Language and Ecology

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Source: Marudam Farm School, Thiruvannamalai

Age group : 5th , 6th std

Objective: Using ecology (observing living and non living entities) to enhance language.

Lesson plan 1


To introduce vocabulary in the area of diversity of living beings from prior knowledge.

Session 1

  1. Name some insects , birds, mammals, reptiles that you have seen around .
  2. Look at some of the pamphlets available on birds , butterflies, beetles , reptiles etc. Here is a link of some e-pamphlets
  3. Discussion points :

Have you noticed small creatures such as dung beetles , small butterflies ,geckos etc?

What are the characteristics you saw ?

Session 2

Image food chain .png

Objective : To make children appreciate and enjoy the interconnectedness of nature.

  1. Go for a walk for half an hour .
  2. Write down some of the insects , birds, reptiles and mammals that you see ( bring awareness that rats and bats are also mammals )
  3. Make some small food chains (Here is a snapshot of one such made by a child )

Discussion points :

What do you observe in these food webs ?

Do you realize the roles of mushrooms ,ants and termites etc ?

Session 3

Objective : Sharing the learning with the group and building on it which encourages them to work towards more complicated concepts .

Children present simple food chains they have made .Teachers make a food web on the board .(This can be in a computer screen for online classes) Note : Children can also observe creatures inside the house eg. moths , spiders , cockroaches etc )

Discussion points :

What is it that which fascinates you all in the above exercise ?

Image sentence table.png

Session 4

Objective : Using the vocabulary which came out of direct observations to build sentences .

  1. Use Sentence table to make sentences of what/how different animals do/eat. (One such sentence table homework for reptiles below)
  2. Use the food web to make your own sentences similar to sentence table.

Session 5

Objective : Applying language to express the experiences in nature.

  1. Take a small walk and children use the sentences written. Two such examples a child said “Akka! Look the white-throated kingfisher is jumping on the grass and eating a worm. ““Akka ! look at rat chewing the cloth which had peanuts.”

Extensions :

Make a list of locally found amphibians,insects , birds and reptiles bilingually .

Sentence table with past tense verbs can be introduced.

Image insect drawing.png

Lesson plan 2

Methodology : Using drawings for detailed study of entities.

Session 1:

  1. Draw an insect looking at any insect picture and label the parts .
  2. Collect insects and arachnids (dead ones ) near sun shades, under light source etc Look at insects , draw and label.(Make sure children observe and draw details like proboscis etc
  3. Repeat the same for many insects

Session 2 :

Sentence table.png
  1. Use sentence table to describe the parts of the insects and functions (Snapshot of a child's notes )

Session 3

Make labeled boxes of insects, arachnids , birds , plants etc. As children observe , children can add chits of names once they observe an insect , plant etc.

This will be the material for the next session. Based on their observation and collections , classification of insects/birds/plants can be introduced.

Session 4

Classify the chits collected as vertebrates /invertebrates , flowering /non flowering .

Discussion points :

What are the different ways of classification emerging out of this lesson?

Session 5

1. Choose an ecosystem eg. Pond life (Snapshot of the picture board )

2. Write under different classifications from the picture board.

3. If possible visit a nearby pond and connect to what ever one observes. Revisit classification , food chain .

Discussion points :

What are different kinds of similar habitats around you?

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