[field_id].height, 1, 4);
if (height > 1) {
new_field = document.createElement ('textarea');
new_field.setAttribute ('rows', height); = '100%';
addField (table, idx, 'wp' + id, null, new_field, stored_form);
} else {
new_field = addInput (table, idx, field_id, null, 80, stored_form);
var button =
( 'wpUploadForm' + id + 'Button'
, field_id + '_Button'
, '...'
, function () { UploadFormFull.changeField (field_id); }
new_field.parentNode.insertBefore (button, new_field.nextSibling);
UploadFormFull.field_state[field_id].height = height;
UploadFormFull.enable_edittools (new_field);

function setCheckBoxes (previous_form, boxes)
if (boxes == null || boxes.length == 0 || previous_form == null) return;
for (var i = 0; i < boxes.length; i++) {
if (boxes[i] != null) {
var prev_val = UploadForm.getPrevValue (previous_form, boxes[i].id);
if (prev_val != null) boxes[i].checked = prev_val;

// Init the field states. Cannot be done earlier, otherwise definitions in user's
// monobook.js (or modern.js, or ...) won't be taken aboard.
UploadFormFull.field_state =
{ wpSource: {height: UploadForm_source_field_size}
,wpAuthor: {height: UploadForm_author_field_size}

var previous_form = null;
var previous_type = -1; // unknown
var previous_fields = [0, 0];
UploadForm.previous_hotcat_state = null;
if (typeof (FormRestorer) != 'undefined') {
// We know that when we arrive here originally, wpDestFile.value is empty, as is
// wpDestFile.defaultValue. If we entered something, submitted, and then come back,
// modern browsers restore form entries, at least for the fields in the static XHTML.
// wpDestFile is such a static field (it isn't added by Javascript), so if we have a
// non-empty value here, we know that the form needs to restored. (But see the caveat
// about IE and onload handling at the bottom of the file!)
var current_dest_file = document.getElementById ('wpDestFile');
if (current_dest_file != null) current_dest_file = current_dest_file.value;
if (current_dest_file != null && current_dest_file.length > 0) {
previous_form = FormRestorer.readForm ('UploadForm');
if (previous_form) {
var additional_data = previous_form[0].val;
if (additional_data) {
additional_data = additional_data.split ('\t');
var previous_file = additional_data[1];
if (previous_file == current_dest_file) {
previous_type = parseInt (additional_data[0], 10);
previous_fields[0] = parseInt (additional_data[2], 10);
previous_fields[1] = parseInt (additional_data[3], 10);
if (additional_data.length >= 5) UploadForm.previous_hotcat_state = additional_data[4];
} else {
previous_form = null;
var original_desc = document.getElementById ('wpUploadDescription');
var original_row = original_desc.parentNode.parentNode;
var table = original_row.parentNode;
var original_idx = original_row.rowIndex;
UploadForm.formModified = true;
original_desc.setAttribute ('id', "");
UploadForm.oldOnSubmit = UploadForm.the_form.onsubmit;
UploadForm.the_form.onsubmit = UploadFormFull.submit;
table.deleteRow (original_idx);
var idx = original_idx;
// Insert source field
var new_field = null;
addChangeableField (previous_fields[0], table, idx++, 'Source', null, 80, previous_form);
addChangeableField (previous_fields[1], table, idx++, 'Author', null, 80, previous_form);
addInput (table, idx++, 'wpDate', null, 80, previous_form);
// Insert description field
if (typeof (LanguageHandler) == 'undefined' || previous_type == 0) {
// Basic setup
new_field = document.createElement ('textarea');
new_field.setAttribute ('rows', UFUtils.getHeight (UploadForm_description_height, 6, 12)); = '100%';
// Do not name the new field 'wpUploadDescription', otherwise MediaWiki:Upload.js
// might prefill it with an information template!
addField (table, idx++, 'wpDesc', null, new_field, previous_form);
UploadFormFull.form_type = 0;
} else {
idx = UploadFormFull.addMultiDesc (table, idx, previous_form);
UploadFormFull.form_type = 1;
addInput (table, idx++, 'wpOtherVersions', null, 80, previous_form);
addInput (table, idx++, 'wpPermission', null, 80, previous_form);
new_field = document.createElement ('textarea');
('rows', UFUtils.getHeight (UploadForm_additional_info_height, 2, 10)); = '100%';
// Work-around Firefox's "one additional line" bug
addField (table, idx++, 'wpAdditionalInfo', null, new_field, previous_form);
// Add a preview button.
UploadForm.addPreviewButton (UploadFormFull.preview);
// Correct tab indices.
for (var i = 0; i < UploadForm.the_form.length; i++) {
UploadForm.the_form.elements[i].setAttribute ('tabindex', '' + i);
var license = document.getElementById ('wpLicense');
// Change the license previewer to not cause a table re-layout
if (license != null) {
// These style definitions are because long option labels result in excessively wide
// selectors, causing also the description fields to go beyond the right border of the
// page. = '100%'; = '100%'; = 'hidden';
UploadForm.setup_license_preview ();
if (license != null) {
var prev = UploadForm.getPrevValue (previous_form, 'wpLicense');
if (prev != null) {
try {
license.options[license.selectedIndex].selected = false;
license.options[prev].selected = true;
} catch (ex) {
// Pre-fill in some cases
if (UFUI.isOwnWork) {
var src = document.getElementById ('wpSource');
var author = document.getElementById ('wpAuthor');
if (src != null && (src.value == null || src.value.length == 0)) {
src.value = UploadForm.getOwnWorkSource ();
if (author != null && (author.value == null || author.value.length == 0)) {
author.value = UploadForm.getOwnWorkAuthor ();
if (typeof (UploadForm_ownwork_date) == 'string'
&& (/\S/) >= 0) {
var date = document.getElementById ('wpDate');
if (date != null && (date.value == null || date.value.length == 0)) {
date.value = UploadForm_ownwork_date;
if (previous_form != null) {
( previous_form
, [ document.getElementById ('wpWatchthis')
, document.getElementById ('wpIgnoreWarning')]);
UploadFormFull.switch_intro_text ();
// If HotCat is present, restore its state, too.
if (UploadForm.previous_hotcat_state != null && typeof (hotcat_set_state) == 'function') {
var input = document.getElementById ('hotcat_text');
if (input != null) hotcat_cancel ();
UploadForm.previous_hotcat_state = hotcat_set_state (UploadForm.previous_hotcat_state);
UploadFormFull.set_hints ();
}, // end setup

