

From Open Educational Resources
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The size of the public education system in most states could help to create a sufficient volume of interaction in the professional learning communities. The networking of teachers using digital technologies can make the large size of the system as a strength, as the large number of teachers participating in the network could be a benefit in terms of the volume of resources created and shared by them. Even if only a very small percentage of teachers from the public education system participate, in absolute numbers, it is likely to be large enough to provide a base for OER creation.It is necessary to license all these digital resources as ‘open educational resources’ (OER), since that would enable the resources to be freely re-used, revised and re-distributed. This also needs to be formalized through state curricular policy, by which all materials developed using public funding would be released as OER.
The size of the public education system in most states could help to create a sufficient volume of interaction in the professional learning communities. The networking of teachers using digital technologies can make the large size of the system as a strength, as the large number of teachers participating in the network could be a benefit in terms of the volume of resources created and shared by them. Even if only a very small percentage of teachers from the public education system participate, in absolute numbers, it is likely to be large enough to provide a base for OER creation.It is necessary to license all these digital resources as ‘open educational resources’ (OER), since that would enable the resources to be freely re-used, revised and re-distributed. This also needs to be formalized through state curricular policy, by which all materials developed using public funding would be released as OER.
=== Program for OER creation, revision and publishing ===
The initial phase of the PLC program can focus on building digital literacy and capacities for integrating ICT for TPD and practice.  Subsequently, a program of OER creation can be designed within the PLC program.
# The steps for the OER program include
# Establishing an academic review group
# Designing the processes of OER creation, review, revision and publishing with the academic review group
# Workshops for capacity building of select teachers in OER access and creation
# Continuing OER creation by the OER teams post workshops, in virtual mode
# Review of OER submitted, by the academic review group
# Rework of the OER and final approval for publishing
# Publishing of OER on the state OER Portal
==== Establishing an academic review group ====
==== Designing the processes of OER creation, review, revision and publishing with the academic review group ====
==== Workshops for capacity building of select teachers in OER access and creation ====
==== Continuing OER creation by the OER teams post workshops, in virtual mode ====
==== Review of OER submitted, by the academic review group ====
==== Rework of the OER and final approval for publishing ====
==== Publishing of OER on the state OER Portal ====
Subsequently, interested and capable teachers can be identified and OER workshops can be organized with these teacher groups, again by subject.
In these OER workshops, teachers can be organized into teams and each team assigned (based on interest and or capacities) one or more topics from the state syllabus. Teachers can access existing resources for that topic, create resources using different digital tools, revise available and relevant OER to make new resources. The teams can also do an internal review of the resources and the plenary of teachers can review the work done by different teams during the workshop.
The processes of resource creation does not have to stop with the workshops. The department could have a program of having teachers create resources, in a collaborative manner, over virtual networks and submit the same to resource review teams.
=== Creation of OER in local languages ===
=== Creation of OER in local languages ===