ICT student textbook/Educational applications for learning your subjects level 1 learning check list

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ICT student textbook
Getting introduced to lines and angles Educational applications for learning your subjects level 1 learning check list What is the nature of ICT level 2

Check your understanding


  1. Do I know how to open Geogebra, create a sketch and save the file?
  2. Do I know how to draw the different geometric constructions like line, line segment, polygon, measurement of length and angle?
  3. Do I understand the difference between algebraic and geometric view?
  4. Have I learnt how to format the constructions?


  1. Do I know how to work on Kanagram and identify words from a word jumble?
  2. Do I know how to add a word (or words) to a category on Kanagram on my computer?
  3. Do I know how to add a category and words within that category?