Wellbeing Session 1

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For Facilitator:

  • Well-being check-in with learners
  • To make learners feel heard, valued and connected.
  • To improve communication between the Facilitator and the learners

Children’s time on task

35 - 45 minutes session

Duration of task/activity/lesson

1 day - 1 session

Your Preparation for the Task:

Draw and make cut-outs of the 5 sense organs as shown in the image below

Five senses.png

Further, you can colour and stick them on your 5 fingers(or ice-cream sticks/pens/pencils/rulers/sticks) as finger puppets.

What preparation/material/device would CHILDREN need for this task?

-Access to WhatsApp/Google Meet

-A journal and basic stationery, a pair of scissors, glue/tape, colours.

Inform students prior.

Instruction you will send out (write a crisp instruction)

Start a general conversation with students. You can pick 1 -2 questions from the list below

List of trigger Questions:

  • How did you feel when I shared that we will be having a class today?
  • How have you been?
  • What was the best part of your day today and why?

Begin by sharing your response to the questions you choose and then ask students to share. This enables creation of a comfortable and safe space for students to express their feelings and emotions.

Note : Give students the option to share their response with you privately (on personal message) if they are not comfortable sharing in the group.

Step 2

Tell children that they will be doing an activity now.

Show your finger puppets to children (through image on WhatsApp/showing on GM/Zoom) and ask them to make 2 (or more ) finger puppets based on which questions they would like to reflect upon and share. Alternately, students can choose to simply write their thoughts down with/without making a puppet.

Once they are ready ask them to share their answers to the corresponding sense questions given below -

In the past 1 month

  1. What have they heard? (if they select Ear)
  2. What have they seen? (if they select Eyes)
  3. How/what did they feel? (if they select Hand)
  4. What did they taste(food)?/ How did the month taste? (if they select mouth)

(overall what kind of feeling do they have for the month e.g, it tasted like bitter gourd (karela | bitter) or honey (sweet), or biryani (spicy and hot), or ice-cream (cool), or a salad (mixed feelings) etc)

  1. What did they smell? (if they select Nose)

(e.g, they smelled medicines, or freshness due to rains, or smoke (choking), or like flowers (pleasant) etc)

Suggestion : Write down these questions in a PPT slide and screen share during the meeting or send a screenshot of it in the WhatsApp group.

Phase 2: During the task

Trigger / prompts to support children

  • Our lives have changed in some ways since the lockdown happened. Can you think of ways in which the lockdown/Covid-19 has changed our lives?
  • What do you think about the present situation in our city/village/state (regarding pandemic and lockdown).

Phase 3 – After the task is over

How do you plan to close the task?

Thank students for their honest sharing. Acknowledge their feelings and end on a positive note. Tell them about the next class and convey thanks to the parents for letting their children use mobile phones to attend the class.

Reflections (what went well, what didn’t go well, anything you want to change)

Download session plan