Telangana ICT implementation approach

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The aim of the Telangana state education department (DSE) is to integrate technology into teaching and learning in sustained and meaningful ways. The department is building digital labs in schools and equipping classrooms with digital resources. IT for Change (ITfC) has been working with the Telangana education department to build ‘communities of practice’ amongst mathematics, science and social science teachers in the state, to build teacher capacities for ICT integration in education.

DSE has decided to develop ICT student text books and teacher hand books which will be used by the school teachers for transacting the ICT curriculum in classes 6 to 10. The text book that is currently available has very limited focus on a few proprietary software applications, not directly connected to school subjects. DSE has decided to adopt the NCERT ICT curriculum, as the basis for the text book, which leverages the possibilities of ICTs for connecting and learning and creating and learning.

In a consultative workshop, conducted in February with NCERT-CIET, HBSCE, ITfC, SCERT members and a core group of teachers, a plan was developed for the creation of student textbook and teacher handbook, based on the NCERT ICT curriculum. Subsequently, Telangana also participated in a consultative meeting held in RIE Mysuru, by CEMCA, for collaboration on programs on ICT in Education, specifically OER creation. Pursuant to this meeting, in view of CEMCA's experience in the area of OER creation, DSE invited CEMCA to support the creation of ICT textbook and handbook, as outlined above, with ITfC as an implementation partner.

Three workshops were subsequently held with a core group of teachers and teacher educators to design and develop the text book and hand book as follows:

  1. Consultative workshop 16,17 September 2016
  2. Review workshop 17-21 October 2016
  3. Finalisation workshop 21-25 November 2016

Scope of the ICT textbook and handbook

The ICT syllabus is developed with the following components:

  1. A textbook for students, that introduces ICT skills and applications in a project based way, integrated with the different school subjects. The core competencies and skills to be covered in the text book will be determined based on the National ICT curriculum and the Telangana state subject text books and academic standards.
  2. A handbook for teachers and teacher educators to help them implement the syllabus as well as support their own knowledge and learning of the ICT applications based on the NCERT ICT curriculum. The handbook will facilitate the transaction of the ICT syllabus and also provide meaningful linkages to curricular and co-­curricular areas.
  3. The actual transaction of the text book will factor in the existing timetable and syllabus requirements, this is discussed in the guidelines for school level implementation.

Key principles of development of the textbook and handbook

  1. The ICT text book and hand book development has been done in a collaborative manner, with the resource group set up by DSE.
  2. The books have been developed and shared on a portal called the Telangana Open Educational Resources (TOER) portal, which is maintained by ITfC. This will be made available on the Telangana Open Educational Resources (TSROER) portal, which is the state OER portal. The TSROER can support the further OER development by teachers and teacher educators in the state. This portal will be using the Media­ wiki platform, which is used by the Wikipedia digital encyclopedia.
  3. Teachers and teacher educators will access, create, revise and share curricular resources, the OER processes of re­use, revise, remix, retain and re­distribute, will help them become familiar with OER and support the on-going development of TSROER. Through participating in processes of resource creation, capacities of SCERT, SIET, teachers and teacher educators will be developed in adopt OER.
  4. The ICT text book will be based on the NCERT ICT curriculum, hence it has reasonable chances of being adapted in other states in India. Telangana could be undertaking a pioneering effort in the creation of curricular materials that can be adopted across the country.
  5. The text book and hand book will be developed in a phased manner as follows
    1. Book 1 will be for classes 6 - 8.
    2. Book 2 will be developed subsequently for classes 9 - 10
  6. The Book 1 will provide sufficient basic digital literacy for students, such that the department can explore offering classes 9 onwards with vocational ICT education, as is being considered currently by MHRD. Telangana can have two paths for students, one which will build the next level of NCERT ICT curriculum for general education, and a second path for vocational ICT education
  7. In Book 1, the subjects of focus will be maths and science.
  8. During one year, 30 weeks of instruction time will be assumed with 3 periods per week.

Approach and intent of the NCERT ICT curriculum

  1. The curriculum has been based on the aspirations and guidelines set in the National ICT Policy which focuses on building the skills of computing, creating and collaborating through safe, ethical, legal means of using ICT.
  2. Ability to handle ICT environment, creating original content, sharing and learning and focusing on educational and learning processes rather than on specific applications are the key principles of this curriculum.
  3. The curriculum has been designed keeping in mind the various possibilities of creative expression possible through ICT applications and platforms available today and also seeks to build a mindset that will explore and such applications on an ongoing basis.
  4. The curriculum does not take a conventional approach to building digital literacy on specific applications but rather emphasizes a thematic, project based approach to ICT learning. Hence the text book does not focus on the teaching of specific software applications, but instead on the pedagogical processes that underlie the same. For instance, instead of learning a specific office suite - word processor, the focus is on 'text editing' - meaning how can a teacher create, modify a textual resource, enrich it with images, web links etc. This approach will enable integration of ICT with multiple school subjects.
  5. There is a curriculum for teachers to develop their ICT skills as well as for students. The overall principles of the student and teacher curriculum remain the same though specific areas of content focus may differ.

The themes of The National ICT curriculum

  1. Connecting with the world: Technology is providing new ways for us to access information and learn. Along with this, evaluating information and using it appropriately become skills to be developed. This theme will focus on accessing the internet, evaluating resources available and creating meaningful personal digital libraries for self learning. This will also include an introduction to
  2. Connecting with each other: A related dimension of connecting through ICT is in possibilities for learning in communities from each other. The focus of this theme will be on how to interact and learn in peer learning settings and through online, virtual forums. Collaborating an learning is a key learning expectation from this curriculum.
  3. Interacting with ICT: Building skills and aptitudes in a technology environment is an important expectation of this curriculum. The theme will focus on building a more proactive approach to engaging with technology, evaluating appropriate technology choices, maintaining ICT infrastructure and becoming critical users of technology, being aware of the social and economic implications of technology.
  4. Creating with ICT: This is a theme that focuses on building computing and creating skills in students and teachers using various ICT applications. These include data analysis and processing, creating graphics, creating audio visual communications, working with mapping applications, creating resources with specific school subject related applications and programming.
  5. Possibilities in education: ICTs have changed how we learn, the processes of learning and even places for learning. Numerous applications have also been developed for subject learning. Along with this, it has become necessary to develop a critical perspective on technology in education, an understanding of how technology will alter learning processes, making appropriate choices of technology, media and content and evaluation of technology for various learning processes.
  6. Bridging digital divides: Technology holds a lot of promise for development. Technology can also lead to exclusions and marginalizations. Understanding the social, economic and political impacts of technology as well as an understanding the various possibilities of platforms can help in making sure technology can be used for equitable opportunities. Another area of focus in the curriculum is in the use of technology for exploring inclusive education possibilities.