Telangana ICT textbook development plan and approach

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The objective of the state education department is to integrate technology into teaching and learning in sustained and meaningful ways. The department is upgrading the school labs in 3,000 schools by building a digital lab and through equipping the classrooms with digital resources. ITfC has been working with the Telangana education department over the last year, to build ‘communities of practice’ amongst mathematics, science and social science teachers in the state. ITfC has trained around 70 Master Trainers in these three subjects. The maths and science resource persons are expected to train their colleagues at the district level during 2016­-17.

SCERT has decided to develop ICT text books which will be used by the school teachers for transacting the ICT curriculum in classes 8 to 10. The text book that is currently available has very limited focus on a few proprietary software applications, not directly connected to school subjects. SCERT has decided to adopt the ICT curriculum developed by NCERT, as the basis for the text book, which leverages the possibilities of ICTs for connecting and learning and creating and learning.

In a consultative workshop, conducted in February with ITfC, NCERT-CIET and HBSCE, SCERT members and a core group of teachers, a plan was developed for the creation of student textbook and teacher handbook, based on the NCERT ICT curriculum. Subsequently, Telangana also participated in a consultative meeting held in RIE Mysuru, by CEMCA, for collaboration on programs on ICT in Education, specifically OER creation. Pursuant to this meeting, in view of CEMCA's experience in the area of OER creation, the Telangana Department of School Education has invited CEMCA to support the creation of ICT textbook and handbook, as outlined above, with ITfC as an implementation partner.

A proposed plan of action has also been prepared and submitted to SCERT for the development of the ICT textbook and handbook.

Scope of the ICT textbook and handbook

It is proposed to develop the ICT syllabus with the following components:

  1. A textbook for students, that introduces ICT skills and applications in a project based way, integrated with the different school subjects. The core competencies and skills to be covered in the text book will be determined based on the National ICT curriculum and the Telangana state subject text books and academic standards. The text book will take a project based approach to the attainment of these learning competencies.
  2. A handbook for teachers and teacher educators to help them implement the syllabus as well as support their own knowledge and learning of the ICT applications based on the NCERT ICT curriculum. This accompanying handbook will facilitate the transaction of the ICT syllabus and also provide meaningful linkages to curricular and co-­curricular areas.
  3. The text book will need to be planned keeping in mind the existing timetable and syllabus requirements and will also make recommendations on guidelines for school level implementation.

Key principles of development of the textbook and handbook

  1. The ICT text book development will be done in a collaborative manner, with the resource group set up by SCERT. This will be developed and shared on a portal called the Telangana Open Educational Resources (TOER) which can form the basis for further OER development by teachers and teacher educators in the state. This portal will be using the media­wiki platform.
  2. Developing the ICT text book as an OER will support the teachers and teacher educators to think of the OER principles while using and developing curricular resources – re­use, revise, remix, retain and re­distribute. This will promote the adoption of OER in the state.
  3. Working with SCERT to develop the ICT text book as OER will also build capacities of SCERT, teachers and teacher educators to develop OER.
  4. The ICT text book will be based on the NCERT ICT curriculum, hence it has reasonable chances of being re­used / adapted in other states in India. This will leverage the investment in the development of the text book, which is an important principle in OER adoption. Telangana could be undertaking a pioneering effort in the creation of curricular materials that can be adopted across the country.
  5. This will be developed in a phased manner, with focus on completion of materials for 1 year at a time, this has been mapped to Class 8 of the Telangana state syllabus. After class 8 text book is completed and reviewed, a similar approach may be taken fir classes 9 and 10. If all three classes ICT texts are produced as OER, it will help state governments across the country to adapt the same for their ICT@Schools high school program, which is a MHRD program, being implemented across the country.