Telangana finalisation workshop ICT textbook November2016

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Over two collaborative workshops (September 16,17 and October 17-21), following actions have been competed:

  1. Approval for the scope of the ICT text book, in line with, NCERT ICT curriculum and the state curricular expectations
  2. Review and approval of the table of contents, along with suggestions for lesson outlines and teacher and student activities
  3. Review and approval of the structure of the teacher handbook and development of parameters for school level implementation
  4. Decision to adopt Media wiki platform for the development of the Telangana State Repository for OER (TSROER). This state repository will comprise resources developed by DSE, SIET and teacher created resources.
  5. In-principle agreement for a participative OER creation and adoption through the formation of a State resource editing group (editors) and resource curating (academic experts) group

A workshop to approve the final draft of the student text book and teacher handbook as well as design the OER adoption processes in the state, will be held from Nov 22-26.

Objectives of the workshop

  1. Core group to review and finalize the student text book and teacher handbook and recommend the final versions for approval to the DSE
  2. To orient a core group of teachers and text book editors who can lead the implementation of the new ICT syllabus in the state, including text book / hand book implementation
  3. To develop a training plan for teachers across Telangana, for the implementation of the text book
  4. To review and approve the OER processes and form the state level group for leading OER creation, OER review and curation and OER publishing

Expected outcomes

  1. Review and approval of the text book and teacher handbook for the ICT program implementation
  2. Approval for the design, layout and structure and templates for the OER repository, in terms of architecture, content and process
  3. Development of a process document for the OER creation-review-feedback-upload cycle
  4. Development of a plan for the teacher training and orientation for the text book and the TSROER implementation

Agenda and Methodology

Materials to be reviewed / considered during the workshop

  1. An approach note describing the text book development processes and the plan for school level implementation (will be uploaded on TOER wiki by Nov 18th )
  2. Draft student text book and teacher handbook for Book 1 (covering classes 6-8)
  3. Development of a meta data document for curating the digital resources of the state
  4. Process note for the OER adoption processes in the state, through a Media wiki platform
  5. Development of a plan for technology training and orientation on the new text book

Participants and lab

This is proposed to be a participatory workshop with a mix of theory, discussions and hands-on work. A group of 4-6 teachers from each of the subjects – Mathematics, Science, Social Science, Languages will be part of this workshop, along with the core text book team members, they will jointly review the text book as well as the OER processes and facilitate the ICT program in the state.

Workshop Resources

  1. ICT Text book
  2. ICT Hand book

See us at the workshop