get_desc_text : function (basic)
var desc_text = "";
if (UploadFormFull.multi_inputs == null) {
var desc = document.getElementById ('wpDesc');
if (desc != null && !desc.disabled) desc_text = UploadForm.clean (desc.value);
} else {
for (var i = 0; i < UploadFormFull.multi_inputs.length; i++) {
if (!UploadFormFull.multi_inputs[i].textfield.disabled) {
var text = UploadFormFull.multi_inputs[i].textfield.value;
var selector = UploadFormFull.multi_inputs[i].selector;
var lang = selector.options[selector.selectedIndex].value;
if (text != null && text.length > 0) {
text = UploadForm.clean (text);
if (desc_text.length > 0) desc_text = desc_text + '\n';
if (!basic && lang != null && lang.length > 0 && lang != 'unknown') {
// This is Commons-specific! The tl-template is already used, the template for
// Tagalog is tgl!
if (lang == 'tl') lang = 'tgl';
desc_text = desc_text + '\{\{' + lang + '|1=' + text + '\}\}';
} else
desc_text = desc_text + text;
} // end if !disabled
var more_info = document.getElementById ('wpAdditionalInfo');
if (!basic) {
var src = document.getElementById ('wpSource');
var author = document.getElementById ('wpAuthor');
var date = document.getElementById ('wpDate');
var other = document.getElementById ('wpPermission');
var othervers = document.getElementById ('wpOtherVersions');

desc_text = '\{\{Information\n'
+ '|Description ='+ desc_text + '\n'
+ '|Source =' + (!src.disabled ? UploadForm.clean (src.value) : "") + '\n'
+ '|Author =' + (!author.disabled ? UploadForm.clean (author.value) : "") + '\n'
+ '|Date =' + (!date.disabled ? UploadForm.clean (date.value) : "") + '\n'
+ ((other && !other.disabled && other.value != null)
? '|Permission =' + UploadForm.clean (other.value) + '\n'
: "")
+ ((othervers && !othervers.disabled && othervers.value != null)
? '|other_versions =' + UploadForm.clean (othervers.value) +'\n'
: "")
+ '\}\}\n';
} else {
desc_text = desc_text + '\n';
// Append the additional info, if any
if (more_info && !more_info.disabled && more_info.value)
desc_text = desc_text + UploadForm.clean (more_info.value);
return desc_text;

submit : function (evt)
var overwrite = UploadForm.isOverwrite ();
if (!UploadFormFull.verify (overwrite)) return false;

// Now put together an information-template
var desc_text = UploadFormFull.get_desc_text (overwrite);

var do_submit = true;

var target_name = document.getElementById ('wpDestFile');
if (target_name != null && target_name.value != null) // Strip whitespace
target_name.value = target_name.value.replace(/^\s\s*/, '').replace(/\s\s*$/, '');

var dummy_desc = document.getElementById ('wpUploadDescription');
// Sometimes, we do restore from scratch, and sometimes, the browser manages to keep everything.
// If so, we may have a wpUploadDescription from an earlier submission. Remove it.
if (dummy_desc != null) dummy_desc.parentNode.removeChild (dummy_desc);

if ( typeof (FormRestorer) != 'undefined'
&& target_name != null && target_name.value != null) {
var hotcat_state = null;
if (typeof (hotcat_get_state) == 'function') {
var input = document.getElementById ('hotcat_text');
if (input != null) hotcat_closeform ();
hotcat_state = hotcat_get_state ();
// We already know that target_name.value is set!
( 'UploadForm'
, "" + UploadFormFull.form_type
+ '\t' + target_name.value
+ '\t' + UploadFormFull.field_state.wpSource.height
+ '\t' + UploadFormFull.field_state.wpAuthor.height
+ (hotcat_state != null ? '\t' + hotcat_state : '')
, ';path=' + document.location.pathname
+ ';max-age=1800');
// Expire after half an hour.

dummy_desc = document.createElement ('textarea');
dummy_desc.setAttribute ('rows', '6');
dummy_desc.setAttribute ('cols', '80'); = 'none';
dummy_desc.setAttribute ('name', 'wpUploadDescription');
dummy_desc.setAttribute ('id', 'wpUploadDescription');
UploadForm.the_form.appendChild (dummy_desc);
dummy_desc.value = UploadForm.fixCategoryTransclusion (desc_text);

do_submit = UploadForm.call_onsubmit (evt || window.event);
if (!do_submit) {
// Oops. We actually don't submit. Remove the hidden field
UploadForm.the_form.removeChild (dummy_desc);
} else {
UploadForm.hidePreview ();
document.getElementById ('wpDestFile').disabled = false;
document.getElementById ('wpEditToken').disabled = false;
return do_submit;

preview : function (evt)
var overwrite = UploadForm.isOverwrite ();
if (!UploadFormFull.verify (overwrite)) return false;

UploadForm.makePreview (UploadFormFull.get_desc_text (overwrite), overwrite);
return true;

verify : function (overwrite)
var src = document.getElementById ('wpSource');
var author = document.getElementById ('wpAuthor');
var date = document.getElementById ('wpDate');
var other = document.getElementById ('wpPermission');
var othervers = document.getElementById ('wpOtherVersions');
var moreInfo = document.getElementById ('wpAdditionalInfo');
var ok = true;

if (!overwrite) {
if (UploadForm.errorMsgs != null) delete UploadForm.errorMsgs;
UploadForm.errorMsgs = new Array ();
UploadForm.warning_pushed = false;

if (!UploadForm.verifyMandatoryField
function (src)
var flickr_ok = !UFUI.isFromFlickr || (/https?:\/\/([^.\/]+\.)*flickr\.com/) >= 0;
if (!flickr_ok) UploadForm.errorMsgs.push ('wpFlickrURLError');
return flickr_ok;
src.onkeyup = UploadForm.resetBg;
ok = false;
if (!UploadForm.verifyMandatoryField (author)) {
author.onkeyup = UploadForm.resetBg;
ok = false;
// Piece the description(s) together
var all_descs = "";
if (UploadFormFull.multi_inputs == null) {
var desc = document.getElementById ('wpDesc');
if (desc != null) all_descs = desc.value;
} else {
for (var input_idx = 0; input_idx < UploadFormFull.multi_inputs.length; input_idx++) {
all_descs = all_descs + UploadFormFull.multi_inputs[input_idx].textfield.value;
// License check
var license_field = document.getElementById ('wpLicense');
var license_chosen = license_field == null || license_field.selectedIndex > 0;
if (!license_chosen && !UploadForm.has_license ([all_descs, other, moreInfo])) {
if (!UploadForm.warning_pushed) {
UploadForm.errorMsgs.push ('wpUploadWarningError');
UploadForm.warning_pushed = true;
ok = false;
var target_name = document.getElementById ('wpDestFile');
if (target_name != null) {
// Trim leading and trailing whitespace
target_name.value = target_name.value.replace(/^\s\s*/, '').replace(/\s\s*$/, '');
if (!UploadForm.verifyFileName (target_name.value)) { = UploadForm.errorColor;
target_name.onkeyup =
function (evt)
UploadForm.resetBg (evt);
if (window.wgUploadWarningObj && typeof (wgUploadWarningObj.keypress) == 'function' && !UploadForm.isReupload)
ok = false;
if (UploadForm.templates[0].desc_mandatory) {
if ( (/\S/) < 0) {
if (UploadFormFull.multi_inputs == null) {
var desc = document.getElementById ('wpDesc');
if (desc != null) { = UploadForm.errorColor;
desc.onkeyup = UploadForm.resetBg;
} else {
UploadFormFull.setMultiBg (UploadForm.errorColor, UploadFormFull.resetMultiBg);
UploadForm.errorMsgs.push ('wpNoDescriptionError');
ok = false;
} // end description check
} // end overwrite
if (!ok) {
UploadForm.hidePreview ();
UploadForm.display_errors ();
} else {
// It's ok: hide our warning box
var my_warning = document.getElementById ('wpUploadVerifyWarning');
if (my_warning != null) = 'none';
return ok;

setMultiBg : function (color, handler)
if (UploadFormFull.multi_inputs == null) return;
for (var i = 0; i < UploadFormFull.multi_inputs.length; i++) {
var field = UploadFormFull.multi_inputs[i].textfield; = color;
field.onkeyup = handler;

resetMultiBg : function (evt)
if (UploadForm.resetBg (evt)) {
// Reset the backgrounds of all description fields
UploadFormFull.setMultiBg ('#FFFFFF', null);

