Select the area that you would like to retain. The area can be extended or reduced by selecting one of the sides. Once your desired area is selected (the remaining area will turn grey or darker), then double click inside the desired area. The photo will be cropped to that size. <br><br>
The tool is used:
# to reduce the size of large images.
# to remove unnecessary areas in a photo.
|style="width: 50%;|Step 4 - '''Scale''':
Open the image that you want to work on in GIMP. Select the scale tool and click on the image. The image would then have tiny boxes on every side. Another box will pop up. You can insert the measurements that you want in this box. Or you could manually drag with the help of clicking one of the sides and reduce to the size you want.<br><br>
The tool is used:
* to reduce the size of heavy images. It makes uploading on websites more easy.