'''4. Correct Answer :''' If the statement is correct, click on "True"; if not, click on "False."
'''4. Correct Answer :''' If the statement is correct, click on "True"; if not, click on "False."
'''5. Behavior Settings :''' Expanding "Behavior Settings" reveals multiple checkboxes that control how the content reacts based on the user's answer:
'''* Enable "Retry" Button:''' Allows users to retry if they give the wrong answer.
'''* Enable "Show Solution" Button: I'''f the user answers incorrectly, this option will show a "Show Solution" button after they submit their answer. Clicking it will display the correct answer.
'''* Show Confirmation Dialog on "Check":''' Before submitting an answer, the user will be asked to confirm their submission. This prevents accidental submissions.
'''* Show Confirmation Dialog on "Retry":''' Similar to the previous option, but it works with "Retry." button
'''* Automatically Check Answer :''' This will automatically check the answer as soon as it's clicked, eliminating the need for a "Check" button.
'''Feedback Option :''' Under this, you'll find feedback options where you can provide feedback for both correct and incorrect answers. Adding feedback is optional.
Note: These checkboxes should be checked according to your specific requirements. There's no need to check or uncheck all of them.
For better understanding, it's recommended to try checking and unchecking each option one by one and previewing the results.