}; // end UploadFormFull

var UploadForm =
isInstalled : false, // Set to true when the onload hook runs

debug : false, // Can be set to true by adding "&debug=true" to the URL

oldOnSubmit : null, // Possibly already existing onsubmit handler
errorColor : 'lightpink', // The light red from Template:Copyvio
formModified : false,

isReupload : false,

setup_hotcat_label : function ()
// If HotCat is present, translate its label if we can find it
var hotcat_label_cell = document.getElementById ('hotcatLabel');
if (hotcat_label_cell != null) {
// Change its ID, just to be sure
hotcat_label_cell.setAttribute ('id', 'hotcatLabelTranslated');
// Assumes that the cell has only one child (which is normally the case)
( UFUI.getLabel ('wpCategoriesUploadLbl')
, hotcat_label_cell.firstChild);

setup_error_display : function ()
var warning_cell = document.getElementById ('wpDestFile-warning');
if (!warning_cell) return;
var row = warning_cell.parentNode;
var new_cell = document.createElement ('td'); = '0';
// Remove the colspan, if any, and insert a new cell to the left
warning_cell.colspan = "";
warning_cell.padding = '0';
row.insertBefore (new_cell, warning_cell);
UFUtils.convert_td_div (warning_cell);

set_fields_enabled : function (enabled, except)
// Enables or disables all named fields in the form, except those whose ids are
// listed in except
var skip = except.join (' ');
var elems = UploadForm.the_form.elements;
var changed = false;
for (var i = 0; i < elems.length; i++) {
if (elems[i].type == 'hidden') continue; // Don't fool around with hidden elements
var id = elems[i].id;
if (!id || id.length == 0) id = elems[i].name;
if (id && id.length > 0) {
if (skip.indexOf (id) < 0) {
if (elems[i].disabled != !enabled) {
changed = true;
if (elems[i].type == 'text' || elems[i].type == 'textarea') {
// Set the background. Actually, I'd like to just reset it to whatever the
// default was, but setting it to null doesn't do anything in IE6... We
// force a light gray for disabled fields since IE6 doesn't have a real
// visual "disabled" indicator for input fields.
try {
elems[i].style.backgroundColor = (enabled ? '#FFFFFF' : '#EEEEEE');
} catch (some_error) {
// Swallow
elems[i].disabled = !enabled;
if (changed) {
// Clear warning messages. If we disabled fields, they're obsolete; if we enabled fields,
// new warnings will be generated upon submit if necessary.
var my_warning = document.getElementById ('wpUploadVerifyWarning');
if (my_warning != null) = 'none';

previous_hotcat_state : null,

getPrevValue : function (stored_form, element_id)
// Return a field's previous value, if known
if ( stored_form == null || stored_form.length <= 1
|| element_id == null || element_id.length == 0)
return null;
for (var i = 1; i < stored_form.length; i++) {
if (stored_form[i] != null && element_id == stored_form[i].id)
return stored_form[i].val;
return null;

license_button : null,
license_button_shown : false,
current_license_preview : '&nbsp;',

get_license_preview : function () // Tooltip callback
var div = document.createElement ('div'); = 'none';
document.body.appendChild (div);
div.innerHTML = UploadForm.current_license_preview;
document.body.removeChild (div); = 'smaller'; = "";
var wrapper = document.createElement ('div');
wrapper.appendChild (div);
return wrapper;

create_license_button : function ()
// Will be called only from our rewritten wgUploadLicenseObj.showPreview, i.e.
// we *know* that we *do* have Tooltips and Buttons here.
var previewButton =
( 'wpUploadFormPreviewLicenseButton' // Customization ID
, 'wpUploadPreviewLicense' // ID of button
, null // Default text
, null // Event handler, will be set below
, 'wpPreviewLicenseUploadLbl' // default label ID
var tooltip =
new Tooltip
( previewButton
, UploadForm.get_license_preview
, { activate : Tooltip.CLICK
,deactivate : (UFHelp.help_close_imgs
? Tooltip.CLICK_ELEM
: Tooltip.CLICK_TIP|Tooltip.CLICK_ELEM|Tooltip.LOSE_FOCUS)
,close_button : UFHelp.help_close_imgs
,mode : Tooltip.FIXED
,anchor : Tooltip.TOP_LEFT
,fixed_offset : {x:10, y: 5, dy: -1}
,open_delay : 0
,hide_delay : 0
, UFHelp.tooltip_styles
UploadForm.license_button = previewButton;

setup_license_preview : function ()
var preview_panel = document.getElementById ('mw-license-preview');
if (preview_panel != null) UFUtils.convert_td_div (preview_panel);
// Change the license previewer to not overwrite our warning message, if any.
if ( typeof (wgUploadLicenseObj) != 'undefined'
&& typeof (wgUploadLicenseObj.showPreview) != 'undefined'
&& typeof (Tooltip) != 'undefined') {

wgUploadLicenseObj.showPreview =
function (preview)
var preview_panel = document.getElementById ('mw-license-preview');
if (preview_panel == null) return;
if (preview == UploadForm.current_license_preview) return;

UploadForm.current_license_preview = preview;
var contents = null;
var new_state = false;
if (!preview || preview.length == 0 || preview == '&nbsp;') {
contents = document.createTextNode ('\xa0'); // a single &nbsp;
new_state = false;
} else {
if (!UploadForm.license_button) {
UploadForm.create_license_button ();
if (!UploadForm.license_button_shown)
contents = UploadForm.license_button;
new_state = true;
if (contents && new_state != UploadForm.license_button_shown) {
if (preview_panel.firstChild)
preview_panel.replaceChild (contents, preview_panel.firstChild);
preview_panel.appendChild (contents);
UploadForm.license_button_shown = new_state;
}; // end function

preview_tooltip : null, // Tooltip, if preview so configured
do_preview : null, // Function to call to actually generate the preview

addPreviewButton : function (handler)
// If we don't have Ajax, our preview won't work anyway.
if (!window.XMLHttpRequest && !window.ActiveXObject) return;

var uploadButton = document.getElementsByName ('wpUpload')[0]; // Has no ID...
// If we can't find the upload button, we don't know where to insert the preview button.
if (uploadButton == null) return;

