ICT teacher handbook/Building a personal digital library

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ICT teacher handbook
Professional learning communities Building a personal digital library ICT for generic resource creation

The Internet has enormous possibilities of accessing information. This changes the way we can think of learning and the skills of learning. Skills of accessing information, organizing, evaluating information are very important.

Information can be accessed in multiple ways from the Internet and we need to know how to search for information on the Internet. Sources of information, even if freely available on the Internet, needs to be acknowledged. There are different formats of resources available on the Internet - images, videos, audio files and each of these files have different formats. We must be aware of Internet safety while accessing images, videos and other information on the Internet. We already saw that each website is a page on the Internet and has an address. We can either copy and paste the link directly in the address bar of the browser (shown above). Another way of finding information on the Internet is through the use of a search engine.

Objectives of a personal digital library

You can build a resource library is on the following :

  1. identify, classify and organizing learning resources (for self) and for classrooms
  2. build personal resource libraries for classroom ideas
  3. do curriculum analysis identify appropriate ICT resources for various learning needs - analyzing and abstracting, evaluating and problem solving
  4. develop a concept map of learning outcomes and map to resources

Steps in creating a personal resource folder

There are several steps in creating a resource folder. The specific technology actions for each of these steps, is available under the relevant application in the Explore_an_application page

  1. Make a folder on the computer by topic
  2. Create a 'meta' document which will provide your thoughts on the topic and link the resources you have collected to these thoughts
  3. Access relevant resources from Internet
  4. Save pages, images, videos
  5. Insert into document
  6. Copy and paste links
  7. Insert links into document
  8. Format document