The user can mark the answer by "selecting the answer→ Right click→ Mark word" after adding content to the gap-fill text box. In this option, the user cannot upload a picture; they are only able to provide words. The user can enter numerous responses inside the vertical bar | |, each answer being separated by the forward slash "/". The correct answer should be placed first, followed by a / add the distractors (many alternatives) (Figure 28). | The user can mark the answer by "selecting the answer→ Right click→ Mark word" after adding content to the gap-fill text box. In this option, the user cannot upload a picture; they are only able to provide words. The user can enter numerous responses inside the vertical bar | |, each answer being separated by the forward slash "/". The correct answer should be placed first, followed by a / add the distractors (many alternatives) (Figure 28). |