try {
var previewButton =
( 'wpUploadFormPreviewButton' // Customization ID
, 'wpUploadPreview' // ID of button
, null // Default text
, UploadForm.generatePreview // Event handler
, 'wpPreviewUploadLbl' // default label ID
if ( UploadForm_page_preview_in_tooltip
&& typeof (Tooltip) != 'undefined') {
UploadForm.preview_tooltip =
new Tooltip ( previewButton
, UploadForm.getPreview
, { activate : Tooltip.NONE // We'll show it manually in generatePreview.
, deactivate : Tooltip.CLICK_TIP
, close_button : UFHelp.help_close_imgs
, mode : Tooltip.FIXED
, target : uploadButton
, anchor : Tooltip.TOP_LEFT
, fixed_offset : {x:0, y: 5, dy:-1}
, open_delay : 0
, hide_delay : 0
, UFHelp.tooltip_styles
UploadForm.do_preview = handler;
previewButton.setAttribute ('style', 'margin-left: 0.5em;');
var hotKey = 'p';
previewButton.setAttribute ('accesskey', hotKey);
if (mw && mw.util) {
if (!(/\[\w+\]$/.test(previewButton.title))) previewButton.title += ' [' + hotKey + ']';
uploadButton.parentNode.insertBefore (previewButton, uploadButton.nextSibling);
} catch (ex) {

getOwnWorkAuthor : function ()
if ( typeof (UploadForm_ownwork_author) == 'string'
&& (/\S/) >= 0) {
// It's a non-empty string
return UploadForm_ownwork_author;
} else {
return '\[\[User:' + mw.config.get('wgUserName') + '|' + mw.config.get('wgUserName') + '\]\]';

getOwnWorkSource : function ()
var text = UFUI.getLabel ('wpOwnWorkUploadLbl', true);
var result = null;
try {
// Must have a text node. IE6 doesn't know Node.TEXT_NODE...
while (text && text.nodeType != 3) text = text.firstChild;
if (text) result = (/^\s+/, "").replace (/\s+$/, "");
} catch (ex) {
result = null;
if (!result) result = 'Own work by ' + UploadForm.getOwnWorkAuthor ();
return result;

customFormButton : function (ui_id, id, default_text, handler, default_id)
function getButtonSpan (container, idx)
if (!container) return null;
var spans = container.getElementsByTagName ('span');
var span = null;
if (!spans || spans.length <= idx) {
// No spans... if idx is zero, try simply to take the first text node within container.
if (idx == 0) span = container;
} else {
span = spans[idx];
// Ok, let's see if we have some text... IE6 doesn't know Node.TEXT_NODE!
while (span && span.nodeType != 3) span = span.firstChild;
if (span) return (/^\s+/, "").replace (/\s+$/, "");
return null;

function getDefault (default_text, default_id)
if (!default_text) {
if (default_id) {
var default_text = UFUI.getLabel (default_id, true);
// Must have a text node
while (default_text && default_text.nodeType != 3) // IE6 doesn't know Node.TEXT_NODE
default_text = default_text.firstChild;
if (default_text)
default_text = (/^\s+/, "").replace (/\s+$/, "");
} else
default_text = 'X'; // Hmmm... a serious misconfiguration
return default_text;

var button = null, imgs = null;
button = UFUI.getEntry (ui_id, 'uiElements', UFUI.internalLanguage);
if (!button) button = UFUI.getEntry (ui_id, 'uiElements');
if (button) imgs = button.getElementsByTagName ('img');
if (!imgs || imgs.length == 0 || typeof (Buttons) == 'undefined') {
var buttonText = null;
var buttonText = getButtonSpan (button, 0);
if (!buttonText) buttonText = getDefault (default_text, default_id);
var alternateText = getButtonSpan (button, 1);
button = document.createElement ('input');
button.setAttribute ('id', id);
button.setAttribute ('name', id);
button.type = 'button';
button.value = buttonText;
if (alternateText) button.title = alternateText;
button.onclick = handler;
} else {
button = Buttons.makeButton (imgs, id, handler);
return button;

the_form : null,

// If a needed script that is included hasn't loaded yet, we try at most install_max_attempts
// times install_delay. If it then still has not loaded, we install all the same, and the
// setup routine will have to deal with it. (Note that script loading is asynchronous!)
install_delay : 500, // Milliseconds
install_attempts : 0,
install_max_attempts : 5, // Five times: maximum delay 2.5s

really_install : function (force_basic)
if (UploadForm.install_attempts <= UploadForm.install_max_attempts &&
( typeof (LanguageHandler) == 'undefined'
|| typeof (UIElements) == 'undefined'
|| typeof (Tooltips) == 'undefined')) {
// Add needed scripts in the condition above.
window.setTimeout (function() {
}, UploadForm.install_delay);
} else {
UFUI.sanitizeUserLanguage ();
var use_basic = force_basic || !!UploadForm_forcebasic || UFUI.isExperienced;
if (use_basic && !force_basic) {
// Only for autoconfirmed users!
var is_auto = false;
var userGroups = mw.config.get('wgUserGroups');
if (userGroups) {
for (var i = 0; i < userGroups.length && !is_auto; i++) {
is_auto = userGroups[i] == 'autoconfirmed';
if (!is_auto) use_basic = false;
try {
UFHelp.precreate_tooltip_closer ();
UploadForm.setFileExtensions ();
if ( use_basic
|| document.URL.indexOf ('uploadformstyle=basic') >= 0
|| (/uselang\=(\w|-)*fromwikimedia/) >= 0) {
// The fromwikimedia forms are special enough to warrant a special setup.
UploadFormBasic.setup (!force_basic);
} else {
UploadFormFull.setup ();
UploadForm.setup_error_display ();
UploadForm.setup_hotcat_label ();
UFHelp.setupHelp (UploadForm.isReupload);
if (!UploadForm.isReupload) UFFixes.fixAutocompletion ();
UploadForm.setupOverwriteMsg ();
// Handle the "Upload new version" links, these have &wpDestFile=... in the URL, which
// defeats overwrite detection. Because someone might construct such a URL manually
// *not* actually overwriting an existing file, we still do the check:
if (!UploadForm.isReupload) UploadForm.check_initial_dest_file ();
} catch (ex) {
if (console && console.log) {
if (mw.config.get('wgUserName') == 'Lupo') {
alert (ex);
// Not good at all. Something went badly wrong. If we have already modified the form,
// the best thing is probably to reload and make sure we don't try again:
if (UploadForm.formModified) {
var reload_url = document.URL;
reload_url = reload_url
+ ((reload_url.indexOf ('?') >= 0) ? '&' : '?')
+ 'uploadformstyle=plain';
window.location.href = reload_url;

install : function ()
if (UploadForm.isInstalled) return; // Do this only once per page!
UploadForm.isInstalled = true;

if (document.URL.indexOf ('uploadformstyle=plain') >= 0) return; // We're disabled

