From Open Educational Resources
Revision as of 12:48, 1 November 2016 by Ranjani (talk | contribs) (→Teacher training on the offline digital repository)
TSROER Content - preparation of meta data
- ITfC will share meta data sheet in line with NROER meta data -"Creation of metadata for the SIET resources before TSROER upload, IT for Change, October 2016.ods"
- Approval of meta data for the existing SIET content by DSE / SIET
- Filling the spreadsheet with meta data for SIET content (Assume this is the same content shared with 1,500 schools via hard disk)
- Read the instructions in this sheet
- The second sheet ‘NROER meta data’ contains the NROER meta data elements. Please read it to become familiar. This sheet is ONLY for reference.
- The third sheet ‘TSROER meta data’ contains the NROER data elements, along with how it will be implemented in TSROER. A sub set of the NROER meta data elements will be collected now by the SIET team for TSROER. These TSROER meta data elements will be input into TSROER when the video is being uploaded into TSROER
- The fourth sheet ‘TSROER meta data input’ contains the TSROER meta data elements which need to be collected now, in a columnar format. This sheet will need to be filled in by the SIET team, with one row per video. Please fill this carefully, ensuring correct spelling an same spelling for same word throughout document. The first row in this sheet is the field headings. A dummy record has been entered in second row, this is for your reference only
- To begin with, this activity can be done for select videos from maths, science, Social Science, Telugu and English topics for classes 6-10 which are popular. In a phased manner, it has to be done for all digital resources
TSROER Platform creation and configuration
- ITE&C will provide and configure the 1 TB web space
- The name of the TSROER portal can be – http://TSROER.telangana.gov.in (this is to be confirmed formally by DSE)
- Installation of the Media wiki platform on the 1 TB space by ITfC team
- Configuring Media wiki for allowing content upload
- DSE will hire a 2 member team to maintain the site
Uploading the OER on TSROER server
- Preparation of a 'OER upload process document' by ITfC to help SIET upload resources on TSROER
- Some meta data elements will be typed in the wiki commons form (Name of file, Description, Source)
- Some will be typed in the "File Page" (Created by, Content_org, Teaches)
- Some will be selected through 'Category' (Name of topic, Education subject, Level)
- Some will be automatically generated by the Media wiki (thumbnail, Resource type, File Page URL)
- Some will be part of the 'Activity Page' which will be created later.
- Login to the TSROER wiki, with SIET user id and password
- Uploading the video on the wiki with the TSROER meta data elements as per the ‘TSROER meta data input’ sheet and the 'OER upload process document'
- Edit the wiki video page and add the ‘File template’ information and ‘category’ information for the file
- Create the master page on the home page, providing access to all the video pages.
- Creating the main page to access the resources
Teacher training on the offline digital repository
- To familiarise teachers with the resource organization on the offline repository (hard disk)
- To demonstrate example lessons integrating the resources for teaching learning
- To develop basic digital skills of accessing resources and creating a personal digital library
- Use of computer and connecting to hard disk
- Safe operation of hard disk
- Accessing and copying the resources from the hard disk
- Creating files and organizing lessons in a folder using the resources from the hard disk
- Telugu typing in text editor for creating lessons using the resources
- A training lab with computers and projection
- Installation of Ubuntu/ Libre Office
- Completion of meta data document shared by ITfC which will have the categorization of resources
- Identification of 3 resource person per district (list shared by ITfC from the RPs trained in 2015)
Suggested agenda
- Understanding files and folders organization on a computer and understanding of hard disk as an additional storage device
- Safe handling of a hard disk - mounting, reading and unmounting (Demonstrate using a pen drive, hard disk)
- Exploring the hard disk with a file browser, searching for a file or files using a file browser search function
- Understanding the creation of a personal digital library with the help of the meta data spread sheet which will give information to the teacher about content on the video
- Name of the resource
- Intended use
- Asso
- ddfagrgre
- Becoming familiar with the list of resources shared in a spread sheet (hard disk resources with meta data sheet), learning to use sort and filter functions to select the videos required
- Becoming a member of the tsmaths@googlegroups.com and tsstf@googlegroups.com and similar for other subjects
- Rules for sharing questions, comments, suggestions about the use of videos for teaching and self learning in the google groups, and for SIET / RPs to respond to these queries
- Preparing the orientation plan/ note for teachers from 1,500 schools to use the e-content in Hard disks supplied
- Conducing the orientation / training for MRPs
- MRPs conducting district wide orientation / training for teachers
Launch by Hon’ble DY CM of the Digital Classroom
- Teachers using the e-content supplied to them through Hard disks
- Inaugurating / soft launch of the TSROER portal