TE year1handbook/Year1 Unit1 Mode of Assessment

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TE year1handbook
Year1 Unit1 Mode of transaction Year1 Unit1 Mode of Assessment Year1 Unit1 Suggested Readings

The student teachers will be assessed in two parts with a suggested split of the 20 marks (internal assessment), for both Unit 1 and 2 as follows:

Participation in the class / course platform forum 4
Portfolio of digital outputs 16

The relative weights of these two parts can be determined by the individual institution. The criteria for each are discussed below.

Participation in class and virtual forums

  1. Participation in class discussions, sharing ideas/experiences,
  2. Volunteering for tasks/ responsibilities and helping peers.
  3. Quality of interactions on the email forum / mobile phone forum, and evidence of collaboration and participation

Portfolio submission

As part of Units 1 and 2, student teachers are to do internet research to access resources, and use the text, image and audio-video editors to create resources relevant to the topic chosen by the student teacher to build their PDL.

Personal digital library: The student teachers are expected to evaluate resources available on the internet based on criteria given and organize these into a personal digital library, on a chosen topic. This topic may be chosen by the student-teacher or allocated by the teacher-educator at the beginning of the program. Student teachers will access and download text, image, audio and video resources on the chosen topic and arrange these in their folders and sub-folders meaningfully.

In addition, each student will write a ‘meta-document’ (using the text editor) which will record their observations, analyses and reflections on the resources collated. The meta-document will also provide a navigation to the resources for the assessor. The student teachers’ ability to evaluate ICT resources and ability to generate meta-knowledge through organizing digital resources is to form the basis of assessment in this section. The library should also demonstrate their understanding of the theoretical framework on OER, licensing, fair use, etc. The actual product ‘quality’ of downloaded resources is not important here, instead the pedagogic thinking of the student, as manifest in the ‘meta-document’ is the key aspect for the assessment.

Digital resource creation: Student teachers are expected to create an image/photo essay, text document with images as well as a simple video file with images, text and narration. These resources will be assessed based on clarity and coherence of ideas presented, appropriateness of the choice of resource creation methods, presentation style, complexity of effort and the overall effectiveness of the resource in communicating an idea. These resources are also part of the personal digital library.

While the student teacher may create many PDLs for her own learning, one PDL on a chosen topic will be offered by the student-teacher for assessment as a portfolio.