// Also don't do anything if we're not on an upload form.
if (mw.config.get('wgCanonicalNamespace') != 'Special' || mw.config.get('wgCanonicalSpecialPageName') != 'Upload') return;
var form = document.getElementById ('upload')
|| document.getElementById ('mw-upload-form');
var original_desc = document.getElementById ('wpUploadDescription');
if (!form || !original_desc) return; // Oops. Not good: bail out; don't do anything.

var reupload = document.getElementById ('wpForReUpload');
var destFile = document.getElementById ('wpDestFile');
if (reupload)
UploadForm.isReupload = !!reupload.value;
else {
UploadForm.isReupload = destFile && (destFile.disabled || destFile.readOnly);
if (destFile && !!destFile.disabled) {
destFile.readOnly = true;
destFile.disabled = false;
if (destFile && UploadForm.isReupload) {
destFile.onkeyup = function (evt) {};
destFile.onchange = function (evt) {};
// Use the basic form if the description was set *initially*, or if it's a re-upload, or if it's a special
// form
var use_basic =
(original_desc.defaultValue != null && original_desc.defaultValue.length > 0)
|| UploadForm.isReupload
|| document.URL.indexOf ('uselang=nlwikilovesmonuments') > 0

UploadForm.the_form = form;
if (document.URL.indexOf ('debug=true') >= 0) UploadForm.debug = true;
UploadForm.really_install (use_basic);

check_initial_dest_file : function ()
var dest_file = document.getElementById ('wpDestFile');
if ( dest_file && dest_file.value && dest_file.value.length > 0
&& window.wgUploadWarningObj && typeof (wgUploadWarningObj.keypress) == 'function')

errorMsgs : null,
warning_pushed : false,

display_errors : function ()
// Give user feedback about what is not ok.
var my_warning = document.getElementById ('wpUploadVerifyWarning');
if (my_warning == null) {
// Find the upload button
var uploadButton = document.getElementsByName ('wpUpload');
var warningBox = null;
if (uploadButton) uploadButton = uploadButton[0];
if (!uploadButton) {
warningBox = document.getElementById ('wpDestFile-warning');
if (!warningBox) return; // We just have the field colors to indicate errors...
my_warning = document.createElement ('div'); = '1px #FF0000 solid'; = UploadForm.errorColor; = '0.5em'; = '0.5em'; = '0.5em';
my_warning.setAttribute ('id', 'wpUploadVerifyWarning');
my_warning.setAttribute ('width', '100%'); = 'none';
if (uploadButton) {
uploadButton.parentNode.insertBefore (my_warning, uploadButton);
} else {
warningBox.parentNode.insertBefore (my_warning, warningBox.nextSibling);
// Now collect all the error messages into one div.
var msgs = document.createElement ('ul'); = '1.0em'; = '0';
for (var i = 0; i < UploadForm.errorMsgs.length; i++) {
var msg = UFUI.getErrorMsg (UploadForm.errorMsgs[i]);
if (msg) {
var li = document.createElement ('li');
li.appendChild (msg);
msgs.appendChild (li);
delete UploadForm.errorMsgs;
UploadForm.errorMsgs = null;
// And then display the messages
if (my_warning.firstChild != null)
my_warning.replaceChild (msgs, my_warning.firstChild);
my_warning.appendChild (msgs); = 'block';

call_onsubmit : function (evt)
var do_submit = true;
if (UploadForm.oldOnSubmit != null) {
if (typeof UploadForm.oldOnSubmit == 'string')
do_submit = eval (UploadForm.oldOnSubmit);
else if (typeof UploadForm.oldOnSubmit == 'function')
do_submit = UploadForm.oldOnSubmit (evt);
return do_submit;

templates: [
{name : 'information',
fields : ['Description', 'Source', 'Date', 'Author', 'Permission', 'other_versions'],
extract : [3, 1, 0],
desc_mandatory: true,
regexp : null
{name : 'painting',
fields : ['Artist', 'Title', 'Year', 'Technique', 'Dimensions', 'Gallery',
'Location', 'Notes', 'Source', 'Permission',
'other_versions', 'Other versions'],
extract : [0, 8, 7],
desc_mandatory: false,
regexp : null
{name : 'flickr',
fields : ['description', 'flickr_url', 'title', 'taken', 'photographer_url',
'photographer', 'photographer_location', 'reviewer', 'permission'],
extract : [new Array (5, 4), 1, 0],
desc_mandatory: true,
regexp : null

empty_template : function (name)
if (name == null) return null;
var test_name = name.toLowerCase ();
for (var i = 0; i < UploadForm.templates.length; i++) {
if (UploadForm.templates[i].name == test_name) {
var result = '\{\{' + name;
for (var j = 0; j < UploadForm.templates[i].fields.length; j++) {
result = result + '\n|' + UploadForm.templates[i].fields[j] + '=';
if (UFUI.isOwnWork && i == 0) {
// Pre-fill some fields if we're on an own-work form and it's an
// information-template
switch (j) {
case 1: // Source-field
result = result + UploadForm.clean (UploadForm.getOwnWorkSource ());
case 2: // Date
if (typeof (UploadForm_ownwork_date) == 'string'
&& (/\S/) >= 0) {
result = result + UploadForm.clean (UploadForm_ownwork_date);
case 3: // Author
result = result + UploadForm.clean (UploadForm.getOwnWorkAuthor ());
} // end switch
} // end if information for ownWork
return result + '\n\}\}';
return null;

extract_fields : function (desc, template_idx, list)
function get (desc, field, regexp)
var match_start = new RegExp ('\\n\\s*\\| *' + field + ' *\\=');
var start = desc.match (match_start);
if (start == null) return null;
var rest = desc.substring (start.index + start[0].length);
var end = (regexp);
if (end < 0) return rest;
return rest.substring (0, end);

var result = list;
var names = UploadForm.templates[template_idx].fields;
var extract = UploadForm.templates[template_idx].extract;
if (UploadForm.templates[template_idx].regexp == null) {
// Build the regexp
var regexp_str = '\\n\\s*(\\| *(' + names.join ('|') + ') *\\=|\\}\\})';
UploadForm.templates[template_idx].regexp = new RegExp (regexp_str);
for (var i = 0; i < extract.length; i++) {
var txt = null;
if (extract[i].constructor == Array) {
// It's an array giving alternatives...
var alternatives = extract[i];
for (var j = 0; j < alternatives.length; j++) {
txt = get (desc, names [alternatives[j]], UploadForm.templates[template_idx].regexp);
if (txt != null && (/\S/) >= 0) break; // Non-empty: don't look further
txt = null;
} else {
txt = get (desc, names [extract[i]], UploadForm.templates[template_idx].regexp);
if (txt != null) result[result.length] = txt; // Push one.
// Don't use "if (txt)", it's false if the string is != null, but empty!
return result;

split_description : function (desc)
if (desc == null || desc.length == 0) return null;
// Returns an array containing (in that order):
// index of template, author, source, description
for (var i = 0; i < UploadForm.templates.length; i++) {
var regexp = new RegExp ('\\{\\{' + UploadForm.templates[i].name + '\\s*(\\||\\n)');
var start = desc.toLowerCase ().search (regexp);
if (start >= 0) {
var result = new Array (1);
result[0] = i;
// Now try to extract the fields:
return UploadForm.extract_fields (desc.substring (start), i, result);
return null;

