Learn Lumi

From Open Educational Resources


Lumi is an educational platform designed to provide interactive and engaging learning experiences for students. It offers a range of features and tools for both teachers and students to enhance the learning process.

With Lumi, teachers can create and deliver lessons, assessments, and assignments in a digital format. They can incorporate multimedia elements such as videos, images, and interactive activities to make the content more engaging. Lumi also provides tools for real-time collaboration, allowing students to interact with their peers and teachers during lessons.

Lumi aims to create a dynamic and interactive learning environment, leveraging technology to foster student engagement and facilitate effective teaching practices. It can be used in both traditional classroom settings and remote learning scenarios, providing flexibility and accessibility for educators and students alike.


For Ubuntu

To install Lumi through the terminal, follow the below steps :

  1. Open terminal by clicking Applications->System Tools->Terminal or through keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Alt+T
  2. In the terminal window, type below command and press enter key
  3. sudo snap install lumi
  4. Now type your ubuntu password(it will not display on your screen),press Enter

For Windows

  1. https://app.lumi.education/#download and Click on the 'Windows' option. Select the 'Download Installer for single user' option. This will download Lumi installation (.exe) file to your computer.
  2. Locate the downloaded .exe file on your system (usually it will be in your Downloads folder) and double-click on that file to start the installation.
  3. You will be prompted to install the software. Follow the instructions given on the window to install the software.
  4. Once the software will be installed. You can now open the Lumi application by double-clicking on the Lumi icon on the desktop screen or go to the applications list, search using the search box feature, and click on the application icon to open.

Working with Application