Template:Explore an application

From Open Educational Resources


ICT Competency

Educational application and relevance



Overview of Features

Other similar applications

Development and community help

  1. User manual for Marble is available on http://docs.kde.org/development/en/kdeedu/marble and https://docs.kde.org/trunk5/en/kdeedu/marble/index.html
  2. Community support is available on https://marble.kde.org/support.php

Working with the application


  1. Please label images as Step 1
  2. Please add 450px
Image Image Image Image (Step 1) Image Image Image Image (Step 2)
Texttexttexttexttext Texttexttexttexttext Texttexttexttexttext Texttexttexttexttext Texttexttexttexttext Texttexttexttexttext Texttexttexttexttext Texttexttexttexttext Texttexttexttexttext Texttexttexttexttext Texttexttexttexttext Texttexttexttexttext Texttexttexttexttext Texttexttexttexttext Texttexttexttexttext Texttexttexttexttext Texttexttexttexttext Texttexttexttexttext Texttexttexttexttext Texttexttexttexttext
Image Image Image Image (Step 3) Image Image Image Image (Step 4)
Texttexttexttexttext Texttexttexttexttext Texttexttexttexttext Texttexttexttexttext Texttexttexttexttext Texttexttexttexttext Texttexttexttexttext Texttexttexttexttext Texttexttexttexttext Texttexttexttexttext Texttexttexttexttext Texttexttexttexttext Texttexttexttexttext Texttexttexttexttext Texttexttexttexttext Texttexttexttexttext Texttexttexttexttext Texttexttexttexttext Texttexttexttexttext Texttexttexttexttext

File formats for creation

Saving the file

Export and publishing files

Advanced features


Method of installation Steps
From Ubuntu software Centre Steps
From Terminal Steps
From the web Steps
Web based registration Steps

The application on mobiles and tablets

Marble is not available on mobiles and tablets. There are apps for Android, for physical and political geography of the Earth

Ideas for resource creation

You can create information for analysing in select topics in Geography. Students can explore the maps for different topics such as 1. Rainfall patterns in July and December in India (corresponding to South west and North East monsoons), rainshadow regions, and explore causes for different rainfall patterns 2. Latitudes and longitudes, the role of each and differences between the two


How to use template

{{subst:Explore_an_application}} on the page you create for your tool. Page Name should be "Learn ToolName"