generatePreview : function (evt)
if ( UploadForm.preview_tooltip
&& != 'none'
&& != null) {
UploadForm.preview_tooltip.hide_now (null);
} else {
UploadForm.do_preview (evt || window.event);

outerHTML : function (node)
if (!node) return "";
if (node.nodeType == 3) return node.nodeValue; // Text node
if (node.outerHTML) return node.outerHTML;
var div = document.createElement ('div'); = 'none'; = 'absolute';
div.appendChild (node);
document.body.appendChild (div);
var txt = div.innerHTML;
document.body.removeChild (div);
return txt;

makePreview : function (description, is_overwrite)
if (is_overwrite) {
UploadForm.showPreview (
'\<div style="border:1px solid red; padding:0.5em;"\>'
+ '\<div class="previewnote"\>'
+ UploadForm.outerHTML (UFUI.getErrorMsg ('wpPreviewOverwriteError'))
+ '\<\/div\>'
+ '\<\/div\>'
} else {
var text = '\<div style="border:1px solid red; padding:0.5em;"\>\n'
+ '\<div class="previewnote"\>\n'
+ '\{\{MediaWiki:Previewnote/' + UFUI.userLanguage +'\}\}\n'
+ '\<\/div>\n';
var license = document.getElementById ('wpLicense');
var license_text = null;
if ( license != null && license.selectedIndex > 0
&& license.options[license.selectedIndex].value.length > 0) {
license_text = '\{\{' + license.options[license.selectedIndex].value + '\}\}';
if (license_text) {
text = text
+ '\<h2\>\{\{int:filedesc\}\}\<\/h2\>\n'
+ description + '\n'
+ '\<h2\>\{\{int:license-header\}\}\<\/h2\>\n'
+ license_text;
} else {
text = text + description + '\n';
// Add categories
if (typeof (hotcat_get_state) == 'function') {
var input = document.getElementById ('hotcat_text');
if (input != null) hotcat_closeform ();
var hotcat_categories = hotcat_get_state ();
if (hotcat_categories && hotcat_categories.length > 0) {
hotcat_categories = hotcat_categories.split ('\n');
for (var i=0; i < hotcat_categories.length; i++) {
if (hotcat_categories[i] && hotcat_categories[i].length > 0)
text = text + '[[Category:' + hotcat_categories[i] + ']]';
text = text + '\<\/div\>';

// Make the Ajax call
var req;
if (window.XMLHttpRequest) req = new window.XMLHttpRequest();
if (!req && window.ActiveXObject) {
try {
req = new window.ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP');
} catch (any) {}
if (!req) return;
var button = document.getElementById ('wpUploadPreview');
var page = document.getElementById ('wpDestFile');
if (page) page = page.value;
if (page != null && page.length == 0) page = null;
if (button && typeof (injectSpinner) == 'function')
injectSpinner (button, 'wpUploadPreviewSpinner');
var uri = mw.config.get('wgServer') + mw.config.get('wgScriptPath') + '/api.php';
var args = 'action=parse&pst&text=' + encodeURIComponent (text)
+ (page ? '&title=File:' + encodeURIComponent (page.replace (/ /g, '_')) : "")
+ '&prop=text|categories&format=json';
// "&pst" is "Pre-save transform": tilde replacement, pipe magic for links like [[foo|]].
// Don't use a callback directly, add the function call ourselves *after* the call, since
// the API somehow resolves tildes to an IP number instead of the username if a callback
// is used. C.f.
// Apparently, that's a feature, not a bug...
var request_length = uri.length + args.length + 1;
if (request_length > 2000) {
// Long URLs are problematic for GET requests ('POST', uri, true);
req.setRequestHeader ('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');
} else {
uri += '?' + args; args = null; ('GET', uri, true);
req.setRequestHeader ('Pragma', 'cache=no');
req.setRequestHeader ('Cache-Control', 'no-transform');
req.onreadystatechange =
function ()
if (req.readyState != 4) return;
if (typeof (removeSpinner) == 'function') removeSpinner ('wpUploadPreviewSpinner');
if (req.status != 200) return;
// Add the "callback"...
if (req.responseText && req.responseText.indexOf ('{') == 0)
// Primitive sanity check. If the response text does *not* start with '{', it might have been
// spoofed and contain a function call... of course, this simple check cannot catch more
// elaborate spoof attempts.
eval ('UploadForm.jsonPreview (' + req.responseText + ')');
req.send (args);

jsonPreview : function (result)
if (result && result.parse && result.parse.text && result.parse.text['*'] != null) {
var txt = result.parse.text['*'];
var categories = result.parse.categories;
if (categories && categories.length > 0) {
// Add a mock-up of a category bar. We don't care about non-existing categories, and we
// can't identify hidden categories.
var catbar = '<div class="catlinks"><div id="mw-normal-catlinks">'
+ UploadForm.outerHTML (UFUI.getLabel ('wpCategoriesUploadLbl'));
categories.sort (
function (a, b) {
var key_a = a['*'].toLowerCase (), key_b = b['*'].toLowerCase ();
if (key_a < key_b) return -1;
if (key_a > key_b) return 1;
return 0;
for (var i = 0; i < categories.length; i++) {
var catname = categories[i]['*'];
if (catname && catname.length > 0) {
if (i > 0) catbar += ' |';
catbar += ' <a href="/wiki/Category:' + encodeURI (catname) + '">'
+ catname.replace(/_/g, ' ') + '</a>';
catbar += '</div></div>';
// Now insert it into text.
var end = txt.lastIndexOf ('</div>');
txt = txt.substring (0, end) + catbar + '</div>';
UploadForm.showPreview (txt);

showPreview : function (result)
if (UploadForm.preview_tooltip) {
UploadForm.preview_content = result;
UploadForm.preview_tooltip.show_tip (null, false);
} else {
var preview = document.getElementById ('wpUploadPreviewDisplay');
if (preview == null) {
var before = document.getElementById ('mw-upload-permitted');
if (!before || UFUtils.isChildOf (before, UploadForm.the_form))
before = UploadForm.the_form;
if (!before) return; // Don't know where to insert preview display. Error message here?
preview = document.createElement ('div');
preview.setAttribute ('id', 'wpUploadPreviewDisplay');
before.parentNode.insertBefore (preview, before);
try {
preview.innerHTML = result;
} catch (ex) {
preview.innerHTML = ""; // Error message here instead?
} = ""; // Show it

hidePreview : function ()
if (UploadForm.preview_tooltip)
UploadForm.preview_tooltip.hide_now (null);
else {
var preview = document.getElementById ('wpUploadPreviewDisplay');
if (preview) = 'none';

getPreview : function () // Callback for the tooltip
var div = document.createElement ('div'); = 'none';
document.body.appendChild (div);
div.innerHTML = UploadForm.preview_content;
document.body.removeChild (div); = 'smaller'; = "";
var wrapper = document.createElement ('div');
wrapper.appendChild (div);
return wrapper;

