Mindfulness Activities and Worksheets

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We are presenting here 5 Mindfulness exercises. These need to be first practiced by the facilitator and then can be conducted with children.

Image Source: Creative Commons

1. Basic Relaxation Breathing

Inhale through your nose: 1-2-3-4.

Exhale through your mouth with lips pursed, blowing gently, like blowing a bubble: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8.

Repeat 3–4 times.

2. Belly Breathing

Place one hand on your abdomen above your belly button and one hand on your upper chest.

Relax your abdomen.

Breathe in through your nose and fill your lungs.

Allow your lungs to expand downward and move the bottom hand.

Avoid shallow chest breathing or raising your shoulders.

Exhale slowly through pursed lips

3. Core Practice


Find yourself a comfortable position.

Close your eyes.

Pay attention to your breathing.

Breathe slowly in through your nose and out through your mouth.

Imagine the air slowly filling your lungs and body and then flowing out again.

When you notice that your mind has wandered, acknowledge it, accept it, and

then bring your attention back to your breath.

Notice your belly moving as you take slow belly breaths.

Continue for a minute (Note: shorten or lengthen as needed).

Open your eyes and return to the room.

4. Awareness of Object

Choose an object that is small enough to pick up easily and hold in your hand.

Hold it in one hand and pass it to the other hand. Notice how heavy or light it is in your hand.

How big is it? Rub your fingers over the surface.

Are the edges rough or smooth? Observe the shape, color, and texture of the object. Feel any imperfections in the surface or ridges or indentations.

Pay attention to whether it feels smooth, or rough. Does it feel cool or warm to your fingers?

Is it sticky, greasy, slippery, wet, or dry?


  1. Leave the object on the floor or table
  2. Become the sensations in your hand
  3. Bring your attention back to your breathing without altering the nature of your breath
  4. Gently open your eyes
5. Awareness of sounds

Sit peacefully and comfortably and at one place with your legs folded.

As you feel settled, slowly close your eyes.

Try to listen to the sounds around you that you can hear, near or far.

Notice these sounds and where they are coming from.

Listen for some time.

Slowly bring attention back on your sitting.

Very slowly open your eyes.

As you come back, take a sheet of paper and write what you heard.

A non-profit- organization Apnishala has also developed some Mindfulness Activities which can be referred and used.