Jharkhand - Language Enrichment and Application (J-LEAP) 2024-25
About the Program
The Jharkhand Language Enrichment and Application (J-LEAP) program is a collaborative initiative between IT for Change (ITfC) and Collectives for Integrated Livelihood Initiatives (CINI) aimed at improving language competencies among children attending Anganwadi centers (AWC) in Jharkhand. The program focuses on leveraging digital story-based pedagogies to enhance listening comprehension and creative expression skills, particularly in children's mother tongues and regional languages. This proposal outlines a pilot project to be implemented from December 2024 to March 2025, which will provide deeper understanding for future expansion, covering additional geographies, levels and languages.
Program Objectives
- Strengthen language pedagogies to improve language proficiency of children attending select AWC in Jharkhand
- Support children's language acquisition through the use of story-based pedagogies integrating relevant digital methodologies.
- Enhance CINI team members' capacities to create and utilize contextual digital resources.
- Help CINI team members experience and internalize technology integration, strengthening their technological, pedagogical, and content knowledge.
- Create an Open Educational Resource (OER) repository for easy and universal access to developed resources.
Pre-workshop Groundwork (January 2025)
The pre-workshop groundwork will focus on briefly introducing the program, identification of suitable stories in Hindi, translation of stories into Mundari, and review of selected/translated stories. This online interaction will include around 10 CInI resource persons (and possibly select AWC employees) and the IT for Change team. The agenda for interaction will be as follows:
Online Session Agenda
Date: January, 2025 (TBD) Duration: 5 hours
Time | Topic to be covered | Topic details | Topic resources |
10:00 – 11:00 AM | Welcome & Introduction to J-LEAP | 1. Program overview
2. Objectives 3. Setting expectations |
Introductory Slide-deck |
11:00 – 11:45 AM | Understanding Audio Stories | 1. Demo of sample audio story
2. Discussion on what makes a good audio story 3. Key features to look for |
Sample story - Timmy and Pepe (in Hindi) |
11:45 AM - 12:00 PM | TEA BREAK | ||
12:00 – 1:00 PM | Story Selection Guidelines | 1. Age-appropriate content, language used and content quality
2. Examples of different story formats 3. Finding stories - Where to look |
Story Selection Guidelines document, Storyweaver repository |
1:00 - 2:00 PM | LUNCH | ||
2:30 – 3:15 PM | Hands-on Story Selection Work | 1. Participants work in small groups - Practice applying selection criteria
2. Sharing and discuss selections |
Working document/ form for story selection |
3:15 – 4:00 PM | Next Steps | 1. Timeline for story collection
2. Guidelines for Translation 3. Setting up a review process 4. Discussing the agenda and prep work for next workshop |
Story translation guidelines |