Learn Robo-compass

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Revision as of 14:10, 14 February 2019 by Preeta (talk | contribs)
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Robo-compass is a Geometry tool for creating constructions. It allows users to make simulations of geometric constructions. The animations are exactly as we do using a physical straightedge, compass and protractor. The construction can be viewed any number of times.

ICT Competency This is a tool for creating resources for mathematics constructions.
Educational application and relevance It is possible to create drawings and animations using Geogebra to explain different concepts in geometry and algebra. It can be used by teachers as an interactive construction board in the classroom for demonstration and student learning.
Other similar applications Cabri Geometry

Kig (software)

The application on mobiles and tablets Phone application not available. It is a web base application.
Development and community help Developed by MathDisk Technologies


Overview of features

  • The animations are exactly as we do using a physical straightedge, compass and protractor
  • The construction can be viewed any number of times
  • A particular step of construction can be viewed to get a better understanding
  • Colorful presentation of arcs and lines will increase interest among the learner


Robocompass is free online software hence internet connection and web browser is required to view the files designed using Robocompass.

Working with the application

Getting familiar with the interface


Using the tool bar – basic

Sign into Robo-Compass using a Gmail account before saving a worksheet.

Sign in to robo-compass