Learn H5P

From Open Educational Resources


H5P is short for HTML5 Package and is a simple way to create and share rich and interactive web content. H5P is modular and consists of several content types and applications. This H5P will allow to teachers to create interactive learning contents and students can use those contents through computers, mobilles and tablets.

Basic information

ICT Competency
Educational application and relevance
Other similar applications
The application on mobiles and tablets
Development and community help https://h5p.org/about-the-project

Working with application

There are different kinds of contents you can create and here are some important ones. For creating any content in H5P, you need to sign up in their website https://h5p.org/testdrive-h5p.

[Image 1]

Once you registered with this site now its time to login and create your first content. To save your created contents, a user account is needed and also later you can modify the created contents. Once you login, It will show the users basic details

There are different kinds of content creation types are :

  1. Course Presentation
  2. Multiple Choice
  3. Interactive Video
  4. Fill in the Blanks
  5. Drag the words
  6. True/False Question
  7. Audio resources

These are some popular content types but in h5P you can find many more types from here

Course presentation

The Course presentation content type allows you to create a slide-based presentation of your learning material. Elements such as text, images, audio’s and videos. By combining any of these resources you can create contents.

Also, this presentation content type which allow users to add multiple choice, fill in the blanks, texts and other types of interactions with in their presentations.