From Open Educational Resources
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===External Web link===
===External Web link===
When you want to link a page from outside the TOER website, (external link)<br>
When you want to link a page from outside the TOER website, (external link)<br>
Syntax is as follows: Open Square Bracket,followed by the URL/web page address,followed by a space and then the description of the link.
Links can be added through the "Link" icon (links in a chain) in the toolbar.
If you select (highlight) text and then press the "Link" button, that text will be used in creating the link. For a link that involves just one word, you can either select that word or just put the cursor within that word.
<nowiki>[ Wikipedia Page for Surds]</nowiki>
will read as
[ Wikipedia Page for Surds]
<br>'''' - is the web link
<br>''Wikipedia Page for Surds'' - name of the link
===Internal Web link===
===Internal Web link===