Project medicinal plants and uses

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Revision as of 18:36, 29 February 2016 by Aditya Kumar (talk | contribs)

Medicinal plants in our Village


  1. Can take pictures of medicinal plants
  2. Can collect the data of medicinal plants
  3. Can make a video of medicinal plants
  4. Can making an interview
  5. Can understand the Uses of plants
  6. Can make a book

What prior skills are assumed

  1. How to take photos
  2. How to take an interview
  3. How to collect the data
  4. How to enter the data
  5. How to record audio
  6. How to use spread sheets

Resources needed


  1. Paper,Pencil
  2. Camera or Mobile
  3. Computers


  1. Spread sheet and text editor

Project output


  1. Interviewing
  2. Data collection
  3. Data entry and analysis
  4. Presentation
    1. Pictures
    2. Audio and Video Presentations

Digital portfolio

Level 1

  1. Tabulation
  2. Analyzing the data
  3. Text summary of interviews

Level 2

  1. Capturing photographs of Medicinal Plants
  2. Text summary of interviews and analysis with photographs
  3. Making poster of the plants which they collected
  4. Making and Distributing pamphlets among the school children
  5. Writing Slogans about the uses of the plants on the walls

Level 3

  1. Compiling Video clips of interviews
  2. Compiling the data as a book
  3. Concept maps exploring achievements in various areas.

Implementation notes

Notes for the teacher

When during the school year will it be done

  1. Level 1-
  2. Level 2
  3. Level 3

Duration and modality of the project

  1. Data collection - through homework based questionnaire
  2. Data entry - 1 week
  3. Data analysis - 1 week

Subject anchor