licenses_regexp :
/\{\{(self|pd|gfdl|cc|l?gpl|fal|cecill|attribution|copyrighted free use|SOlicence|geograph|UN map|BArch-License|Apache)/i,
user_license_regexp :
new RegExp ( '\\{\\{[Ss]ubst:[Uu]ser:'
+ (mw.config.get('wgUserName') || "null").replace(/([\\\^\$\.\?\*\+\(\)\[\]\|\{\}])/g, "\\$1")
+ '/'),

has_license : function (fields)
if (fields == null || fields.length == 0) return false;
for (var i = 0; i < fields.length; i++) {
if (fields[i] != null) {
if (typeof (fields[i]) == 'string') {
if (fields[i].search (UploadForm.licenses_regexp) >= 0) return true;
} else {
if (fields[i] (UploadForm.licenses_regexp) >= 0) return true;
for (var j = 0; j < fields.length; j++) {
if (fields[j] != null) {
if (typeof (fields[j]) == 'string') {
if (fields[j].search (UploadForm.user_license_regexp) >= 0) return true;
} else {
if (fields[j] (UploadForm.user_license_regexp) >= 0) return true;
return false;

addAfterField : function (elem_id, element)
if (!element) return;
var elem = document.getElementById (elem_id);
if (!elem) return;
// Find enclosing table cell.
while (elem && elem.nodeName.toLowerCase () != 'td') elem = elem.parentNode;
if (!elem) return;
var container = document.createElement ('div'); = 'smaller';
container.appendChild (element);
elem.appendChild (container);

old_overwrite_warning : null,

setupOverwriteMsg : function ()
if ( typeof (wgUploadWarningObj) == 'undefined'
|| typeof (wgUploadWarningObj.setWarning) == 'undefined')
var msg = document.createElement ('div'); = 'wpUploadFormScriptOverwriteWarning'; = 'none'; = 'red';
msg.appendChild (UFUI.getErrorMsg ('wpPreviewOverwriteError'));
UploadForm.addAfterField ('wpDestFile', msg);
UploadForm.old_overwrite_warning = wgUploadWarningObj.setWarning;
wgUploadWarningObj.setWarning = UploadForm.overwriteMsg;

overwriteMsg : function (warning)
if (!UploadForm.old_overwrite_warning || UploadForm.isReupload) return;
// Make sure that 'this' is set to 'wgUploadWarningObj' in the call below!
UploadForm.old_overwrite_warning.apply (wgUploadWarningObj, [warning]);
var is_overwrite = UploadForm.isOverwrite ();
var my_overwrite_warning = document.getElementById ('wpUploadFormScriptOverwriteWarning');
if (my_overwrite_warning) { = (is_overwrite ? "" : 'none');
, [ 'wpUploadFile', 'wpDestFile', 'wpUploadDescription', 'wpAdditionalInfo'
, 'wpLicense', 'wpWatchthis', 'wpIgnoreWarning', 'wpUpload']

isOverwrite : function ()
if (document.getElementById ('wpUploadWarningFileexists') != null) return true;
var destfile_warning = document.getElementById ('wpDestFile-warning');
if (destfile_warning == null) return false;
var dest_file = document.getElementById ('wpDestFile');
if (dest_file == null || dest_file.value == null || dest_file.value.length == 0) return false;
var lks = destfile_warning.getElementsByTagName ('a');
if (lks == null || lks.length == 0) return false;

var fn1 =
dest_file.value.replace(/^\s\s*/, '').replace(/\s\s*$/, '').replace(/ /g, '_');
fn1 = fn1.substr (0, 1).toUpperCase () + fn1.substring (1);
var fn0 = 'Image:' + fn1;
fn1 = 'File:' + fn1;
// Trimmed, blanks replaced by underscores, first character capitalized

for (var i = 0; i < lks.length; i++) {
var href = lks[i].getAttribute ('href', 2);
if ( $( lks[i] ).hasClass( 'new' ) ) continue;
if (href.indexOf (mw.config.get('wgScript')) == 0 || href.indexOf (mw.config.get('wgServer') + mw.config.get('wgScript')) == 0) {
var m = /[&?]title=([^&]*)/.exec (href);
if (m && m.length > 1) href = m[1]; else href = null;
} else {
var prefix = mw.config.get('wgArticlePath').replace ('$1', "");
if (href.indexOf (prefix) != 0) prefix = mw.config.get('wgServer') + prefix; // Fully expanded URL?
if (href.indexOf (prefix) == 0) href = href.substring (prefix.length); else href = null;
if (!href) continue;
href = decodeURIComponent (href).replace (/ /g, '_');
if (href == fn0 || href == fn1) return true;
return false;

allowedFileTypes : null,
forbiddenFileTypes : null,

badFileNames : /^(test|image|img|bild|example|(dsc|img)?(\s|_|-)*|\d{10}(\s|_|-)[0123456789abcdef]{10}(\s|_|-)[a-z])$/i,
// Filenames that have only components (separated by periods) that fully match this regexp
// are considered illegal. The second-but-last one catches DSC01234, or DSC_01234, or
// DSC_012_34 or also filenames conatining only digits and non-alphanumeric characters.
// The last catches Flickr's raw filenames. How to relax that last expression without catching
// too many legit file names?
// Matching is case-insensitive.

extractFileExtensions : function (div, list)
var list = null;
// Get a mw-upload-permitted or mw-upload-prohibited div, extracts all extensions listed
var txt = div;
while (txt && txt.nodeType != 3) txt = txt.lastChild;
if (!txt) return null;
// Try to figure out which comma to use (localizeable through MediaWiki:Comma-separator!)
if ( (',') >= 0) // Standard
txt = (',');
else if ( ('،') >= 0) // Arabic etc.
txt = ('،');
else if ( ('、') >= 0) // Chinese
txt = ('、');
return null;
if (!txt || txt.length == 0) return null;
for (var i = 0; i < txt.length; i++) {
var match = /(\w+)\W*$/.exec (txt[i]);
if (match) {
match = match[1].toLowerCase (); // The extension
if (list == null) list = {};
list[match] = true;
return list;

setFileExtensions : function ()
var fileExts = mw.config.get('wgFileExtensions');
if (fileExts) { // New as of 2009-09-17
UploadForm.allowedFileTypes = {};
for (var i = 0; i < fileExts.length; i++) {
UploadForm.allowedFileTypes[fileExts[i]] = true;
UploadForm.forbiddenFileTypes = null;

