TE year1handbook/Year1 Unit1 Mode of transaction
Transactional Strategies
The theory and practice of ICT will not be split into discrete sections in terms of transaction, these will flow into each other; the underlying concepts will be discussed before, or along with, or after the hands-on sessions in the ICT lab. Many of the elements of ICT mediation course require practical work, however, the theoretical basis for many of these activities will be introduced through class talks, lectures and group discussions. Practical sessions will be conducted in the ICT laboratory, which must be equipped with a laptop connected to a slide projector, white board and students-teachers having access to computers with Internet connectivity.
Lecturing, conducting small group and whole class discussions, reading, watching films/videos, arranging guest lectures and organising class talks are modes of transacting this paper. Student-teacher assignments, notes, resources prepared can be uploaded on an institutional Wordpress or MediaWiki or Moodle platform for wider sharing.
A mailing-list of student-teachers and faculty should be created in the beginning of the term and student-teachers must be encouraged to actively participate in virtual discussions on topics covered in the classes and labs. Guest faculty can also be invited to participate in these lists. The mailing-list can also serve to share information and announcements with student-teachers.
For providing opportunities to students for working in the ICT lab, the teacher will need to create login-ids for each student. A separate login-id for each student will enable to keep the work of the students secure and easily accessible, this is necessary for assessment of the students work over time and at the end of the year. It is likely that the number of students exceeds the number of computers in the ICT Lab, hence more than one login-id will need to be created on a computer. Teams of 2-3 students can be formed, and each team will work on a computer designated for it, on which the login-ids of member students have been created. All the digital materials created by each student will be secure within their own part of the data stored in the computer, and no student will be able to access the data of another student since it will require the login by that student.
Unit | Objectives | Suggested activities for classroom transaction / ICT Lab activity | Suggested Assessment techniques |
Unit 1- ICT for connecting and learning | |||
1.1 History of ICT | understand the history of ICT, including digital ICT | Class talk - History of ICT in the context of technological change in society and what distinguishes digital ICTs | 1. Write an assignment/ present a project on evolution of ICTs across human history which would be presented in class in teams of 2-4 students.
2. Reflect on any one change that has had a profound impact on society; compare it with the change ICTs have brought |
Basic familiarity with ICT devices and applications | develop digital literacy, through familiarisation with commonly used ICT devices and ICT infrastructure | Type the lessons in the typing software such as Tux Typing and Mouse handling skills using Tux Paint e.g. Single clicking, Double clicking, Right click, Drag hold and drop etc
Reference: Explore a computer, Learn Ubuntu |
Opening the computer cabinet and identifying the different internal components.
Installing a FOSS educational software on the computer |
ICT for connecting and learning - Accessing the global digital library | learn access to internet for accessing curricular resources | Demonstrate and practice the student activity in the ICT lab - Use different browsers - Firefox, Google Chrome to explore features and of browser window: Address bar, History , Bookmarks, Favourites etc.
Reference: Learn Firefox |
Assessing the resources downloaded related to your topic from different sites. |
ICT for connecting and learning - Professional learning communities of teachers | build collaborative networks to support peer-based continuous learning | Demonstrate and practice the student activity in the ICT lab - Creating a student cohort group and sending / receiving emails.
Reference: Learn Gmail |
Review of the email discussion threads for quality of contribution |
Creating your own personal digital library | understand the ethical and inclusive use of ICT | Demonstrate and practice the student activity in the ICT lab - creation of a PDL on a topic
Reference: Learn Ubuntu |
PDL quality and comprehensiveness |
Equitable access to ICTs | understanding possibilities for equitable access to ICT | Class talk, Presentation and discussions -
Role of FOSS and OER in supporting free and open creation and sharing of digital resources, using digital tools, in universal access to ICTs |
Accessing information and preparing a note on the Free Software movement and Open Educational Resources movement in India and Karnataka |
Ethical use of ICT | understand the ethical and inclusive use of ICT | Class talk, Presentation and discussions - ethical use of ICT - avoiding plagiarism | Searching for articles on ethical use of ICT from the internet and writing a summary note on the same |
Internet Safety | Understand the safe use of internet | Present and discuss newspaper articles on frauds and crimes committed through Internet / social media | Contribution to presentations and discussions |
Unit 2 - ICT for creating (generic resources) and learning | |||
Concept mapping | learn the use of digital methods for creating, revising curricular resources in text (concept map) format | Demonstrate and practice the student activity in the ICT lab - creating concept map on identified topic.
Reference: Learn Freeplane |
Concept map on the topic identified for building personal digital library. |
Text editing | learn the use of digital methods for creating, revising curricular resources in text format | Demonstrate and practice the student activity in the ICT lab -
Reference: Learn LibreOffice Writer |
Text document on the topic identified for building personal digital library. |
Making a slide presentation | learn to present a digital lesson / story created | Demonstrate and practice the student activity in the ICT lab -
Reference: Learn LibreOffice Impress |
slide presentation on the topic identified for building personal digital library. |
Creating an image resource | learn the use of digital methods for creating, revising curricular resources in image format | Demonstrate and practice the student activity in the ICT lab -
Reference: Learn Tux Paint, Learn Screenshot |
image resources on the topic identified for building personal digital library. |
Creating an audio-visual resource | learn the use of digital methods for creating, revising curricular resources in audio-video format | Demonstrate and practice the student activity in the ICT lab -
Reference: Learn RecordMyDesktop |
audio-visual resource on the topic identified for building personal digital library. |
Combining text, images and audio-visuals to tell a story or teach a lesson | learn to combine curricular resources in different digital formats to write a lesson or a digital story | Demonstrate and practice the student activity in the ICT lab - | a multi-media resource on the topic identified for building personal digital library. |