ICT student textbook/The globe on your table with Marble

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ICT student textbook
Your desktop atlas with KGeography The globe on your table with Marble Concluding remarks

Marble is a digital atlas. It provides the physical geography of the Earth. It does not provide the political geography (with political borders dividing the continents into countries etc).


  1. Understanding how the interactive environment of Marble, as a digital atlas
  2. Playing with the features to explore and learn
  3. Explore Geography concepts with Geogebra


  1. You can see the Earth as a 3-D model and explore different maps provided. You can open the "Atlas" map to see the different continents and oceans. You can rotate the Earth to see the entire globe. You can simulate the rotation of the earth by moving the Globe from left (west) to right (east). You can use the mouse to increase the zoom to see a place in more detail. You can move the Atlas to see India and increase the zoom to see the cities and towns in Telangana. Pick up any country of your choice. Try to move the Atlas to locate that region (though you will not see the country name, you can locate the cities and towns, rivers and mountains of that region).
  2. You can
  3. Show the 'Precipitation (July) map. Is there any pattern in the rain heavy zones? Does it depend on the Latitudes?
    1. (tip - Is there more rain in the northern hemisphere than southern hemisphere? Within the northern hemisphere, is it heavier in some parts, are these related to the latitude of that place?)
    2. Why is the rain heavy in the south west coastal part of India (including coastal Karnataka)? Why is there a vertical strip where there is very less rain?
  4. Show the 'Precipitation (July) map? Is there any pattern in the rain heavy zones? Does it depend on the Latitudes?
    1. While North India around tropic of cancer has good rainfall, why is the same tropic of cancer region in Africa without any rain at all? Tip - This is the Sahara desert region. Is the lack of rain the effect of it being a desert or is it vice versa?)
  5. Show the 'Temperature (July) map.
    1. Where is the weather hotter - northern or southern hemisphere?
    2. In the northern hemisphere, where is it the hottest? Why?
    3. Why is it hotter around tropic of cancer in Africa and West Asia, compared to India?
  6. Show the 'Temperature (December) map.
    1. Where is the weather hotter - northern or southern hemisphere?
    2. Why is the southern hemisphere not as hot in December as the northern hemisphere is in July?
    3. In December, the northern hemisphere has larger areas which are colder, compared to Southern hemisphere during July. (or the range of temperatures in northern hemisphere is much more than the southern hemisphere). Why?

Basically discuss what are the various factor that affect weather/climate - latitude, vegetation/forest area, coastal region v/s hinterland (distance from sea/water body), altitude, land mass vs water body etc)

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