UploadForm.allowedFileTypes =
UploadForm.extractFileExtensions (document.getElementById ('mw-upload-permitted'));
UploadForm.forbiddenFileTypes =
UploadForm.extractFileExtensions (document.getElementById ('mw-upload-prohibited'));
if (UploadForm.allowedFileTypes != null) {
// Alternate OGG extensions
if (UploadForm.allowedFileTypes.ogg) {
if (UploadForm.forbiddenFileTypes == null || !UploadForm.forbiddenFileTypes.ogv)
UploadForm.allowedFileTypes.ogv = true;
if (UploadForm.forbiddenFileTypes == null || !UploadForm.forbiddenFileTypes.oga)
UploadForm.allowedFileTypes.oga = true;
if (UploadForm.forbiddenFileTypes == null || !UploadForm.forbiddenFileTypes.ogx)
UploadForm.allowedFileTypes.ogx = true;
// OpenDoc extensions (are these needed?)
if (UploadForm.forbiddenFileTypes == null || !UploadForm.forbiddenFileTypes.sxi)
UploadForm.allowedFileTypes.sxi = true;
if (UploadForm.forbiddenFileTypes == null || !UploadForm.forbiddenFileTypes.sxc)
UploadForm.allowedFileTypes.sxc = true;
if (UploadForm.forbiddenFileTypes == null || !UploadForm.forbiddenFileTypes.sxd)
UploadForm.allowedFileTypes.sxd = true;
if (UploadForm.forbiddenFileTypes == null || !UploadForm.forbiddenFileTypes.sxw)
UploadForm.allowedFileTypes.sxw = true;
// PDF (allowed, but may be hidden in the interface)
if (UploadForm.forbiddenFileTypes == null || !UploadForm.forbiddenFileTypes.pdf)
UploadForm.allowedFileTypes.pdf = true;

checkFileExtension : function (ext, presence_only)
if (presence_only)
return (UploadForm.allowedFileTypes != null && UploadForm.allowedFileTypes[ext] == true)
|| (UploadForm.forbiddenFileTypes != null && UploadForm.forbiddenFileTypes[ext] == true);
return (UploadForm.allowedFileTypes == null || UploadForm.allowedFileTypes[ext] == true)
&& (UploadForm.forbiddenFileTypes == null || !(UploadForm.forbiddenFileTypes[ext] == true));

verifyFileName : function (filename)
if (filename == null || filename.length == 0) {
UploadForm.errorMsgs.push ('wpNoFilenameError');
return false;
if ( (/(https?|file|ftp):\/\//i) >= 0) {
UploadForm.errorMsgs.push ('wpHttpFilenameError');
return false;
var ok = true;

// Don't allow slashes
if (filename.indexOf ('/') >= 0) {
UploadForm.errorMsgs.push ('wpNoSlashError');
ok = false;
// Check for double extensions
var fn = filename.split ('.');
if (fn.length < 2 || fn[fn.length-1].length == 0) {
UploadForm.errorMsgs.push ('wpNoExtensionError');
ok = false;
// Check extension
var nof_extensions = 0;
if (fn.length >= 2) {
if (UploadForm.checkFileExtension (fn[fn.length-1].toLowerCase ())) {
// It's ok, check for double extension
if (fn.length > 2) {
if (UploadForm.checkFileExtension (fn[fn.length-2].toLowerCase (), true)) {
UploadForm.errorMsgs.push ('wpDoubleExtensionError');
ok = false;
} else {
UploadForm.errorMsgs.push ('wpIllegalExtensionError');
ok = false;
// Check for allowed file name
var one_ok = false;
for (var i = 0; i < fn.length - nof_extensions && !one_ok; i++) {
if (fn[i].length > 0 && fn[i].search (UploadForm.badFileNames) < 0) one_ok = true;
if (!one_ok) {
UploadForm.errorMsgs.push ('wpNondescriptFilenameError');
ok = false;
return ok;

cleaner : null,

clean : function (input)
if (UploadForm.cleaner == null) {
// Because of asynchronous script loading, we need to check whether the TextCleaner is
// already defined. If not, just return the input.
if ( typeof (TextCleaner) != 'undefined'
&& typeof (TextCleaner.sanitizeWikiText) == 'function')
UploadForm.cleaner = TextCleaner.sanitizeWikiText;
if (UploadForm.cleaner && input && typeof (input) == 'string')
return UploadForm.cleaner (input, true);
return input;

resetBg : function (evt)
var e = evt || window.event; // W3C, IE
return UploadForm.verifyMandatoryField ( || e.srcElement);

verifyMandatoryField: function (node, handler)
if (!node) return true;
try {
if ( !node.value
|| (/\S/) < 0
|| handler && typeof (handler) == 'function' && handler.length == 1
&& !handler (node.value))
// No value set, or a handler was given and it is a function taking one parameter, and
// it returned false
var is_error = != 'wpPermission';
if (!is_error) {
var license_field = document.getElementById ('wpLicense');
// Careful here. The fromwikimedia forms appear not to have a license selector!
is_error = license_field == null || license_field.selectedIndex == 0
if (is_error) { = UploadForm.errorColor;
if (!UploadForm.warning_pushed) {
if (UploadForm.errorMsgs != null)
UploadForm.errorMsgs.push ('wpUploadWarningError');
UploadForm.warning_pushed = true;
return false;
} catch (ex) {
// Swallow the exception
try { = '#FFFFFF';
} catch (some_error) {
// Swallow.
return true;

fixCategoryTransclusion : function (str)
return str.replace (/(\{\{)\s*(:?\s*[Cc]ategory\s*:[^|}]*(\|[^}]*)?)(\}\})/g, "[[$2]]");

}; // end UploadForm

var UFFixes =
fixAutocompletion : function ()
// Do the overwrite check also for selections from the browser's "previous entry list"
var dest_file = document.getElementById ('wpDestFile');
if (dest_file && dest_file.onkeyup) {
// For some reason, onchange doesn't fire upon autocompletion in FF and IE6. Don't use
// onblur (recommended as a workaround on some Internet sites), it cancels button clicks
// that cause the focus change. Unfortunately, FF also doesn't fire the DOMAttrModified
// event upon autocompletion. Thus we're stuck for FF. At least the FF people are about
// to correct this bug ( On IE,
// there is a workaround.
if (window.ActiveXObject) { // We're on IE...
// See and
if (!dest_file.onpropertychange) {
var previous_onkeyup_handler = dest_file.onkeyup;
var previous_onchange_handler = dest_file.onchange;
var handler =
function (evt)
var e = evt || window.event;
if (e && e.propertyName && e.propertyName == 'value') {
if (typeof (previous_onkeyup_handler) == 'string')
eval (previous_onkeyup_handler);
else if (typeof (previous_onkeyup_handler) == 'function')
previous_onkeyup_handler (e);
if (typeof (previous_onchange_handler) == 'string')
eval (previous_onchange_handler);
else if (typeof (previous_onchange_handler) == 'function')
previous_onchange_handler (e);
if (dest_file.addEventListener) {
dest_file.addEventListener('propertychange', handler);
} else if (dest_file.attachEvent) {
dest_file.attachEvent('onpropertychange', handler);
} else {
dest_file.onkeyup = null; // Otherwise, both may fire...
dest_file.onchange = null;
} else {
// addEvent (dest_file, 'change', dest_file.onkeyup);

}; // end UFFixes

} // end if (guard against double inclusions)

if (window.$) {
} else {
hookEvent ('load', UploadForm.install);

// </source>

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