Digital Tools for supporting writing

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Writing is a difficult skill. It can also be a skill to strengthen cognitive advanced language proficiencies (CALP) in students and in adults (teachers). As a 'creation' and 'expression' requiring skill, writing is something to value and cherish. Developing writing skills in every learner is therefore a valuable aim.

Learning to write is a process. It would require many things to come together - ideas, expression, vocabulary etc. Getting the 'right ideas' is itself a very complex and challenging ask, it depends to a large extent on life's experiences - actual and vicarious.

In this complex process, digital technologies can play a role.

At an extreme, we can use a LLM AI tool to simply generate the output - but this by itself will not build writing skill.

Rather, using different digital tools, for specific purposes, can act as learning aids to our building our writing skills. The concept map provides some possibilites in this direction.