ICT student textbook/Tell a story

From Open Educational Resources
ICT student textbook
Photo and image essays Tell a story Communication with graphics level 2

Tell a story


  1. To add narratives to a picture essay
  2. To build language communication skills
  3. Promote multi-lingual expression

What prior skills are assumed

  1. Familiarity with text editor - basic text entry, inserting images into a document
  2. Local language typing

Resources needed

Hardware, software, Files

  1. Collection of image files
  2. Learn LibreOffice Writer

Digital skills

  1. Local language text typing
  2. Combining images and text
  3. Simple formatting and layout

What prior skills are assumed

  1. How to capture the images from the tools (Mobiles, Cameras, videos)
  2. Import images from the devices (Pen drives, Memory Cards, CD's and DVD's)
  3. How to upload images in the computer system

Description of activity with detailed steps

Teacher led activity

Student activities

  1. Rabbit and tortoise
  2. Food waste (functions and hotels)
  3. Make a biographic photo essay of a famous person
  4. Making woollen clothes making process from photos


How to use the template

  1. {{subst:ICT-Project}}
  2. After the template is inserted go to the side box syntax and add the corresponding chapter link from the teacher handbook

Add a link to the Teacher Handbook